God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, May 4, 2024

HISTORY~Shabbat 2024, Ocean Park-WA

It's important to KNOW actual History.

For decades, American Collages and Universities have taught the LIE that "the Holocaust never happened".

For decades, American Collages and Universities have taught the LIE that there is "a Palestine": the actual Palestine DIED OUT GENERATIONS BEFORE the British military in Israel after WW2, decided arab squatters (who gave ear to adolf hitler's insane murderous ranting) should have a piece of Israel … THAT is what has led to the arab madness (fueled by nazi lunacy THEN and NOW) that has had the last century, and a huge part of this century, it a crazy political grip.

HISTORICAL FACT: Upon achieving power following a political coup blitz, adolf hitler destroyed germany's democratic institutions and transformed germany into a war state intent on conquering Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race.

Today, in America, barak hussain obama announced during his pollical coup more than a decade ago, that he would "transform the landscape of America" - his end goal was to end Christianity in America, and establish a muslim foothold. He promptly announced that American Christians are "domestic terrorists" - and he promptly secured congressional seats, judicial seats, and religious seats for hard-core Jew-hating & American-hating muslims.

What is happening across America with the installment of (1) a muslim Jew & America hater IN the OVAL OFFICE (2) a senile obamanite PUPPET in the White House to further the muslim AGENDA; rioting mobs inciting racism and burning city blocks to the ground; a mindless & lawless distortion of TRUTH & Law and Order FROM CONGRESS, as well as the Oval Office: is a nazi ploy straight out of adolf hitler's handbook, of using politics & court rooms to carry out dictator demands (obama, clinton, pelosi, schumer, schiff, jeffries, cheney, beutler, biden, ellison, carson, omar, tlaib - ALL openly hateful toward Israel & America).

Following the collapse of nazi rule with the victory of D-Day, American politicians REFUSED to allow a ship of war-weary JEWS into American ports … BUT nazi doctors (some who had worked in barbaric concentration camps) were WELCOMED with open arms.

So, now, in America we have mentally-ill {doctors} using a twisted scientific view to further the agenda their forefathers were employing in the concentration camps - to the point behind demonrat's crying loudly for the {right} not only to abort babies at ANY STAGE of life … but also to allow full term babies to starve to death following birth (under the 'watchful eyes' of doctors and nurses, of course); and to unwanted "abort 3 year olds". This evil happened in nazi concentration camps - it has NO PLACE in American {hospitals}. And if that doesn't satisfy the warped scientific 'minds want to know' lunacy, school children are being brainwashed to accept twisted scientific doctrine, even to the point of physical mutilation (brainwashing can be undone - reversal of making a eunuch out of a male child cannot; the removal of a young girl's breasts cannot) 🤬

American {churches} are also parroting political lunacy from the pulpits (same as in nazi germany), and a large part of society is engaging in- and celebrating debauched perversion (same as in nazi germany).

History that has been dismissed repeats itself until Truth sets it right. And if society refuses to straighten up and fly right … civilizations that have fallen prey to wickedness and embrace evil, die out.

American politicians are in the grip of barack hussain obama's muslim hate-fueled ANTI-American tirades & crazy-train-TDS; and Cities, & College campuses, are erupting with full-on hatred & discrimination that is as old as the the rift between ishmael and Isaac: where this arab hatred towards Jews actually began.

And in all this hot mess, most Americans remain silent (same as german citizens in nazi germany).

Fence straddling has got to come to an end.

Americans have to decided which side of the fence they will firmly stand on.

And wishy-washy christians need to get back to Christian TRUTHS-man up-stand up-and lift their voices.

My Church Teaches What? – Pastor Mark Henry: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V4EP65bg6c)

Stopping a tyrannical overthrow of the United States AND the WORLD, the stripping of our Liberties & Freedoms BEGINS with YOU. Do your part and STAND UP for yourSELF before you no longer have a self to stand up for!!!