God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


There are many types of love:

Philia — Affectionate Love. Philia is love without romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family members.

Pragma — Enduring Love.

Storge — Familiar Love.

Eros — Romantic Love.

Ludus — Playful Love.

Mania — Obsessive Love.

Philautia — Self Love.

Agape — Selfless Love.

There are many levels of love.

There are many ways to love.

And if you are very lucky … you hit the jackpot with 1 person.



Enough money within her control to move out.

And rent a place of her own

even if she never wants to

or needs to.

Something perfect to wear if the employer

or date of her dreams wants to See Her in an hour.


A youth she's content to leave behind.

A past juicy enough that she's looking forward to

retelling it in her Old Age.


A set of screwdrivers,

a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.

One friend who always makes her laugh.

And one Who lets her cry.


A good piece of furniture not previously owned

by anyone else in her Family.

Eight matching plates,

wine glasses with stems,

And a recipe for a meal that will make

her guests feel Honored.

A feeling of control over her destiny.


How to fall in love without losing herself.





When to try harder.



That she can't change the length of her calves,

The width of her hips,

or the nature of her parents.

That her childhood may not have been perfect.

But it's over.


What she would and wouldn't do for love or more.

How to live alone.

Even if she doesn't like it.


Whom she can trust,

Whom she can't,

And why she shouldn't take it personally.


Where to go.

Be it to her best friend's kitchen table.

Or a charming inn in the woods.

When her soul needs soothing.


What she can and can't accomplish in a day.

A month.

And a year. 


Imperial National Wildlife Refuge: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/imperial

November 7th: Today I woke up a Plan - I would be striking out on my first solo 4x adventure :-)

I'm married … but currently, I'm not; I'm a wife … but currently, I'm not.

Holland isn't chasing skirt … but he IS a narcissist; and that's hard to live with. Only Elohim can change that, but Holland isn't accepting change from anyone.
Lauren Spencer Smith - 'Narcissist' Lyrics

I'm a curious traveler: that I can do.

Adventuring is why I'm now in Arizona: I intend to see Arizona.

The day did not pass in a blur.

I stopped, and took pictures, whenever & wherever I wanted to: there was no rush to get back home.

Solo Lobo today 
Today's adventure destination: Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, Yuma-AZ from Del Pueblo RV Resort, Yuma-AZ; 52 min (40.9 mi) via US-95 N
I'm not a 'sit-at-home-&-cry' gal; I'm a mover and a shaker.
Sir Douglas Quintet - "She's About A Mover":  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqt5G1UDOV8)
I'll be sightseeing & enjoying the Day.

Most of the road was familiar - it was the highway we'd taken from Quartzsite-AZ, to here - Yuma, AZ.

I stopped and gawked at sights I've been curious about, but never got the chance to pull over and contemplate; I was solo lobo today, and I was "wasting time", with no apologies being issued.

I took pictures, and researched them later.

I was in my element … and thoroughly enjoying every minute.

A quick reroute 
McPhaul Bridge: suspension bridge over the Gila River~Yuma.
AZYuma's Bridge To Nowhere
'Pause, Rest, Worship' Church~Dome Valley, AZ.
Spousal Love Immortalized:  (https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-best-reads/2019/05/12/pause-rest-worship-chapel-highway-outside-yuma-offers-retreat-loren-cecil-pratt/3642615002/)
US Army Proving Grounds~Yuma, AZ

The Imperial National Wildlife Refuge is an Army Corps Recreational Area, and a bit past the Army Proving Grounds sign; the drive along  Martinez Lake Road is new territory.

I like the adventure that comes with new territory :-)

About 10 miles into the newness, I hung a right onto Redcloud Road … and entered a whole new environment.

