I used to walk every day.
Several miles.
Every day, all year long: for decades.
Even through my Widowing Years, when I had to literally force one foot in front of the other.
Walking balances me, and puts the "happy" in my life ;-)
Last January I remarried: that's a good thing :-)
Holland relaxes by cooking - and he's a good cook; he cooks 95% of the meals we eat.
I've gained 20 pounds since Holland came into my life: that's a bad thing :-(
Even though living as road gypsies keeps us {on the go} ... most of the "go" is done sitting. Sitting does not burn calories.
But here, at Del Pueblo RV Resort, we are going to be hunkering down until the end of February sometime: that is, we will be spending a few months in one place.
Holland will get a break from driving.
He will not be hauling Independence around every 2 weeks; he's happy about that. Holland has done righteous by me - in that he's been faithful to grant my wish of "seeing America": we've crisscrossed America pretty steadily since April, covering 19 States and driving 15,000 miles in 8 months' time.
We like Arizona; Holland has lived here before, but it's a new experience for me. I like it. So, I am in total agreement to set pegs and spend time whittling away time here :-)
Holland lives a more sedate life than I do: I'm {on} all the time - and I'm really missing my walks :-(
I'm missing the activity.
I'm missing the feel-good mood booster walking releases with each step forward.
I'm missing the enjoyment of scenery.
I'm missing the muscle toning.
I'm missing the whole-body-benefits daily walking generates.
So, this afternoon while watching Bleu do his 'I need to get out and run' pacing up and down the livingroom floor … I said to Holland that I was going to go online and try to track down a walking park where Bleu and I could burn off some excess energy.
Bleu and I need to be active; or we get snappy. Holland will appreciate the activity fallout of peaceful serenity when we walk back through the front door ;-)
Holland shut down his laptop and said he'd come with me if I didn't mind - of course! I didn't ask him to join us because he was busy with his pals on FB … and I am bending to give him {space}; but if he wants to come with us, I'm more than okay with that!
I slipped sandals on, snapped my mileage meter to my jeans waistband - and off we went :-)
We started our walk in Winterhaven-Ca, on one side of the River … and ended it on the opposite side, in Yuma-AZ:
Both Parks are a 20 minute drive (40 minute loop) from our front door.
It was an enjoyable day … and a definite repeat (possibly Solo Lobo) now that both Holland and I know where these places are located.