Anticipating our trip through the Pass and over the hill to Bouse this afternoon, we were drinking our mugs of joy juice, and watching traffic … when a gust of wind sent Independence rocking & palm trees vigorously swaying 😳
An amber haze of sandy grit hovered in the atmosphere, too; we're pulling stakes here on Monday, and hope Kingman's air quality is friendlier.
Pretty gusty, this morning; The Pit Stop~Quartzsite-AZ
Immediate County Work still going on: this week, sewer lines are being dug out, and man-cover lids dug out & leveled with the new blacktop that was recently laid.
Around 10:30 A.M., Holland told me that Gene Hackman has died 😞 I've watched most of his movies - my favorite, is "Zandy's Bride": I've watched that movie so much, for so long, that I know the script by heart 😉 I am trying to track the Novel down; it's a vintage writ, so it will take time to find a copy, and beaucoup bucks to buy it.
Gene Hackman
Gene was an excellent character actor, and supplied me with decades of hours of entertainment 👏 He lived a long life - ending at 95 yo. His presence is greatly missed.
Finally on our way to Bouse, Holland and I were discussing a loosely planned future … when he cracked off, saying I had a head like a goat - and that made me laugh. When he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I said, "Well, that fits because I am a goat - I am a Capricorn." He swallowed a chuckle before saying, "Hmm; I never knew that. No wonder you're so wily - have you ever watched goat ropers; those goats see a rope in hand, and they are doing everything they can to escape the lasso." I couldn't help quipping, "Yeah, you're finding that I can be a little hard to rope, too." We both broke out in laughter.
It is good to be laughing in good spirits, again ❤️
Orleans - 'Still The One' Lyrics:
In Bouse, we got what we wanted at the fresh produce tent, and Holland treated me to a leisurely drive back to Independence.
Today was a good day for the bull and the goat 👩❤️💋👨