I love the adrenaline rush of wide-open-spaces freedom and exploration ;-)

Martinez Lake Road from US Army Proving Grounds~Yuma, AZ; 11 min (5.7 mi)
The 'Proving Grounds' air space & hangers; Martinez Lake Road~Yuma, AZ
Fisher's Landing~Yuma, AZ
Boondocking both sides of the highway: I panned quickly because it was hot … this is rattlesnake country, and Bleu was playing Curious George everywhere.
This is nice 
Cattle Guards - they can't be avoided.
A pretty, upgraded, 'adobe'.

I finally found the Refuge, let Bleu out to relieve himself, and I located the Visitor's Center/Museum that was hosted by a very friendly fella full of local information. We touched on a lot of topics that included the present location, where we were from & what brought us here, and I asked a lot of questions about the 'Painted Desert' area I was planning to sight-see.

I was told I might see some wild burro's - and I was hoping: but I never saw them. The original burro's came to America with the Spanish Conquistadors ... later gold miner's used them, and when they didn't make good on thier claims, they just turned them loose in the desert where they enjoyed themselves and grew in numbers. There are supposed to be a herd of 200 on the Refuge, and they have worn  obvious trails through the desert.

We must have talked for at least half an hour - I would have enjoyed talking more, but Bleu was in the truck (no pets allowed inside).

The guy said there was a parking lot with a 'pit toilet' at the Painted Desert Trailhead … and I thought, 'No. I do not want to encounter a rattlesnake in a desert toilet in the middle of nowhere'; so I used the toilet at the Visitor's Center before driving away ;-)

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge from Martinez Lake Road; 16 min (9.7 mi)
Finally made the Wildlife Refuge.
Off blacktop, towards the Visitor's Center.
Visitor's Center Entrance.
No way! 5 mph is too fast on this warped road.
A Time Capsule near the center entrance … I wonder what's in there (railing shadow; sorry).
Wulfenite is found in oxidized areas of lead-bearing deposits throughout Arizona, especially in Pima, La Paz, Maricopa, and Gila counties; Wulfenite is Arizona's State Mineral. Wulfenite is named in honor of Austrian mineralogist Franz Xavier von Wulfen (1728-1805):  (https://www.geologyin.com/2023/04/wulfenite-facts-and-infromation.html)
This finned beluga looking fish is a Humpback Chub; this fish can live up to 30 years in the wild and has genetic traits that keep it stable in turbulent water. This minnow is not considered tasty, and was referred to as a “trash fish” by early settlers. As it grows, the creek chub will travel away from its known territory and engage in aggressive behavior with other members of the species. It will enlarge its mouth and widen its fins as well as head butt others of the species to protect its territory.
Humpback Chub
There are 13 species of rattlesnakes in Arizona. More than any other state, so we are in the hot spot for rattlesnakes. March through October is considered rattlesnake season in Arizona.
Rattlesnakes - 5 Ways To Avoid Grim Death:  (https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/rattlesnake-season-in-arizona-five-ways-to-avoid-grim-death-6665218)
Mountain Lions prowl a wide range of Arizona habitats, from Sonoran Desert canyons to Alpine forests; and everywhere in between. A lion's home range in Arizona is up to 150 miles and transient animals may occasionally use state park property to exploit abundant prey.
Mountain Lions
The Gila monster is a species of venomous lizard native to the Southwestern United States and the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora. Gila monster venom is about as toxic as that of a western diamondback rattlesnake. However, a relatively small amount of venom is introduced in a Gila bite. Gila monsters may hold onto a predator for more than ten minutes. There is no antivenin for Gila bites.
Gila Monster
Roadrunner birds are large cuckoos with a distinctive shape. Roadrunners can survive in the desert, outrun a human, and beat rattlesnakes to death. Seldom seen and under-appreciated, they're a bird worth getting to know.
Road Runner Bird:  (https://www.desertmuseum.org/books/nhsd_roadrunner_new.php#:~:text=Distinguishing%20features,15%20mph)%20and%20rarely%20flies.)
The Visitor Center fella was informative as well as friendly.
Jumping Cholla. Yes, a jumping cactus; keep friends, children and pets at least 3 feet away from this plant monster at all times (the 4x tires were maybe 18 inches away).
Sneaky Jumping Cholla. Cactus Attack!
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=379z9-LYu2s & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD6m8vmH2Lg)

Backtracking from the Visitor's Center, I turned left, onto the 'Painted Desert' road. The desert dust is powdery - like baby powder quality softness, and the gravel has sunk so far into the powder that it's lost it's traction.

