We planned to drive to Bouse this morning, after our morning coffee's; Holland checked his YouTube subscriptions - and I checked to see if the obamanites were still being troublesome, or if President Trump would finally get his Administration in place. I was happy to see that the senate churlishness hadn't held up the latest votes 😁
Senate panel advances Kash Patel bid to lead FBI: (https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5130147-kash-patel-senate-judiciary-committee-vote/)
Senate confirms RFK Jr. as Health secretary; McConnell lone GOP dissenter: (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5141880-robert-f-kennedy-jr-confirmed/)
I happily put my mug in the sink; and while Holland finished draining his mug, I washed my hair and put color on my face …
'Hard Candy' eyeshadow colors.
When I rejoined Holland, I saw that he had a surprise waiting for me on the kitchen counter 💘
I was thrilled: the cell phone I inherited when Bob joined the celestial choir the winter of 2018, is dying - it does not hold a charge past 10 minutes anymore … and the new phone Holland bought for me 2 years ago, won't allow me to upload videos unless I buy an extra Apple app (which I refuse to do - for the price of this phone, any extras should be free!): I was able to upload with no problems at all, until Trump won the Presidential Vote: Apple is a hard-core demonrat business, and this happens e.v.e.r.y.s.i.n.g.l.e. time dems lose their grasp on DC. Holland says the next phone either of us get, will be one of Elon Musk's, and we'll go with Starlink internet access, too.
This new camera handbook says it has audio video recording - we will try it out sometime this week.
A little bit of county road work was still being finished up as we headed towards the Plomosa Road that cuts through BLM land, about 8 miles north of Quartzsite - I like this desert drive over Quinn Pass, and into Bouse. It's also an Arizona Historical Route.
Continuing road work; Quartzsite-AZ
But, we like the drive because it's wide-open, quiet, and serene 😉
The Afters - 'When You're With Me':
At the fresh produce vendor tent, it was so windy that an updraft caught my door as I swung it open, and nearly wrenched my arm out of it's socket as I tried to gracefully exit Betsy's cab and keep the door from being wind-whipped-damaged.
We loaded up on fresh veggies and more quarts of honey - the honey here is awesomely flavored with local flora scents. We are truly going to miss Arizona, and everything about AZ, when we head back northward.
Holland treated me to a little extra mileage on the way back home, while we discussed building our Kingdom going forward 👩❤️💋👨
We got a quick splash of raindrops in Brenda … and noticing what looked to be pretty large chunks of pumice 🤔; so, I did a quick research on my Tablet, and was surprised to read that there was indeed ancient volcanic activity in Quartzsite-AZ 😳
RAIN! IT lasted all of 5 minutes; Brenda-AZ
Brenda-AZ from Bouse-AZ; 23 min (20.4 mi) via AZ-72 E and Avenue 42 E
Black Pumice rocks liberally litter the landscape, here - some pretty large; Brenda-AZ
Quartzsite's Unique Rock Formations: A Geological Journey:
When we got back home, I did do a research for ancient volcanoes near Quartzsite … and every marker was too far away to have produced the pumice littering the immediate areas, here.
It's a quandarous mystery.
While I was occupied with my Laptop … my loving husband cooked Supper for us ❤️ 🤝
And the forecasted rain arrived.
Holland is Chief Chef, tonight …
Watching my husband cook for me & and ignoring the calorie count rising ;-)
1 small cabbage, 1.3 pkg. Bacon; half an onion, 1 pound Green Beans, half a Zucchini, 5 small potatoes … Salt, Black Pepper, Paprika, Turmeric, & Garlic Powder.
Fat and sassy after that yummy meal my husband spoiled me with, I did the dishes (only fair; he cooked 😉); finished one project - and started designing a new one:
MOD Kitchen Towel Set, finished.
And Holland showed me what our friends & extended family members up north are dealing with, in the moment:
We don't envy them; or miss the chilly mess.
We will establish our budding Kingdom in a warmer climate 😘