God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, October 15, 2023


Thankfully, the DC insanity is being reined in.

It's about time reality set in: males should NOT compete in Women's sporting events. Males should NOT be entering female bathrooms, dressing rooms, or locker rooms 🤬


Males are biologically DIFFERENT from females & they are physically stronger than females. Any dimwit with even a miniscule sense of scientific understanding SHOULD "GET" THAT 🙄


The ground around our site is liberally littered with quartz - any shape and size; all different colors of the rainbow spectrum … white is the most prevalent, but today I lined our makeshift patio with beautifully hued hunks of quartz.

I was tempted to squirrel some away, but realistically there is nowhere to store them - space is pretty limited in a 5th wheel, and we need the space for food, tools, and maintenance implements.

So, I will enjoy them for a limited time (while we are here), and the leave them behind for someone else to enjoy.

These are the treasures I found today:

(1) Slate gray rock with rusty pink threaded through it. (2) Turquoise colored rocks are almost as numerous as the white quartz … (3) This rock was a mottled red - like a raw, fatty, beef roast. LOL
The pic does not do the rock justice; the black and orange was really darker - a good contrast.
Glittery black quartz … and another turquoise colored rock.
Turquoise colored rocks were pretty prevalent in this area …
Purple rock with gray speckles.
The dry wash behind us … LOTS of bushes to hide rattlesnakes, so I'm careful with Bleu nosing around back there.
The varied types of quartz that litters the ground around our immediate space; they have been added to the larger rocks that line our patio ;-)
This pic does not do this rock justice - it sparkles like glitter & is brilliantly colored.

Elohei is a great designer, and nature highlights the beauty.

Today's pretty rocks, and the other day's towering cactuses have inspired me to start work on another "knitted canvas" for our home ;-)


Another Blog Hop 'Feature' ;-)
Creative Jewish Mom - Craft Schooling Sunday Blog Hop

This morning I checked in on my Israeli friend Sara; I've enjoyed her Blog Hop's for quite a while … and since hamas declared war on Israel a few days ago, I am concerned for her and those she loves: she did lose a friend on the first day of hama's attack.

I'm glad to see that she feels safe enough to be back blogging - (((thank You, Lord!)))

And I appreciated her featuring two of my chef towel patterns; she gave them nice reviews, too :-)

And nice reviews, too …

SHE RAH!~Sonoran Desert-AZ


The desert rang with the shout of "She rah!" this morning 😁

It was a little nippy this morning, so while laying there in bed listening to Bleu whining (he was hungry), I thought to myself, "I'm going to get that baby generator running today. Today is {The Day}; I know I can do it. Elohim knows I can do it. Holland bought that thing knowing I can do it. I WILL DO IT (my first attempt a few days ago was pathetic).

So, I got up. Fed the dog. And flexed my muscles - thinking how surprised Holland would be when he heard the generator singing 😉 

Firing the generator up was definitely on my 'Bucket List' ;-)

But …

Holland woke up before I made the door 😒

And when he made moves to get the generator, I said, "Let me do it" and quickly scooted past him before he could object.


I unlocked the hatch; grabbed the generator and hauled it out of the basement cubby (no small feat because the cubby is chest high on me) - and man-handled it across the patio to the propane tank.

Holland by now was watching me: gently encouraging me on how to get it hooked up (and verbally applauding me when I did "good"). Then came the cord pulling - this is what trips me up (I run out of breath yanking on the cord).


After 3 hefty pulls … IT CAME ALIVE.

The 'Baby Generator'

And I danced all over the patio, shouting and clapping, "I did it! I KNEW I could do it! Elohim knew I could DO it!"

Then, I grinned at my laughing husband, and whispered, "She Rah!" while dancing up the steps to get a cup of morning joy juice 😘
