God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


When I hear someone claiming to be a Christian also claiming to be a sinner, my first thought is: “perhaps they do not truly know Yeshua (Christ Jesus), and perhaps they are not clear in their minds whether they are saved or not”.

One cannot be a Christian and be a sinner; the two characteristics are total oppositesa Christian WAS a sinner BEFORE salvation; a sinner is someone who has never known Yeshua, or has had some religious knowledge of Him and has deliberately went back into the world (aka: atheist or agnostic). Though Christians are still human and will occasionally sin UNKNOWINGLY, once they become aware of their sin – through the Holy Spirit’s pricking of their conscience – a Christian will immediately repent, ask forgiveness, and never repeat the offense … a sinner feels no compunction to acknowledge offenses or to change once they become aware of their sin.

As a Christian, it really annoys and irritates me when someone who claims to be a Christian says to me, “I’m only human”, “I can’t help myself”, or “I’m no better than anyone else: I’m a sinner like everyone else”. Seriously I want to slap some sense into them. Yes, you may be human, but in the power of the Ruach HaKo'desh (Holy Spirit) you CAN help yourself – it’s called self-disciple; READ your Bible … you ARE a child of the Most High God IF you are born again; you have His Spirit dwelling inside of you, and that makes you perfect in the eyes of Elohim, and Scripture TELLS US "to be holy, as He is holy", and to "be ye perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect". ACT LIKE YOU ARE SAVED! Stop wimping out and making excuses for bad behavior.

Religious career-minded {pastors} on church payrolls no longer teach from Scripture, nor do they teach on sin because religious people do not want to hear the harsh realities of Scriptures, and they do not want to hear about the realities of sin; therefore many claiming the Name of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus, The Messiah) are ignorant of The Word of Elohim which is their blueprint for Christian Life and living the Christian Way. In other words, they are walking blind and making arrogantly ignorant and erroneous statements.

What is sin? Scripture has several words to describe sin; the most striking of these is the Hebrew word, mesubah (aka: infidelity) – the chasing after other gods, as the prophets of old described it. Other Hebrew words include ‘ahar (transgression/law-breaking); ma’al (trespass); ‘awan (straying/wandering); tum’ah (becoming unclean); beged (disloyalty/treason); and pesa (revolt/rebellion).

Scriptural images of a sinner which the New Testament most described came from the Hebrew word, hatta’t (and the Greek word: hamartia), which was the idea of a marksman missing his mark. The origins of these words is connected to competition … due to the missing of the mark so badly, or so often, that the marksman has no (ha-) share in the prize (mer-)

So if you are a Christian, STOP SAYING that you “are a sinner”; and likewise, if you are sinner, stop claiming to be a Christian.

You are either one or the other: you CANNOT BE both.

If you are a Christian, you are no longer a sinner – your past has no hold over you; you are a NEW CREATION in Mashiach (Messiah), free from sin and washed clean from sin: to say otherwise is to try to crucify Yeshua all over again which is impossible since “He died once and for all for sinners”. GET CLOSER TO YESHUA AND INTO THE WORD to study to show yourself approved; and start behaving in a way worthy of the Name you claim.