God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

POST THIN TONING EXERCISES~My Senior Exercise Plan 2024; #8/Visalia-CA

There is another article out that claims fat causes cancer. Hmmm. I’ve known people as thin as a rail that have been struck with cancer, so obviously cancer isn’t particular about what size body it chooses to strike. Am I worried? Not particularly – I’m not fat … I’m menopausal, and according to several articles submitted by doctors, menopause takes women on a roller-coaster ride for roughly 10 or 15 years before things start mellowing out; I figure I’m well over 2/3’s through the gauntlet without estrogen supplements WHICH WILL GIVE A PERSON CANCER.

I have tried dieting to no avail.

I have skipped meals with no discernable notations that would lead to serious and joyful celebrating.

I eat healthy foods and cook health conscious meals.

No matter what I do, that spare tire just will not go away!

And the Dolly Parton boobs I longed for in my younger years? They finally decided to blossom now that I am over the hill with an aging back that groans under the weight.

Despite being heftier at this time in my life than I have ever been at any time in my life, the angel of encouragement on my right shoulder tells me that I am not fat, just ‘post-thin’. But giving the devil's advocate on my left shoulder his due, I’ll concede that perhaps I am fatter than I need to be … but even if the menopausal fluff refuses to go away, I can tone that fatty mass. Hopefully, I'll be able to successfully harness those rebellious fat cells, and get back into a balanced weight zone by 2027 … the 15 year "menopausal mellowing out" era of my life ;-)

Meanwhile, I'll take refuge in the Spirit that whispers to my heart that Scripture says, “All the fat is the Lord’s” (Leviticus 4:16b KJV).

Amen! And I rest my case 😉

Our Independence has a spare bunk room that I use as my She-Cave, where I can do my exercises, crafts, and draft posts: I am thankful Elohim blessed us with this Home where I can tone my body without disrupting Holland's time in the livingroom area :-)

Still keeping things 'light' ;-)

I like this musician … his tunes set the perfect tempo for a good workout :-)

Ed Sheeran Best Song Playlist 2022: 

15 Minute Senior Strength Workout w-Weights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLdcBgl35u4

*STRENGTH~My Senior Exercise Plan 2024; #7/Quartzsite-AZ https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/02/my-senior-exercise-plan-2024.html