God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SATISFACTION SHINE~Independence Repair

July 15th: We waited to hear from RV PRO as well as the Insurance Adjuster Joel - both were supposed to "get in touch this weekend": the weekend came and went, and there was no word from either.

Holland was not happy.

He had planned to drive to Vancouver this morning to rattle cages.

Holland phone started ringing. After the third alert, he groggily reached for it … and immediately sat up, listening, and ended the convo with "I'll be right there."

I've never seen wake up so fast.

He was not happy.

RV PRO had started working on Independence without Holland being present - as agreed upon.

He was tearing up the freeway in a dark mood.

I was quiet: and praying. Praying Elohim would go before us and prepare the way to get things settled amicably. Praying Elohim's Will would be done: I always want to be in His Will regardless of our plans - our plans may not be in agreement with Elohim's Plan.

When we arrived, we saw that Independence was not sitting in her usual parked space: Holland started looking around for her - when he spotted a piece of her … he marched off in that direction.

RV PRO crewmen have moved Independence to a work bay …
Independence's 'nose' was showing - and Holland marched in that direction.
Holland jumped out of bed & hustled me onto the freeway …
Holland is going to be flexing his $$$$ muscles this morning.

Heads were gonna roll.

He was in the repair bay for a good 45 minutes. I watched the Bay opening to see what mood he would be coming out, in.

Thankfully, his blood pressure was not spiked.

He looked satisfied.

RV PRO is going to do what Holland is insisting …
Joel is the snafu.

Joel was not going to be satisfied … but the total repair tab would be in the range Joel was insistent on. And I'm pretty sure Holland will be shopping for another Insurance Coverage when the dust from this dust-up settles.

Holland does not like to be jerked around - especially by a jerk ;-)

Insurance Adjuster Joel's cutoff price, is $30,000: a $35,000 repair cost would effectively {total} Independence … and the Insurance Co. will not go that far. But, Holland looked at RV PRO's repair spreadsheet itemizing everything, and he says he's satisfied with the work scheduled to be done - and the price listed for each repair; his whole working life has been in construction, so he's familiar with the process and knows what to look for concerning labor and costs. The final cost will be slightly under Joel's cutoff quote.

Holland felt sure the RV would be totaled - and he was right; but apparently Elohim has other plans for us concerning this issue. I'm okay either way.

Work could be wrapped up in a month's time.
Plans on all ends are moving forward …

When we got back to Woodland, we rested for an hour or two; and continued discussing something Holland is considering.

Holland needs to be busy; he told me this when we first married - and it really hit home, with understanding, the entire first year of our marriage. Hauling Independence around - then sitting around relaxing his aching body just wasn't cutting it: he needs to be busy.

Inactive retirement makes him edgy, and edginess makes him snappy - which in turn, makes me snappy.

So, he is actively working on a solution to that undesirable looping snappy issue.

And I am supporting him in this venture he is setting in place: it could be a lot of fun for the both of us :-)

Then we went to the river - this is becoming an evening routine.

Collective Soul - Shine/Lyrics: 

Holland relaxes around water … and I'm learning to. We spent 1-1/2 hours parked on the beach, as close to the waves as we could safely get with Betsy; watching the busy river commerce, relaxing to the soft swooshing of waves gently breaking against the sand, and checked off things that need to be done this week in preparation for Holland's new adventure.

The proposed busy work being discussed, is a crucial step forward in this part of the new life I am creating with my new husband.

So, here I go – I’m not sure what will happen; but here I go.
One foot in front of the other, into the future.

I’m doing better with meeting new people and engaging in unfamiliar activities, but it’s still difficult for me: new situations and new people can be fun and filled with wonderous excitement … but they can also be scary, overwhelming, and stressful.

Chillin' at our favorite local stretch of sand ..
A heavy-laden Tugboat action.
A River Guide pulled up on the beach & collected a father with 2 young sons.
2 Tugs slide past each other.
The Columbia River was very busy today ;-)
This boat banked & hooked to the truck trailer, behind us.

Leaving the riverside, we watched busy work in the fields that span this end of Woodland's labyrinth of dike roads - hayfields, grain fields, vineyards, and small beef farms, are dedicated to specific rural area.

I like it :-)

This end of diked Woodland is farm land.

I also like where our life is going.

I like that we are finally moving past the angsts, and structuring a satisfactory Life Together where we will be pulling forward together; instead of yanking each other's chain, pulling in different directions.

We have learned to lessen our individual expectations and work on what's best for US as WHOLE.


Tomorrow morning we begin setting The Plan in actual motion: we are excited :-)