God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Some may not believe in demonic activity - but I, personally, do.

Holland and I have been dealing with some weird, and unexpected stuff for a couple months: the bunkhouse medicine cabinet, where I keep my makeup and perfumes is just a small part of it.

Tempers flaring is happening a little too often, too - over stupid stuff that doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things; half the time we don't even know what started the emotional wildfire :-(

The devil may be in the details, but on the whole … love carries us through. The Book of Job is one of my favorite "go-to" Books for inspiration, when the devil decides to throw misery my way: Elohim loves me & I love Him/Yeshua loves me & I love Him/Holland loves me & I love him/and I've read the Book from cover to cover: WE WIN ;-)

Holland's ribs are much better today, and like the good wife that I am, I am making him take it slow and easy today.

This morning before we walked out of the RV, we securely closed that cabinet. I said, "I know it's shut tight, but maybe I should just box everything up - just to be on the safe side; I'm getting tired of cleaning up messes back here, and my eyeshadows are getting trashed. There's precious little left." Holland said, "Go ahead and leave it Baby; there's no way that thing can come open, now."

Lord, remind us on challenging days that we are not enemies, so together as 1 we can fight against the enemy.
Blake Shelton & Gwen Stafani - 'Nobody But You' song:
Headed towards Yellowstone National Park.
A quick passage down Memory Lane … Missoula, Montana. My Uncle Don lived under that giant "M", and we visited him and his family one summer.
Breakfast in Bonner, Montana - where Baseball is the biggest 'happening' in town.
Holland's ribs are on the mend: thank You, Yeshua! Holland suggested we have a "sit-down-restaurant-breakfast"; today is Wednesday - our "Date Day"  Holland insisted on this when we married & I agree it's a necessity.
Holland had 'Meat & Eggs' w-side of pancakes; I had the 'Trucker' Omelet.
Breakfast - we didn't eat again until Suppertime.
Unbelievable … thankfully the bathroom floor was not a mess of rainbow eyeshadows and spilled perfumes again, I boxed all my makeup up - and stashed the mirrored (mirror not broken, thank God) cabinet door in the bunkroom. This is crazy!
That bunkhouse bathroom cabinet is possessed - there's no other answer.
I laughed when these bikers passed us - the plastic tote read, 'Hillbillies Ride'; they looked the part, too. LOL

About and hour and half into the drive, Bleu was letting us know he needed to make a pit stop, so Holland pulled off at a Rest Area in a town called Anaconda; can you believe that a town named itself after a killer snake???


I saw this HUGE thing on the horizon as we pulled into Anaconda's Rest Area; Smokestack State Park-MT.
Anaconda Smokestack State Park:
The sun-warmed roses smelled wonderful.

Elohim was loving on us today, and we found an RV Park right off the bat that could accommodate us :-)

AND - ta-da! - I finally got past a game board that has had me stumped for years!

Making use of our Membership …
We followed I-90 to Butte, where we are hunkering down tonight.
Last night I finally got through the 'Passage Through China' Jewel Quest Game - it only took 7 years! It is not as easy as you may think ;-)

Tomorrow we head towards Yellowstone :-)