God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, December 10, 2023

JUST RELAX~Shabbat, Yuma-AZ

December 9th: Inclusion can be difficult.

Developing and living out a love relationship is difficult.

Trust is a thorny issue … and the hardest leap to contemplate.

But all these things are necessary to live Life to the fullest.

Mr. Complication has serious issues with inclusion, love, and trust.

I have serious issues with inclusion, love, and trust.

Mr. Complication has recent (10 month = youngest brother & 2 year = first sister) death complications in his life … my death complications are 5 years old - 4 days from now.

I have weathered my storms, and have learned to move on: things are a little more complicated with Mr. Complication.

I am living in the present - Mr. Complication is still hanging onto the Past with a death grip.

Not only is the Spector of the Grim Reaper always hanging around … but Mr. Complication also has issues with my Faith. I am surprised at the verbal wresting because I never hid my Faith, or my Jewish blood from him: I openly shared with everyone that I have Hebrew blood flowing in my veins - and I am a Messianic Christian Believer.

E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. who knows me, knows this.

I was also very open in stating that the {vineyard ministry} is a religious cult with just enough actual Scripture threaded through it, to be terminally fatal.

E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. who knows me, knows how I feel about vineyard: I'm not shy about speaking out against it.

If Mr. Complication is all of a sudden "surprised", it's because he wasn't listening with open ears when my mouth was moving.

I didn't realize until after we were married, that Mr. Complication was raised with a racist bent: he will on occasion make derogatory remarks about Jews - that surprised me, and I have asked him to please stop. He has for the most part, but sometimes he will have a slip of the tongue. A lifetime of twisted rearing is not easy to put to rest.

Mr. Complication's nephew was deeply involved in the seventh day Adventist cult, and Mr. Complication took umbridge to that … and I agree with him that it is a cult.

But because I recognize, and practice, a 7-day Shabbat Rest - Mr. Complication is accusing me of practicing seventh day Adventist "rituals": this is nonsense, and I have told him so for the past 10 months. But he is so caught up in his umbridge towards the seventh day Adventists, that he does not hear me when I try to explain to him the differences between what I do during my Shabbat Rest, as opposed to how the seventh day Adventist cult plays it out.

I am tired of wasting my breath; and he is tired of the whole shebang that sums up our life together.

This is causing difficulties in our life, in the moment.

Thank the Lord for the Shabbat Rest.

Thank the Lord that when I run crying to Him and ask “What do I do, now?”, He doesn't roll his eyes, and think, "what a drama queen; much drama taking place." He calmly embraces me, and whispers: “It’s okay – I have it all under control; just relax, and let Me handle things. All you have to do is trust Me.”

For someone like me; who finds it very hard to trust anyone, about anything, His comfort and His comforting words meant a lot. It is comforting for me to know that when I have reached the end of my rope, and the knot I sit on is slipping … He never lets me fall, because He never fails me.

When my world tilts, and I find myself in a whirling freefall, He is ‘on the job’ – and always sends my guardian angel to catch me before I hit the ground.

Then He whispers, “It’s okay; I have it all under control. Just relax, and let Me handle things. All you have to do, is trust Me.”

And I do :-)

This morning as I was sitting at the dining table, Elohim dropped a Scripture passage into my thoughts cache … and I happened to catch the sunrise out of my peripheral vision - and see an interesting cloud in the sky; so I went outside to take a picture of it ;-)

Elohim's encouragement - the pages fell open to this scripture.
It will be hard to be quiet in difficulty times; but with the Ruach's help - I WILL.
Interesting cloud …

And, when I got back inside, I received an encouraging text from a friend.

Thank the Lord for good friends in my life, who are attuned to the Ruach HaKo'desh. I shudder to think of how lonely my life would be without them; especially at this particular time in my unfolding life.

Aviad Cohen - 'We Delight In Your Shabbat' song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msZ4WukxdCo)

Mr. Complication woke up, put his headphones on, and made friendship connections on FB. This {space} does not include me: it will never include me.

And that's okay with me - I understand why they are so important to Mr. Complication, but none of those shallow people, or the long-term part they played in his Past life, interest me.

Mr. Complication; these earphones he bought really serve a peaceful purpose.

But it does irritate me that he spends all day long making contact with them while shutting me out.

All day long; every day.

Inclusion can be difficult.

Developing and living out a love relationship is difficult.

Trust is a thorny issue … and the hardest leap to contemplate.

Fending for ourselves; I had a tomato-onion sandwich. YUM!
Health Benefits of Orowheat Potato Bread:

When he started again accusing me of orthodox, and seventh day Adventist ritual, I tried to explain that what I do with my 24-hour Shabbat Rest is totally different:

Orthodox Observances

Jewish Observances: The biblical ban against work on the Sabbath, while never clearly defined, includes activities such as baking and cooking, travelling, kindling fire, gathering wood, buying and selling, and bearing burdens from one domain into another.

Orthodox Jews live modest lives, with a strict code of ethics.

How Seventh-Day Adventist Differ From Christianity

Seventh-day Adventist differ in only four areas of beliefs from the mainstream Trinitarian Christian denominations. These are the Sabbath day, the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary, the status of the writings of Ellen White, and their doctrine excludes heaven and hell; they also tech that righteous remain unconscious after death; and are resurrected after the Second Coming.

Seventh Day Adventists sabbath observances: During the sabbath, Adventists avoid secular work and business, although medical relief and humanitarian work is accepted. Though there are cultural variations, most Adventists also avoid activities such as shopping, sport, and certain forms of entertainment.

