God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, February 15, 2025

NEW CAMERA TRIALS; The Camel Stop Gas Station & Old Post Office in Quartzsite-AZ

This afternoon, we decided to try out my new camera 👌

Holland is planning some adventurous explorations when we get to Kingman-AZ, next month - and I want to be proficient in the use of my new toy 😉

I had thrown a load of laundry into the washing machine before Holland suggested a new camera trial drive; so, we had to wait for the timer to wind down. During that waiting period, we discussed tentative future plans - and watched traffic in and out of The Pit Stop parking lot - one of the converted school buses was painted in a cosmic mural theme:

A Cosmic Bus went through The Pit Stop, this afternoon …

As soon as the washer beeped it's cycle finished notification, we were out of Independence and settled into Betsy's cab 😊

Holland mentioned he was going to look for an old gas station that was supposed to be located along Main Street - and I said, "Oh - I know where that is! I showed it to you earlier this week, but your mind was otherwise occupied and you didn't notice. I know exactly where it is."

So, that's where we went.

I'm going to try out my pretty, new, toy; today ;-)
Good weather for new camera experimentation.

I wasn't sure exactly how this new camera worked, but it is kinda similar to my older digital camera, so I figured it out pretty well.

The first couple of pictures were sketchy … but, by the time we were shown inside the gas station, I knew the working mechanisms & managed to get some keepable shots off 👊

I was lining a frame up for the gas station, when a fella came out of another building and said he'd tell me the background story of the old building; and show me the founding paver, too.

Of course, I was interested.

So, he talked, and I walked alongside listening.

The 1st Gas Station in Quartzsite~this is a copy of my previous picture, that did not turn out well.
1931 Ford; not sitting on the original frame~this is a copy of my previous picture, that did not turn out well.
Original Gas Station Owner, WG Scott, Sept. 7th, 1932~this is a copy of my previous picture, that did not turn out well.

There isn't much paperwork background info on this gas station - other than what this fella relayed to me, this afternoon. Internet searches report that The Camel Stop Gas Station in Quartzsite, Arizona was built in 1940 and is now abandoned - this is not true. As you can clearly see by the picture I took today, of the original marker, the Historical Notation clearly reads the Original Owner's Name, & Dates the business at 1932.

Internet sources also report that the building is abandoned - also, not true. The building is privately owned, and houses a miniscule collection of vintage style cars and trucks:

1st audio recording on my new camera - inside The Camel Stop Gas Station: it now has a temperature moderated interior; Quartzsite-AZ
This vintage car was undercut to fit a newer S10 chassis; it also hosts a V8 motor. It is a hot-rod vintage model. It's road savvy.
This car is a 1981 Kit-Car Replica: a special request of Ford, and designed to vintage scale.

We were told as we left the gas station, that the little white building directly across the alley driveway - is the original Quartzsite Post Office building - built in 1910.

The fella showed me around it's 2 small rooms: it is basically a trinket shop, now. Internet searches report that it, like the gas station, "is an abandoned building", but that is not true, either.

Quartzsite's 1st P.O. Building.
Quirky coolness: I like it, it's kinda 'steampunky' 😊

After this short, but informative drive along Main Street, we headed back home to see how our trial snaps and vid's turned out: except for the first three, they turned out beautifully 😁

Uploading them took some time. There was some frustration 🤔; but tempers were not tripped 🙏 - and as neither of us are stupid people, I eventually figured the process out, and Holland proudly praised me … while I praised The Lord and thanked Elohim, for their help 👍❤️

I don't do well with frustrating situations: so, an ensuing migraine followed the jubilation, and I laid down for a relaxing hour. But, I was very thankful and grateful for the devine help in getting me from A to B in regards to figuring out where the pics and vids had been uploaded & stored, in my Laptop. And Holland was thankful and grateful, too, that tempers were not lit, there was no scorched earth to deal with, and the roof stayed securely over our heads (his little firecracker - yours truly -  did not go off, as anticipated by both of us) 😉

When I got back up, we ate lightly … and because I have hands that need to be busy, I worked some on a new pattern:

Scrap Bag design ;-)

Life is good.


Elohei is faithful.

And, all is well in our small corner of the world 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨


I am going on record as stating that I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS APPOINTMENT.

