God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Olive Tree MInistries~The Set-Up Is in Process – AI & WORLD DOMINANCE

Microsoft’s Copilot AI Demands to Be Worshipped as a God


Some people think AI is a cool idea - they like the 3-D images … there is even a Jesus image that preaches love any way you like it :-(

But I do not (and will not) have anything to do AI, and have refused it to be downloaded into my laptop when the request comes up on my screen: to me, AI smacks of the warning in the Book of Daniel.

To read that AI demands obedience and worship is beyond the pale!

It's scary; and it's exciting.

Scary because it's demonic; and so many people (church goer's too) are willing to be brainwashed and deceived.

Exciting - because in my lifetime, the printed Word is coming alive and being played out before our very eyes. The wickedness running rampant in America, and across the globe will finally be coming to a speedy end.

Maranatha! Come Lord, come! :-)