God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Long Beach-WA Peninsula

May 6th: The day dawned beautifully following the wet and windy nighttime hours.

We were just lazing around, doing as little as possible while drinking the  mid-morning brunch smoothies Holland whipped up for us … Holland was chuckling at some YouTube videos, and I was watching a pay-for-view Barbra Streisand movie, while finishing up the body work of the project I am designing.

After I finished my delicious smoothie, I went upstairs to lay down for a half hour-45 minutes: I had been up since 4 A.M., coughing, and hadn't want to wake Holland with all the tossing and turning - so, I got up to grab a cup of coffee, and just stayed up. Now breathing easier, I needed a quick power-nap ;-)

Holland's tasty 'Green Smoothie': ginger, garlic, tomato, carrot, spinach, & celery ;-)
Just about ready to wrap this project up …

I was just settling in and getting my body comfortably situated, when piercing weird music tore through the air outside and roughly brought my sleepy thoughts out of the drowsy cobwebs.

What on earth?

Cutting through the tweaked 'good humor wagon' music, came a verbal message. I instantly sat up when an uncomfortable thought ran through my mind - 'Wake your senses all the way up, Val! This weirdness is the Long Beach-WA Tsunami Warning system - weird, but true …' I stumbled to the foot of the bed, and groggily said, "Holland …" And he answered, "I hear it too, and I'm listening".

We listened for a few minutes; we stilled our breathing and waited for some indication of an approaching monstrous wave - the birds were still trilling, the ground was not quivering, and there was no hemispheric roaring … doomsday silence was absent, Independence remained standing on a firm sandy foundation, and there was no atmospheric disturbance happening.

It seemed to us, to be a normal day at the beach.

Curious, we drove down the Ocean Park Approach to see if we could visually see an approaching danger riding on the waves.

Nothing unusual.

The waves were a bit choppy - but nothing out of the ordinary. This is the Pacific Ocean; the waves are always in rebellious mode, here.

The sky was encouraging; seagulls lazed about on the warmed beach sand.

People and dogs trolled the beach; neither seemed unduly concerned about getting their feet wet in the beaching waves.

Holland and I exchanged 'I don't get it' looks, before Holland pulled out his phone to see if he could find out what the warning had been about.

All he could find was a tornado warning: you read that right.

I just shrugged my shoulders. Tornadoes don't come off the water … hurricanes, do; but at this point (with craziness erupting in all corners of the planet) in Life on Earth, nothing would surprise me.

Holland checked his phone for alerts, and got this instead of a tsunami warning …
The ocean looks 'normal'.

We watched the waves for a little bit - it was apparent there was no tsunami approaching … up, or down, the long beach ;-)

When we got back home, I went on line to see what I could find about nearby global disturbances that would have triggered the warning siren we hear earlier.

I also checked to see if I could find anything about an incoming tornado riding the local waves.


But what I did find was more disturbing: if a tsunami ever did strike this region, the State has decided the ocean can claim our lives!

Chinook-WA, Ilwaco-WA, Long Beach-WA, Klipsan-WA, Ocean Park-WA, and Oysterville-WA are all right in line with the beach line. The only high points, that might be considered safe havens, are Fort Columbia & Cape Disappointment … and those hillsides would be choked immediately with traffic jams of fleeing people; these sites would also immediately be filled to capacity as the hillsides can only contain a fraction of the population - they are steep hills with limited parking area, steeply dropping off on all sides to the raging ocean below.

It angers me that the State would not allow people the opportunity to risk waves leaving the peninsula, as opposed to hopelessly facing a monstrous wave wall of an incoming tsunami.

I am pretty sure Holland and I would be rebels, and break through the barriers. If we are going to die a watery death … we get to chose how we go down. We are not going to allow the State to chose our death for us.

On another note: the only warning I came across at all, concerning the waves in our immediate vicinity, was a warning to small ocean vessels about choppy waters.

WTH - the State cannot trap people on a spit surrounded by water!
The only warning was 'high winds' & 'stay off the water'.

So, we got on with out lives in the moment.

Holland cooked the meal he had been planning.

I watched movies and worked on my crochet project.

