We went to sleep last night with severe air quality warnings; and forceful, strong wind gusts, rocking Independence … and woke up to more of the same.

AM Air Quality - not good.
All day long, Holland has been watching updates on the CA wildfires - CA is his birth state & he still has relatives that live in CA. And we drove right through the LA & Pasadena-CA fire areas, on our way down here, a few months ago. Listening to how the fire departments cannot get enough water due to gavin newscum's disastrous rules and {laws}, has him fuming. And I agree. WHY & HOW these retarded demonrat shills remain if office, is frustrating. All they do is pander to the underbelly of society; and do all they can to undermine and destroy America (it wouldn't surprise me a bit if an illegal invited here by newscum and his equally retarded pals in the hollywood hills) started this whole mess.
Hollywood Hills on Jan. 8, 2025 in Los Angeles-CA
Santa Monica Beach-CA
Eaton fire in Pasadena-CA
Sparks from 75- to 100-mph winds; CA
Due to rotten leadership & mismanagement, Fire Departments run out of water …
We do feel sorry though for James Woods, whose home went up in flames: he's a patriot. For the obamanite libtards that are staunch demonrats and support the blm violence-larceny-and hate America radicalism, antifa violence and anti-social mindset that literally set America on fire in their anti-American rants, aimless & rampant political-hollywood backed homelessness/shit in the streets … and the hate Israel sector, I feel no sorrow at all - they are getting what they deserve.
James Woods Who Lost Home in L.A. Fire Calls for Newsom ‘Tribunal’: https://www.yahoo.com/news/maga-actor-lost-home-l-021528226.html
I finally got the bunk room set to rights this morning … and I've been designing a beach-themed kitchen towel set to use this Spring when we move back to the PNW:
MOD Beach-themed Kitchen Towel design.
And I tried a new fish recipe for Supper - Holland says it's a repeat 😊
Flaky Garlic Butter Baked Talapia.
I also listened to a 2 Be Better Podcast short reel (I love these 2 - they are relatable; and they are weirdo's, like we are), while putting finishing touches on my knitted design … and noted that there was some easing up in the air quality; it's still dicey for us, but It's a lot better than it was, this morning.
Work To Understand Each Other:
This is where we are at - Holland is a physical repair; I am an emotional repair … I literally talk through an issue: I need to hear the process. This part of me annoys the hell out of Holland - he's starting to understand this (I swear the man did NOT HEAR ANYTHING I was speaking at Oak Point Meets!!). I was pretty clear about this because I know it annoys people. However, I would expect people in my immediate circle to "get " that about me, so they don't get annoyed.
I t.a.l.k.t.h.r.o.u.g.h.i.s.s.u.e.s. to reach the other side of the problem; it's how I "process" to find the solution. Holland, on the other hand, deals with issues by physical interaction.
But, at least, he is putting in an effort this year to make an effort to steer this ship (marriage) safely to port: he is finally coming around to resting in contentment 😉
This year, there is laughter in our home: there is laughter because we are pulling together to move forward; we both feel that 2025 will be the year we get it together 🥰
"But godliness with contentment is great gain" (1 Timothy 6:6)