God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, May 12, 2024

SUNDAY FUNDAY~Mother's Day & Holland's B.D 2024; Longview-WA

We had made plans earlier this week to go to the little church on Willow Street … but we kept it to ourselves in case our plans went sideways; the last time either of us had been in fellowship there, was around Christmas 2022 - before we married.

It was also Holland's Birthday today, so he wanted to visit with family (and Bleu) too, while in the general area - so, I dolled up a bit :-)

Sparkly from head to toe …

I had incoming Mother's Day texts all day, & Holland had Happy Birthday texts.

It was a fun time at the little Kelso church; I like the Pastor and his family … and of course, they know Holland and Crystal very well. So, after service, we visited for a while with everyone - and I was told that Holland had helped redesign and restructure the little church (front entrance: completely totally revamped & the inside also updated). I like listening to people who have known Holland in the Past talking - and revealing bits and pieces of his life before he made me part of it.

Willow Street, Kelso-WA from Ocean Park-WA; 1 hr. 47 min (82.2 mi) via US-30 E
Holland helped with this front construction.
Crystal & me.

Scott & Lana's house is the next block over - maybe 5 minutes away. Crystal joined us for a short visit with her Aunt and Uncle, and cousin Jake; and of course, Bleu was jumping all over her too, when we arrived.


Everyone, including the dog was happy with the gathering of The Clan: it was a fun time having Holland, me, Jake and Crystal all together again ;-)

Driving through Longview, on the way back to home on the peninsula, Holland pointed out the houses on the hill that he and his brothers worked on, on "snob hill":

Holland, Scott & Tito did construction work on the pillared beige house & the houses on either side of it.

Passing through Astoria, I laughed when I saw this gypsy house in front of us:

A tiny gypsy wagon; Astoria-OR

It was a good day, today :-)

A good, relaxing drive; both directions.

A good time of Fellowship, friendship, and companionship.

A good time of easy unity - all the way around.

(((THANK YOU, Yeshua!)))

SHAVUA TOV 2024; Long Beach Peninsula-WA

We can't get enough of this beautiful outdoor weather.

We spent some time at the beach again this afternoon - but this time, we didn't just drive up and down the beach … we parked instead, and just enjoyed the sunshine, roaring waves, and comfortable chit chat among ourselves.

Cranberry Road Approach-WA
We spent about 2 hours here today; watching waves, watching people, watching birds … & talking.
Holland surprised me with this tea flavor; perfect for a sunny Shabbat afternoon at the beach ;-)

Holland knows I like twisted tea when the weather heats up, so when he sees a flavor I've not tried yet, he buys it. And since Holland was driving, I enjoyed my cool drink while enjoying the sunny beach activity :-)

Essentially, Twisted Tea is a malt (a type of beer) beverage - so, it isn't spiked with any hard liquor; it is made with a base alcohol that is brewed like beer, along with real black tea, citrus flavors, and sweeteners. Twisted Tea contains about the same amount of alcohol as a typical beer … the can reads 5%.

When we got home, I spent about 2 hours finishing up my project … we are both happy with the way it turned out; it's not fancy, but it will do what it is deigned to do: keep my husband warm.
Holland is cold a.l.l.t.h.e.t.i.m.e., so I designed this vest with double-thickness in mind; he likes it ;-)
It is a relaxed, comfortable fit.
Another surprising flavor; I'm gonna finish this off as Shabbat comes to a close.

Like all alcoholic beverages, Scripture (Old & New Covenants) prohibits abusing wine and beer (Isaiah 5:11; 28:7; Proverbs 20:1; 31:4). But in moderation, drinking beer was encouraged (Proverbs 31:6). In fact, Deuteronomy 14:26 actually commands Israelites to use some of their tithe money to "buy some wine or similar drinks" and celebrate before the Lord.

So, I do not have any qualms at all about drinking my twisted teas during Shabbat … or any other time during the week, with moderation: Christians are allowed by Elohim to drink alcohol, but we are forbidden to get drunk.