We banked on Love to securely hold us - Elohim's love; and our love :-)

Holland's pork stir-fry … Holland's 'Pork Stir-fry': seasoned/marinated pork bits, spinach, tomato, celery, garlic chunks - it smells wonderful. Slow cooking makes everything tender :-)
While Holland created a meal - I continued creating my design …
Holland's stir-fry was delish; Colby cheese & scrambled eggs added just before serving; YUMMY!
Just needs a final fitting & to be joined at the shoulders ;-)

Crystal Gayle - 'You Never Gave Up on Me Lyrics': (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewSpqahsQM)

Sunday, May 5, 2024


May 4th: The other day we were talking about the predicted high cost of fast foods ($30 for a hamburger at a hamburger joint!!), and Holland told me he makes a tasty 'juicy lucy' … and since I'd never heard of such a thing before, he said he'd make me one ;-)

So, last  night he made them up and put them in the 'fridge … and today, he cooked them …

Holland made these THICK burgers up last night.
This morning, he drove up the street a few paces, after over-sized Burger Buns …
The kitchen smells wonderful.
I got back to working on the item I am designing for Holland; I like making things for the people I love.
Somehow I managed to eat the whole thing ;-)

Holland's Juicy Lucy Burger consisted of 4 hefty angus beef patties (2 patties pinched together, to each serving); centers filled with a mixture of chopped scallions, chopped garlic (not minced, leave chunky), grated Colby cheese, his own seasoning blend … served on over-sized buns spread with mayo, slow-cooked red onions, tomato slices & spinach leaves. SO GOOD!

And since I am only eating 1 main meal a day, I didn't feel even a twinge of guilt while chowing down ;-)

Healthy weight loss goal.
Baby Food Diets are not wise …

Holland can't stand long - his back and knees get painfully inflamed; so, when we finished eating, I did the dishes so he could just relax those angry nerve endings. We are both hoping there will be some relief for his aching knees in the near future … but the damage to his back is something else; and I'm thinking only Yeshua can take care of that problem.

After that delicious Supper, and after the dishes were done (Holland is good about kitchen clean up while cooking, so I didn't have much to do), we were both feeling fat and sassy. And we both relaxed the evening away listening to the steady rainfall outside, while he watched his YouTube stuff - and I watched a few vintage YouTube pay-for-view Movies (I did a Barbra Streisand blitz) - while continuing work on my designing item: I hope to have that finished before this month ends.

Worked steadily while enjoying vintage movies 'til bedtime ;-)
Having fun with my new watch.
New Watch Post

Saturday, May 4, 2024

HISTORY~Shabbat 2024, Ocean Park-WA

It's important to KNOW actual History.

For decades, American Collages and Universities have taught the LIE that "the Holocaust never happened".

For decades, American Collages and Universities have taught the LIE that there is "a Palestine": the actual Palestine DIED OUT GENERATIONS BEFORE the British military in Israel after WW2, decided arab squatters (who gave ear to adolf hitler's insane murderous ranting) should have a piece of Israel … THAT is what has led to the arab madness (fueled by nazi lunacy THEN and NOW) that has had the last century, and a huge part of this century, it a crazy political grip.

HISTORICAL FACT: Upon achieving power following a political coup blitz, adolf hitler destroyed germany's democratic institutions and transformed germany into a war state intent on conquering Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race.

Today, in America, barak hussain obama announced during his pollical coup more than a decade ago, that he would "transform the landscape of America" - his end goal was to end Christianity in America, and establish a muslim foothold. He promptly announced that American Christians are "domestic terrorists" - and he promptly secured congressional seats, judicial seats, and religious seats for hard-core Jew-hating & American-hating muslims.

What is happening across America with the installment of (1) a muslim Jew & America hater IN the OVAL OFFICE (2) a senile obamanite PUPPET in the White House to further the muslim AGENDA; rioting mobs inciting racism and burning city blocks to the ground; a mindless & lawless distortion of TRUTH & Law and Order FROM CONGRESS, as well as the Oval Office: is a nazi ploy straight out of adolf hitler's handbook, of using politics & court rooms to carry out dictator demands (obama, clinton, pelosi, schumer, schiff, jeffries, cheney, beutler, biden, ellison, carson, omar, tlaib - ALL openly hateful toward Israel & America).

Following the collapse of nazi rule with the victory of D-Day, American politicians REFUSED to allow a ship of war-weary JEWS into American ports … BUT nazi doctors (some who had worked in barbaric concentration camps) were WELCOMED with open arms.