Sabbath - Adventists believe that the Sabbath should be observed on the seventh day of the week, from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. They further believe that Sunday observance lacks biblical authorization.

Adventists live modest lives, with a strict code of ethics. They don't smoke or drink alcohol, and recommend a vegetarian diet. The Seventh-day Adventist diet discourages using products that the Bible considers “unclean,” like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Some Adventists also avoid refined foods, sweeteners, and caffeine.


Yeshua traveled, ministered, gathered and prepared food, and He definitely bore burdens. That is how I live my life: I am a Christian (disciple and follower of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) - I observe the Sabbath as Yeshua intended it to be observed; I set 24-hours aside to honor Elohim and meditate of the Godhead, I also carve out that timeframe to spend time with my family. Sometimes I take a drive and observe Yeshua's creative beauty - sometimes I design and craft beautiful mitzvah things that will add beauty to a stranger's life; I shower, wash my hair, and wear makeup when the mood strikes me; I grocery shop if necessary.

I do not adhere to any seventh day Adventist nonsense at all! ellen white was a spiritist medium (I abhor spiritism practices in all their forms as commanded in the Scriptures), obviously I listen to music and watch movies if inclined to do so; I shop if necessary; I fellowship on Sunday if-and-when I can find a fellowship that does on teach vineyard heresy; I live a flamingo lifestyle that sometimes includes flashy clothing and makeup; my speech can sometimes be as flamboyant as my outside appearance; I drink wine during my 24-hour Shabbat Rest (as commanded in scripture) … and occasionally I will have a margarita or a shot of Fireball during the week (but I do NOT use drugs of any kind; ever - personal choice, not related to any religious belief); I eat anything - and everything, sticking to a healthy diet 95% of the time, and indulging in junk food here and there on occasion; I like my veggies - but I also like my meats; I drink coffee and teas with sweeteners; I also drink coke, bottled teas, and Propel energy drinks; I believe in an actual Heaven and Hell (Yeshua spoke extensively on the reality of both places); I believe that when a Christian (Messianic, included) dies physically, their spirit passes directly from Earth into Elohim's Celestial City, alive and fully coherent - immediately enjoying Life with Yeshua. I believe in The Rapture and an actual Millennial Kingdom.

Terminal Vineyard Heresy

The blasphemous Vineyard Ministries is openly engaging in - and preaching - pagan rituals, paranormal activities (chasing after bigfoot, dogman, and fairies 'realties'; aka what Scripture refers to as "fables to be avoided"), worldly behavior ('stripping for christ'; can you believe this happening in {church}???), and esoteric spirituality beliefs/doctrines, which they are passing off as 'Christianity'.


As anyone can clearly SEE and understand IF they WANT TO - I adhere to Scriptural teachings given to us from Elohim and Yeshua … not cultic man-made religious hamstringing.


And I offer no apologies to anyone.

Then, he added, "I don't know what happened to you, or why you stopped going to church." So … this relates to the Oak Point {friends} he is still communicating with - even though he swore to me he has ended those connections :-(

So, I replied: "You know exactly what {happened} to me - and why I stopped attending Oak Point gatherings. You also know why I will never fellowship there again … or with any vineyard related {churches}. Y.o.u.w.e.r.e.t.h.e.r.e. If you want to "go to church" at a vineyard cesspool … go! Just stop insisting I go. I.w.i.l.l.n.e.v.e.r.g.o."

But he refuses to understand: he wants to fight because he feels guilty about the all day long shut-out while he and his friends rehashed the Past all day long.

I am convinced his family practices the vineyard religion.

All of his friends were met in vineyard {churches}.

Mr. Complication is a vineyard ministries devotee.

I'm not interested in fighting over religion.

I am a Christian: religion does not interest me.

So, I finished my sandwich in silence - and watched a long-running movie, while working on another batch of Angel Baby Blankets.

Watched Ben Hur; that 4.5 hr. movie gave evening respite.
MOD 21" ANGEL BABY BLANKETS ~ 7 Designs/Knit: (https://jeastofeden.blogspot.com/2022/03/mod-angel-baby-blankets-7-designs.html)

Like I mentioned above, I do not sit around for 24-hours with my hands under my thighs doing nothing for the duration of a Shabbat Rest period!

I live as Yeshua (the Creator - and Lord of The Sabbath) lived, exampled, and taught: I minister through mitzvah and tzedakah actions :-)

What is the difference between mitzvah and tzedakah?

One of the mitzvahs – good deeds – that Jewish people around the world hold close to their heart is called Tzedakah, a Hebrew word meaning “justice” or “righteousness”. Tzedakah is a responsibility of all Jews to help those in need, through acts of service, tangible goods or financial donations.

In practice, most Jews carry out tzedakah by donating a portion of their income to charitable institutions, or to needy people they may encounter. The perception among many modern-day Jews is that if donation of this form is not possible, the obligation of tzedakah still requires that something be given.

This is acceptable Sabbath observance.

This is love being lived out.

This is what Elohei expects of us.

I really do not understand why Mr. Complication would have any valid objections to my Messianic Faith, my Christian lifestyle, or my Sabbath Day Rest … the only objection I continually hear him spell out is my refusal to attend vineyard ministries.

So, the mexican standoff continues.

Grand Funk Railroad - 'Mean Mistreater' song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSZFjOffTyc)

Developing and living out a love relationship is difficult.