February has ended, and March has arrived: another turn of the calendar page in the steady movement forward.
Today, here in Quartzsite-AZ, movement was in slo-mo: a huge overnight dust storm had the horizon looking like a heavy cloud layer had settled over the landscape - the mountain range was totally hidden from view. Dust was stirred up with 40 mph wind gusts that came at Independence like it was being propelled by a leaf blower 😳
It is impossible to keep the inside dust-free …
So, we stayed inside Independence today, so our lungs were not overtaxed; all day I had a migraine, and didn't have much of an appetite. Luckily, Holland knows how to take care of himself - seeing how the migraine was laying me low, he cooked; and knowing how his back gets inflamed when he stands too long, I did the dishes 😉👩❤️💋👨
We both also surfed the internet, which is a slo-mo activity - Holland was doing research, keeping up on current events, and following interesting links … I was pretty much just wasting time, trying to ease my headache; and wait time out until I could fall back into bed with little guilt.
We will be leaving here on Monday, and Holland has a LOT of stuff scheduled to explore and enjoy 🥰