God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, November 9, 2023


We are living a life apart … while continuing to share space: shared living quarters, shared vehicle, shared furry companion: going different ways.

Barely talking.

Scooting past each other to avoid touching.

Trying to remain friends in an unfriendly atmosphere.

You don't truly know who someone is until you live with them 24/7/365.

It's a complicated situation.

ATTENTION: I am asking everyone who believes in the power of Almighty God to pray for us.

This thing that has Holland in it's grip is escalating … I AM SAFE … but this is bigger than we are. I'm not going to go into detail (that is Holland's testimony when this is finished); but I will say that I have enlisted prayer from everyone I know across the globe to pray - and to call upon every Prayer Warrior they know to pray for us 24-7 until the victory is won.

I love Holland and I am NOT letting this devil destroy US!

To those who think I sound like a crazy woman … YOU ARE FREE TO UNFRIEND ME - and I won't hold it against you, or think less of you.

I am okay with having 1 or 2 'friends' left, on this Page, and in my life: I keep a tight circle of friends around me, anyway.

To those who understand spiritual warfare, I ask you to please hold us up in prayer in every way the Holy Spirt leads you to do.

Holland is aware of what I am doing because I have told him (at this point I have nothing left to lose, and everything to gain … if he bends to Elohim's intervention, guiding, and instruction).

We need help, and I am not ashamed to solicit it.

I went through most of what I am going through with Holland, with Bob (my life story with Bob is posted on my East Of Eden Blog). I am not afraid - neither men were ever violent with me: they just battle demons that made them unpleasant Jekyll and Hyde, at times.

I am holding onto US and our love for each other, with both hands and not letting go. Holland is caught in a hellish vortex of spiritual dimensions - and at this point, I believe he can't help himself from behaving like he has been.

There is a testimony being birthed … I hope and pray the laboring will be quick and as easy as possible - and it WILL BE if he stops fighting against it.

Thank you.