I never went over 5 mph. while in 4H during the drive: never more than 5 mph, which was a good thing because the road was terrible wash-board type.

I am going to drive to the Painted Desert Trailhead 
Solo Lobo Adventure.
The desert landscape appeals to me.
Adventure waits for me through that passage 
Very fresh burro 'sign'; they are here. Somewhere.
The desert dust was very fine - and Beast Betsy is very heavy.
A little humor helps in a dicey situation.
Passing this viewpoint up; can't afford riskiness.
I relied on the things Holland had taught me; moved forward.
Burro trails 
My vacant husbands continue to teach me Life Skills ;-)
Arizona's Bush Morning Glory plant is drought tolerant, although it does need some additional water in the desert.
There are no knights in shining armor around these parts 

I kept inching forward - I was afraid to try turning around, off road, in the powdery soft desert landscape. Staying on the rough and mushy roadway seemed to be the best course of action - given the circumstances.

I kept praying the parking lot would show up soon: it did :-)

I had my adventure; but had to break out the inhaler when my lungs started complaining about the kicked up dust.

On my adventure, I saw a few little birds and a couple dragonflies on the wing … but, no burros; wild or otherwise.

I didn't see the river, which was really the whole purpose of choosing this particular sight-see :-(

I saw advertising for ATV rentals - but Holland is being an ass. So, that's that.

I had seen a sign pointing in the general direction of food … so, when I saw it again, I pulled off the road and pulled up the Rio Lobo location (and menu, too), and decided to pass: I want authentic mexican food, not tourist trap crap.

I can make a grilled cheese sandwich at home.

Maybe I'll take a daytrip to the Imperial Dam - I want to see the Colorado River; and if going to the dam is the only way to get that Bucket List check … that's what I'll do ;-)

Nope; passing this viewpoint up, too.
Pulling on every driving memory my husbands have given me.
Deep powder & washboard gravel; not easy travel.
THIS makes it all worthwhile; the painted desert landscape.
Elohim provided an 'Indiana Messenger' ;-)
Bleu was glad to see the parking lot, too. Poor little fella.
1-1/2 mi. round loop; I wanted to so badly, but Bleu was not up to it. It was hot & he has a double-haired coat.
The turning point … decision time.
Curiosity … and stubborn determination; a monkey-jar risk.
Tried to reach Holland … he wasn't answering.
Called it a day, here.
Enough adventurous excitement for the day.
A strange happening with Beast Betsy 
Caught up with the Indiana Messenger.
Thanking Elohim for the men in my life; knowledge.
I had to break out the inhaler … the dust played havoc with my lungs.
Blacktop - HALLELUJAH!
Concentrate on the silver linings of life's black clouds.
Back over the cattle guards 
Holland has been wanting to rent some UTV's - but we aren't talking; so, that's that.
The Colorado River is still a 'want'; maybe the Dam is the answer.
A passing thought; the online menu shelfed that idea.

When I got back home, I mentioned the steering wheel jerk (half the truck belongs to him, too, he has a right to be in the loop), and Holland said it's possible I ran over a rock under all the powder; and that would have made the steering wheel jerk.

I'm hoping that's all it was: we have enough problems to deal with, at the moment.

Now, I'm heading of to bed where the sandman's hearty prods will probably be shrugged off for a bit, when my thoughts get caught up plotting my next adventure ;-)

No reason to stick around is a good reason to GO