God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, January 27, 2024


This morning, after I did my daily exercises, I got a little fancy with clothing: it was Shabbat Eve - and I wanted to welcome ministering angels into our home wearing something different than the pj's which have been my chosen comfy winter attire ;-)

This morning's exercise Post - MINISTRATIONS: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/01/ministrationsmy-senior-exercise-plan.html)

When I came into the livingroom, Holland looked at me like, 'are we going somewhere?' I laughed and said, "I want to get back to dressing a bit fancier on Friday's. I used to do this before … get a little gussied up to greet the Shabbat ministering angels." Holland shot me a blank look - and I asked, "You've never heard of ministering angels?" I know he has because his entire family can quote, verbatim, the entire Bible; but I said anyway - "Abraham and Sara, Daniel and the lion's den, Paul and his first missionary journey, Peter and the jail break …" He said, "Yes, I've heard of them; I just didn't know they were a Sabbath thing." I said, "They usher in the Shabbat peace. This winter hibernating bear feels the sunshine, and wants to welcome them in a little bit of style, on Friday's now." ;-)

The word for angel in Hebrew is malak (mal'ākh, מַלְאָך) it occurs 213 times in the Hebrew Bible. Because angels obey the Lord and serve Him (Psalm 103:20-21), Elohei Haelohim (el-oh-hey hail-oh-heem; The God of Gods) will often dispatch them to minister to Believers.

In the Scriptures, angels are described as “ministering spirits” who serve believers (Hebrews 1:13 & 14). Elohei often chooses to use angels to carry out His Will just as He often uses humans to bring about His divine purposes.

The scriptural truth that angels minister to believers is reassuring, but people must remember that God is the One who deserves the praise and glory.

Susana Allen - Shalom Aleichem song; Lyrics and Translation:

Angels are divine beings used by Elohim, Who sometimes chooses to send His angels to assist His children - but the ministering angels are not the central focus of Scripture - nor should they be the focus in a Christian life: ministering angels are significant only because they display Elohei’s care for His Own. Angels can be sent to offer physical help to believers, but oftentimes they give spiritual aid to Christians who are undergoing hardships.

Although the Bible is clear that angels minister to believers, there is not much information about how this is conducted practically … although we do know that during Yeshua Ha'Mashiach's earthly ministry, He was often served by angels during - or after difficult trials.

For instance, angels ministered to Yeshua after Lucifer tempted Him in the desert following his water baptism by John the Baptist (Matthew 4:10 & 11; Mark 1:12 & 13). Also, when Yeshua prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest & subsequent crucifixion, angels attended Him there, also (Luke 22:42 & 43).

A few examples in Scripture do indicate that angels can be used to provide physical relief from suffering. In Genesis 21:15-20, we read that Yeshua, Himself, took pity on the rebellious Hagar and her son; and sustained them in the desert. It is recorded in the Book of Daniel, that Daniel’s life was preserved in a den of hungry lions (Daniel 6:19-22) and the apostles were released from prison by an angel (Acts 5:17-20). Also, Paul was safeguarded during his ministry by an angel sent by the Lord (Acts 27:21-24). The angels’ serving role is noteworthy not only because of the help provided to followers of Christ but also because it displays Elohim’s care for His children. Angels are not the ones who deserve recognition or glory because they are merely obeying God and serving Him by helping Christians.

As the Apostle John wrote, the Lord alone deserves the praise and glory of any help that Christians are given by angels (Revelation 22:8 & 9). Peter recognized this truth when an angel freed him when he was imprisoned by Herod (Acts 12:5-17). Instead of giving credit to the angel, he recognized that the Lord was the one who rescued him.

Bringing honor and glory to God is the significant work of angels who serve believers as ministering spirits - and what better service, than to be messengers of peace as Shabbat is ushered in :-)