God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, September 20, 2024

CONTENTMENT~Shabbat Eve 2024; Ocean Park-WA

September 19th: Yesterday was a bit chilly and dark with low-lying gray clouds; but we drove to Cranberry Road to wave watch, anyway - and I'm glad we did, because pelicans touched down mere feet from us :-)

And, the scent on the ocean breeze carried a definite Autumn vibe.

2 Pelicans!
Brown Pelican
(https://www.eastsideaudubon.org/corvid-crier/2019/8/5/brown-pelican & https://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/02300)
Zoomed pic, so we wouldn't scare them away …
15 Cool & Interesting Things About Brown Pelicans:  (https://ca.audubon.org/news/15-cool-and-interesting-things-about-brown-pelicans#:~:text=The%20Brown%20Pelican%20is%20the,a%20beautiful%20and%20intelligent%20flyer.)
Got 'em ;-)

For centuries, birds have been considered spiritual messengers from the universe.

Brown birds - it's believed to symbolize strength, knowledge, and protection. It's a reminder that everything is part of a divine plan and God is watching over you every step of the way.

With three stomachs, pelicans can digest fish, fins, spines, and all. In early church eras, the pelican was believed to pierce its own breast with its beak and feed its young of its blood. It became a symbol of Christ sacrificing himself for man – and because of this was frequently represented in Christian art.

The brown pelican was removed from the federal Endangered Species List in 2009. Brown pelicans now occur in substantial numbers in Washington's outer coastal waters, mainly from late April through October.

While we were sitting there listening to the incoming surf violently smack against the beachfront & watched the colorful kites dance on the chilled breeze, Holland mused about going south next month … or possibly waiting a month out in Tillamook-WA, until maintenance on Betsy is tended to & both hospital bills are paid down: he asked me what I wanted to do - I said I would okay with whatever he decided we should do.

I really am.

Colorful kites; Cranberry Road Access, Long Beach Peninsula-WA
Don't know what the white thing is with flapping fish behind it …

While I am Queen of the Home, Holland is King of the Road: he has traveled the road many times; I trust his judgement on travel judgments.

Repairs on Independence put us way behind road travel schedule, seriously chewed into our savings, and time dragged out until more big $$$ costs need attention before we heed the call to go south.

I'm perfectly fine with cooling our heels a bit longer, if that's what we have to do. I know we'll get to Yuma, eventually … and we'll get there together ;-)

Scorpions - 'When You Came Into My Life' lyrics:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WfD7nEoAWM)

A renewed commitment from Holland, & a sincere willingness to put US before anyone or anything going forward  … besides, Christ of course, Who is Master over both of us.
Air Supply - 'The Power of Love'
Holland will; but all things will happen in Elohim's timing. We are in no hurry to embrace stress - if we must wait; then we will wait.

After supper, I finished up the little green preemie sacque - and designed a matching hat, to go with it.

Preemie sleep Sacque done. and ready for delivery.
MOD Preemie Hat.


September 20th: Elohim spoke to my heart while I was snoozing this morning: he revealed something to me on a personal level (it just came out of nowhere, and caught me off-guard), and I am mulling over and seeking guidance on it.

I don’t argue with my Father – He knows best what is best for my life.

And I have trusted His Will for my life, all of my life.


On a different topic, this time of year, always makes me sleepy: I needed full-strength coffee, so I reached for the ground flavored coffee beans (I will buy LOTS more to store and take with us when we leave WA = there are NO coffee beans available a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e., down South), and perked a pot while Holland caught up on the sleep interrupted around 2 A.M. - Betsy's alarm system had loudly gone off, and Holland was hopelessly awake for 4 hours following that startling happening. We don't know what set it off; Holland checked all around it before falling back into bed … as I got up.

Coffee perkily perking while I was checking my Blog & FB messages, I saw a WW Recipe come up on my feed … so, I got busy making that for a brunch, when Holland gets up later; 2 hours later, the breakfast casserole's aroma wafting through the house gave off warm and cozy feelings of contented domesticity  ;-)

Slow Cooker Breakfast Casserole: 
I used 4 bacon sliced, chopped; instead of turkey sausage.

I was feeling very content with life in general.

Today dawned bright and sunny, with robin's egg blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

So, this chillin' sunny Sabbath afternoon, I am relaxing - first with wave watching, and companiable convo; then later enjoying a light Supper with my husband … & watching YouTube movies, while finishing up matching hats for the preemie sacques I already worked up.

Watching waves & waiting for 'shooter waves' ;-)
MOD Preemie Hat to match the finished sacque …

Enjoying the gentle Shabbat evening vibes as we set about purposefully creating a home sanctuary.

And giving my whole being a rest - with heartfelt gratitude.

Don Moen - 'Thank You Lord' lyrics: 