So, now, in America we have mentally-ill {doctors} using a twisted scientific view to further the agenda their forefathers were employing in the concentration camps - to the point behind demonrat's crying loudly for the {right} not only to abort babies at ANY STAGE of life … but also to allow full term babies to starve to death following birth (under the 'watchful eyes' of doctors and nurses, of course); and to unwanted "abort 3 year olds". This evil happened in nazi concentration camps - it has NO PLACE in American {hospitals}. And if that doesn't satisfy the warped scientific 'minds want to know' lunacy, school children are being brainwashed to accept twisted scientific doctrine, even to the point of physical mutilation (brainwashing can be undone - reversal of making a eunuch out of a male child cannot; the removal of a young girl's breasts cannot) 🤬

American {churches} are also parroting political lunacy from the pulpits (same as in nazi germany), and a large part of society is engaging in- and celebrating debauched perversion (same as in nazi germany).

History that has been dismissed repeats itself until Truth sets it right. And if society refuses to straighten up and fly right … civilizations that have fallen prey to wickedness and embrace evil, die out.

American politicians are in the grip of barack hussain obama's muslim hate-fueled ANTI-American tirades & crazy-train-TDS; and Cities, & College campuses, are erupting with full-on hatred & discrimination that is as old as the the rift between ishmael and Isaac: where this arab hatred towards Jews actually began.

And in all this hot mess, most Americans remain silent (same as german citizens in nazi germany).

Fence straddling has got to come to an end.

Americans have to decided which side of the fence they will firmly stand on.

And wishy-washy christians need to get back to Christian TRUTHS-man up-stand up-and lift their voices.

My Church Teaches What? – Pastor Mark Henry: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V4EP65bg6c)

Stopping a tyrannical overthrow of the United States AND the WORLD, the stripping of our Liberties & Freedoms BEGINS with YOU. Do your part and STAND UP for yourSELF before you no longer have a self to stand up for!!!

Friday, May 3, 2024


Today was pretty low-key.

And filled with humor … as well as unknown blessings.

Yoda dropped by the Pioneer Market, as we were pulling out ;-)

We had to drive to T-Mobile in Warrenton-OR to trade our internet tower in, for an updated one. Our tower has stopped working, and we are using the RV Park connection to get online; we want our own connection that will be reliable when we are road tripping - so, off we went toward Oregon, this morning.

We were there for 2 hours; everything had to be synched with the tower - including the new watch I came home with ;-)

It was a watch I have been wanting basically for the heart rate monitoring & activity calorie burning tally feature … and the price was right; sale price was $10 to walk out the door with it, and $14/mo. x 24 months. It was doable.

This feature will relieve some stress for Holland's peace of mind.
This feature will keep my weight loss goal on track.
I've never seen this before, here: a 'minus tide' in Chinook-WA.

The best feature for me is that there is no metal whatsoever on it that will touch my skin - metal burns my skin like acid, it burns into my skin, and will literally peel the skin off me when it is lifted (I even have to be careful with the miniscule metal on eyeglasses): no metal is a big score :-)

No metal; anywhere. It's perfect ;-)

I'm considering the tower snafu to be a blessing: it being on the fritz got us to T-Mobile, where a watch was waiting for me. Again, Elohim heard my prayer and prepared the way for me.

When we got home, Holland made us a tasty Supper smoothie: so good!

Today has been a perfectly wonderful day - even with the rain.

I have been blessed in every way possible, this Shabbat :-)

Liquid Supper tonight - a veggie-fruit smoothie; Holland's own recipe - he makes these recipes up on the fly. YUM!




May 2nd: I've been sleeping pretty much around the clock; asthma is seriously draining me :-(

So, this morning when Holland saw me looking out my window, he knew I was missing my Bible Study gal pals. He said, "How about we get you out of the house, and get some fresh air for you." I am so worn out from trying to stay alive … but, I agreed. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired; some fresh air sounded wonderful.

We originally drove down the road a bit to the Ocean Park Beach Approach - about 5 minutes from our front door, and Holland's favorite waves viewing spot ;-)

As we were getting into Betsy, I noticed busy bees flitting among the little white flowers I assumed to be ground daisies … they were wild alpine strawberries instead.

And I spied a heavily blooming Lilac, across the street.

Strawberries, out our front door!~Ocean Bay Mobile & RV Park; #2515 Bay Ave, Ocean Park, WA
Wild Strawberries of the PNW
Lilacs blooming, across the street.
A calm ocean today; Ocean Park Access-WA; #1100 Bay Ave, Ocean Park, WA

The waves were so calm today.

