God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


July 29th: So much is happening all at once … and yet, it seems like time is dragging.

I know that sounds contradictory.

Let me explain - we are every day engaged in activity that is getting us closer to the goal of Holland's Bucket List aspirations; but we are being held up by the slow progress of Independence's repairs. We understand that repair work takes time, and we agreed to that time schedule … but we are also chomping at the bit to get our home back, and get on the road again.

Yesterday Holland spent the better part of the afternoon putting a rearview camera, and a Garmin GPS in Betsy; this morning we drove to the local Les Schwab to inquire about some other items we will need when we pull stakes here in WA State - tire chains came home with us … and the other items were ordered, to arrive speedily.

We headed to Les Schwab - the freeway, in the background was at a stand-still; we are thankful we can fins what is needed, locally.
Waiting for Holland to complete his Schwab transactions, I noticed Fall colors already arriving …

I surfed the internet while waiting in Betsy for Holland.

It is raining, and heavily clouded here, so catching sight of the aurora borealis won't be happening. Again.

Northern Lights notice: 

Our new Life's Direction will include mid-west and east coast venturing … we need to stay on top of weather reports:

Storm Worries: 

Nature tidbits always interests me - this one caught my immediate attention ;-)

Rare Wild Cat Captured On Trail Cam:  (https://www.thecooldown.com/outdoors/borneo-clouded-leopard-mother-and-cubs-conservation/)

And of course, this item also drew my eyes … however, I have a vastly different opinion.

The Lunatic Sector Of Society can't help their back-handed hyperbole … and I'm not posting a link because the link, which at first glance seems "sensible" is also filled with talking head talking points, and just plain hatespeak Trump Derangement BS, that doesn't deserve repeating.

MPO is that President Trump was encouraging Christians, like me (who do not vote; personal convictions on the matter), to "get out and vote this time, so we win … and you'll never have to do it again". It was not, as the demonically hate-fueled obamanite demonrats are spinning to imply "tyranny!" Those empty-headed and black-hearted morons are so poisoned by their own swill that they have lost all common sense.

I put my phone down when Holland hopped into Betsy's cab; and we headed back to the motel room.

We both surfed the internet for a bit: Holland was running down some leads on a bed tool box, and I was checking the morning news.

I saw two articles that snagged my attention: the CA earthquake interested me because we spent a considerable amount of time this year in the Mohave Desert, Barstow, San Bernardino County, and traveling through Vegas-NV on our way to other destinations - chances are we will continue passing through, and setting up again, in these locales: a 4.9 jolt deserves attention.

Magnitude 4.9 quake was centered in the Mojave Desert near Barstow: https://www.kclu.org/2024-07-29/quake-earthquake-rattles-much-of-southern-california-including-parts-of-ventura-county

I also saw that the embittered and toppled obamanite puppet, is determined to push barak hussein obama's communist plan to dismantle our Supreme Court, forward. This destructive agenda will fail, of course, but hate blinds the weak to reality.

This is goes against our Constitution, & it's a sour grapes complaint.

I just want the hateful activity in DC to stop: it's ridiculous, and it is holding actual governing business up - government business The People actually care about. barak hussein obama had been a blight on America since his communist/muslim political coup in 2009; Americans will rejoice when biden and his obamanite cartel are unseated in November 2024.

Holland, on the other hand, tracked down a couple tool boxes we will investigate later this week following his Dr. appointment Wednesday.

We are busy; and we are bored: this afternoon, Holland was getting as antsy as me to get back to touring America … so after an hour or so of internet scrolling's, he said, "What do you say Baby, to getting out of this room and checking on the babies?" The {babies} are two osprey hatchlings we've been keeping an eye on: we shut our laptops down and spent some time at the river.

We saw that the feathered youngsters are still in the nest - but they are spreading their wings and doing hopscotch hops across the next in lurching trial {flights} ;-)

The 'babies' are testing their wings, & garnering courage.

I hope their fledging happens during daylight hours, and that we get to watch them leave their nest.

The river was busy with commerce traffic; and even fishing guide boats and private boaters were on the water despite the dreary drizzle.

We watched the river, listened to the river atmosphere sounds, and discussed the future going forward.

We watched a cormorant bob with the waves, & dive, before it flew off.
Double-crested Cormorant
2 tugs coming together.
Holland thinks they may both be going to the same place; Glacier~Calportland, OR: (https://www.calportland.com/)
Tug pushing Georgia-Pacific containers, & salmon fishing family; Columbia River~Woodland, WA
Georgia-Pacific/Wauna Paper Mill, OR

Georgia-Pacific/Wauna Paper Mill buys pulp Logs, chips, sawdust, & Hog Fuel; the mill also makes the pulp for toilet tissues, diapers, and corrugated boxes … as well as operating one of the largest recycling businesses.

Georgia-Pacific is also a large do-it-yourself warehouse retailer of building materials for construction projects.

We watched a ship plow up the shipping lane … and bet each other on where it hailed from ;-)

The vessel ATHENS HIGHWAY is a Vehicles Carrier that was built in 2008; sailing under the flag of Japan.

In passing, the ship's wake sucked water away from shore before pouring waves back to shore.
The following waves … and researching the ship's name later on, we were both wrong about the carrier's flag ;-)

As this ship passed through the shipping lane, it drastically pulled water away from the shoreline in a 'freighter wash' motion … in 1738 Daniel Bernoulli, a Dutchman, had coined this term, “Bernoulli’s Principle” (aka, Freighter Wash) This explains how moving water carries a lower pressure, so surrounding water is drawn toward the freighter to displace its weight. When this occurs it appears that the ship is sucking in surrounding water from the shoreline. It is also known as “the canal effect” since the degree of occurrence is stronger in shallower, narrower passages: I had never seen this before, but Holland has.

It was kind of alarming to me, because he had parked Betsy so close to the water. He told me we were safe, but river & ocean waters haven't been friendly to me, and I was nervous watching the sucking and surging activity. After shipping vessel have passed, the water rushes back with such force that it could easily cause people standing on the shoreline to loose their footing. Shorelines erode more quickly. It can be treacherous.

This is why it is dangerous for people to frolic in the waves when ships are present. Several people die each year swimming … or attempting to save children playing … in the Columbia River waves.

A Kayaker.
Kayak: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayak)

Holland is excited to get his Work Plan underway (we are both excited at the prospect); and that is actually coming together quite well, in a reasonably quick way. My itching gypsy feet are twitching to trod new and unfamiliar ground - they, (and my sore back which misses our comfy bed), are impatiently waiting for Independence to be returned to us.

This afternoon's atmosphere was filled with inspiring hope, warming love, and happy chatter :-)