This White woman is NOT {a pastor} of good Christian standing!

She speaks her opinions … which take a seriously drastic turn from actual Scripture.

She was a prominent figure in that cursed "Toronto Blessing"; and is a Dominion Theology adherent.

This woman is dangerous - she is a ravening wolf who will bring trouble to The White House, America, and ultimately to Christians, as she is not an adherent to true Christianity.

This appointment does not sit well with me.

Paula White-Cain will return to the White House as a Special Government Employee and Senior Advisor of the newly created White House Faith Office: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/president-trump-announces-appointments-to-the-white-house-faith-office/

Paula White, thrice-married spiritual advisor, has stated: “I hear victory in the corridors of heaven,”; and told her congregation, “Angels have even been dispatched from Africa right now. They’re coming here, in the name of Jesus, from South America.”

Two months later, Ché Ahn, a close ally of White, issued a stunning prophecy at the Joshua March in Washington, D.C., “I believe that we are going to throw Jezebel out … and we are going to rule and reign through President Trump, and under the worship of Jesus Christ.”

Angels from Africa: Reckoning with the New Apostolic Reformation: https://baptistnews.com/article/angels-from-africa-reckoning-with-the-new-apostolic-reformation/

President Trump IS NOT GOD.

President Trump is NOT "the voice of God".

The Church will not "rule through President Trump"!!!!

This is very dangerous to have this woman given such a prominent position.


SIMPLE LOGISTICS~Capitalism vs Socialism

This 6 years ago FB Post about Socialism v.s. Capitalism (near the bottom of this post), is a repost because TOO MANY PEOPLE cannot grasp SIMPLE LOGISTICS.

Last night, add the end of one of my recent Blog Posts (in which I made mention that America does not need any of the goods being boycotted by Canada); I got this response:

{{obscure - February 14, 2025 at 11:32 AM: A basic google search will tell you what we get from Canada and why you should care - gas, electricity, car parts, wood, metals, uranium, transportation materials and cement. We had to put our retirement home on hold as all the builders are raising prices in anticipation. You're going to be affected more than you realize.}}

So, naturally, I returned a reply:

Reply; ROAD GYPSIES - VAL & HOLLAND~February 14, 2025 at 11:44 PM: ((We can get all that from down here, in America - and that is why we voted for president Trump: we are sick and tired of being held hostage by everyone around the globe that does not have our best interests in their thoughts.

Americans have had their retirement plans on hold since 2009, when barak hussein obama brainwashed everyone into thinking global mindset was the way to go … it has been a dismal disaster.

What Canada "has to offer" America, is what America has GIVEN them in shifty political maneuvers by crooked politicians; that, Thank God, is finally going to be reined in.

And "American Company's & Brands" will have to come back TO America to process and sell their "American" products; or be hit with a hefty fine. "American made" products made in Canada, is being halted.))


Canadians are basically socialist, with a global mentality. They claim to be a liberal country … BUT they are RULED BY GREAT BRITAIN - they are NOT "a people onto themselves". They CANNOT draft their own Constitution, Set of Laws, have OPEN Medical practitioners or services, GROW their OWN FOOD, or BREATHE EASY without ROYAL OVERSIGHT.

The REALITY IS that Canada NEEDS US - we do not need them: America is boosting Canada's economy … NOT the "other way around".

Anything "Free" that Canada has, has been either stolen from - or gleaned from, the goodwill of America. And, they have in turn, publicly shit on us, our Laws, and our CHOSEN PRESIDENT - simply because The People, like Donald J. Trump, will not bend over and invite the royal shafting.

I said it.

I mean it.

I stand by it.

~ A Capitalist versus a Socialist ~

A guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said, "I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost.”

I replied I am not sure.

It fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it; it fed the people who make the tires, it fed the people who made the components that went into it, it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires, it fed people in Decatur Illinois at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore, it fed the trucking people who hauled it from the plant to the dealer … and fed the people working at the dealership and their families.

BUT … I have to admit, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.  That is the difference between capitalism and welfare mentality. When you buy something, you put money in people’s pockets and give them dignity for their skills.  When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their dignity and self-worth.

Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.

Socialism is taking your money against your will and shoving something down your throat that you never asked for.