That made me curious.

So, I asked Holland if we could drive to the Seaview Approach and see what the waves looked like there: to me, they seem to be wilder at that end of the beach.

There were surprises waiting for us there ;-)

A little wilder - but still mild; Seaview Approach-WA
What is that, on the beach; Seaview-WA
A dead baby whale; and people vultures were already picking it clean.

We noticed something on the beach - and people milling around; Holland said it was probably a beached whale: he was right. The stench lingered on the ocean winds, for miles up and down the beach: a salty, ocean-briny-rot odor. Very ripe.

Then he told me about a dead beached whale that had been blown up around Coos Bay-OR; seeing my raised eyebrows, he said, "Go research it. It really happened". And I burst out laughing at the sheer spectacle of flying whale fat.

But, nothing could have prepared me for the actual footage.


It really wasn't funny; it was actually pretty seriously dangerous for the spectators - but, I am still laughing.

Exploding Whale 50th Anniversary, Remastered!: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPuaSY0cMK8 & Exploding Whale; Florence-ORhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_whale)

Beach drive …
Beard's Hollow, in the distance.
A Bald-headed Eagle, and his mate.
And there, at that rocky point, is where my life nearly ended in the Summer of 1971.

My new POW stepfather swam out to retrieve me - he was chest deep in waves when he grabbed me, and seriously said, "If you struggle on the swim back, I will knock you out". The waves definitely were not safe, for either of us - and John wasn't being mean spirited: he said it very calmly. He knew I was uncomfortable in deep water, and I knew that if I panicked, both of us would have perished. I had been teenage stupid, and he would have been justified.

Seaview Approach-WA

As we left the beach behind, we spied The Depot Restaurant … and Holland nipped into their parking lot: he remembered the convo with locals the other day.

I noticed, as we pulled around the building to park, that The Depot has it's own chuck wagon … if the food is good today, I will be looking for it among the other's :-)

This is the only depot still in its original location; and it is currently operating as The Depot Restaurant, which celebrates local history by maintaining the building; and filling the interior with railroad murals, memorabilia, and life.

This is the only Clam Shell Railroad Depot still in its original location.
The Depot Restaurant, located at #1208 38th Pl, Seaview, WA
This historic 132 year old Train Depot feels like a French Café, with it's cozy interior and retro vibe.
Tables are set up very nicely; dry statice flowers, dried teasel stems, and evergreen sprigs.
The Depot's Margarita … (((NO!))) I did not like it at all :-(
Beautiful Wall Mural.
Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Company~Clamshell Railroad:
 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilwaco_Railway_and_Navigation_Company & https://www.chinookobserver.com/life/seaview-and-clamshell-railroad/article_4163f726-b522-5c23-a7b3-90a201f6887c.html)
Railway Poster.
The restaurant features a Display Kitchen, where you can watch your meal being prepared ;-)
The 'Clamshell' Engine, hung above our table.
Clamshell Railroad’s First Run Recalled:
We both ordered the 'Tinker's Treasure' Burger with Tots; YUMMY! The burgers were fat and juicy-messy … but delicious; I wore my napkin as a shirt bib - and was glad I did ;-)
The food here is top cuisine, and the prices are reasonable.
The margarita was small compared to other places; on the steep side, and not very tasty; the large sized coke was priced right, & the burgers were reasonably priced.

The gourmet 'Tinker's Treasure' Burgers were a delight to the taste buds; made with a hefty beef patty, goat cheese, red onion, shallot, mushrooms, & baby greens - and a side of special house sauce with the tots.

I'm not going to lie: the total tally was spendy, but also worth every penny. The food was top-hat, the service was attentive … and informative. We learned a lot about the place, the ownership, and other local places to explore and enjoy ;-)

This was very good restaurant meal at a reasonable price when you consider that you will be forking out $21 for a Subway sandwich! NO

And $30 is the predicted price for a Hamburger at a fast food place! NO

Thank you, Husband, for a Day Out; thank you for treating me to a spoiling day, even when I look a fright & feel out of sorts ;-)
This trip back to WA, we've tried most of the food offerings, from Seaview to Long Beach.
We plan on checking this out too, at some point - it's literally 5 minutes away.

Today was a good Day, spent with my loving Husband; next Thursday though, I hope to be with the girls in Rosburg.

Holland understands - and is supportive.