God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, February 12, 2024


I don't support Calvary Chapel 100% because some chapels have gone off the rails and embrace the vineyard heresy - BUT I have listened to Jan's broadcast for decades, and find her to be balanced in what she shares.

I am a Christian, a Messianic Christian, but I don't automatically go to services just because it's expected of me as a Christian: I fellowship where Elohim's Word is honored, Yeshua's teaching is practiced, and the Ruach HaKo'desh is welcomed - THAT is where I fellowship. It is very difficult to find a house of worship that is as balanced as it should be.

I am picky about where I fellowship; Holland says I'll "never find a perfect place"; I'm not looking for {perfect}, I'm looking for balance. I have to endure the worldly nonsense 6 days out of every week … I want that 1 day a week where Elohim is to be honored TO HONOR HIM. I don't think that is "expecting too much".

If a minister speaks only of the Gospels and declines to speak of prophecy - I don't fellowship there.

If a minister speaks only of prophecy and omits the Gospels - I don't fellowship there.

If a minister refuses to include the WHOLE Scriptures (excludes the Old Covenant/Testament) - I don't fellowship there.

If a minister teaches that "God has abandoned the Jews, and replaced them with the Church" - I don't fellowship there.

If a minister teaches that a woman's place is under a man's thumb - I don't fellowship there.

If a minister teaches the obamanite ABC alternate lifestyle and the blm woke terrorism - I don't fellowship there.

If a minister is focused on politics, and works a personal preference into his "message" - I don't fellowship there.

If the church leadership panders to the teens with a rock concert atmosphere … and totally ignores the adults & elderly among them - I don't fellowship there.

If the church leadership weaves pagan practices into their "ministry structure" in order to instill a wrong spirit in the Body (palm reading, head reading, soaking rooms, angel worship, UFO, Sasquatch & Nephilim obsession's) - I don't fellowship there.

If the church leadership decides those who tithe gets special privilege's and attention … and everyone else gets snubbed and "isn't saved" (meaning their salvation status, according to the leadership, depends on how much $$$ they fork out) - I don't fellowship there.

If the church leadership places political pamphlets, promotional business sales items (books, music & teaching CD's, prayer shawls, ect.) in the Sanctuary - I don't fellowship there.

If I notice that people only fill the pews when it's Potluck Sunday (in other words, they are not there to be fed the Word of God, they are there to fill their greedy bellies with free food) - I don't fellowship there.

And when I shop, I shop as my conscious leads: if stores promote obamanite wickedness (and funnels their gains to promote the obamanite agenda), I don't shop there. I may not find everything I want at other stores, but when I hand my $$$ over, I can enjoy what I have bought with a clear conscious.

It may sound like my Life is spartan - it isn't. Elohim always makes sure I get what I need, when I need it 😉

When you honor Him - He will honor you.


February 11th: Neither Holland, nor I, are football fans … but most people are; so, the gathering at Kelly's house today was focused on (and centered around) Superbowl Sunday.

The whole family would be gathered, so I dolled up a bit: not too much, but some.

(Left) Sparkly Maybelline Designer Chocolates; (Right) Sparkly Cover Girl Fard Accents.
Glittery Profusion Chocolates - 'Lionheart'; Brow Gel; Mascara; Lipstick for blush & tinted Burt's Bees Lipgloss.
MDChocolates sparkly 'Cream' for browline; CGFAccents sparkly 'Pale Pink for entire eye shadow; 'Rose' for  eyelid color; 'Brown' for both eye liners; PChocolates glittery 'Lionheart' for inner eyelid accent; 'Auburn' Brow Gel; 'Deep Violet' Mascara.
Revlon Lipstick 'Primrose' for Blush, & 'Rose' tinted Burt's Bees Lipgloss; dressed for outdoor face-to-face; Guess - Seductive Red Perfume.
A quick twirl of the hot curling iron and I'm walking out the door …

We drove to Wal*Mart to pick up a sheet cake to take with us: we also grabbed a quick hotdog on Lover's Lane :-)

Leaving the street we currently have Independence parked at, we noticed horse trailers and cowboys on horses in the parking lot of a feed barn … but we were surprised to see people riding their horses down main highways. In California (!) of all places. Bleu started barking his head off, but the horses were very well behaved and didn't startle. What did startle me though, was seeing a toddler seated behind the saddle horn of his mother's horse - I don't think that was very wise given they were riding their horses down the highway where anything could happen: they had control of their mounts, but I have ridden a horse on a main roadway and know horses (no matter how well trained) can get antsy & skittish on a highway.

The family gathering at Kelly's was fun: and Brenda is planning a Family Reunion in March, following Holland's Dr. appointment, and my eyes exam, so we'll be coming back this way again real soon. We are looking forward to seeing Holland's beekeeper cousin from Colorado - he'll be coming to California to collect his bee hives that are pollinating the orchards here, now … we left around 4:30 PM, and then Holland took me to see the main Meyer Ranch he spent time at, when he was a kid (his mother's sister Immajean - Brenda's mother, was married to George - the Uncle we visited with yesterday); this particular visit had been planned before we even started being Road Gypsies, so I'm glad this Bucket List Wish was a "touch down" :-)

Horses! There were people riding horses all over the place, this morning.
Venice Hills and the entire Sierra Nevada foothills, east of Vasilia-CA
Venice Hills; Visalia-CA:
Freaking out flip-flop 
Wienerschnitzel Breakfast: #1400 E Noble Ave, Visalia, CA
Holland got 2 Corn Dogs & I got the Kraut Dog; Chili-cheese Fries - not what I expected, but they were tasty ;-)
A golden leafed tree; the leaves look like pressed gold coins.
Heart-shaped rock in the Wal*Mart parking lot; Visalia-CA
Holland stopped at a small store at a junction leading to Laton, and came out to the truck with a treat for me; he always lets me know he's always thinking of me ;-)
In Layton-CA, we met Brenda & Jeff at the corner junction and followed them to Kelly's house 
The Deck where everyone was congregated - it was an impressive thing.
The backyard layout is beautifully set up, and the deck overlooks the canal.
This is a place Holland knows; this was Benda's Bridal home - now passed to her daughter Kelly & husband Eric.
I think I'll skip the sauce; LOL
Portuguese Donuts are akin to Czechoslovakian Crullers.
Filozes Portuguese Donuts Recipe:
 (https://www.farmgirlgourmet.com/2012/03/filozes-portuguese-donuts.html) & Old-Fashioned Cruller Recipes: (https://www.homemade-dessert-recipes.com/old-fashioned-cruller-recipe.html)
Fried in hot cooking oil 
And rolled in granulated sugar. YUM!
Brenda's first husband Tommy, was Portuguese; Holland went to school with the older adults here - he knows everyone.
Brenda's husband, Jeff.

I love this man - he's so good for me in so many ways.

The Meyer Laton Ranch; Holland spent a lot of time here, growing up. The little cabin is where all the boys slept - and all the boys have funtime memories of their time spent together there. I love listening to their phone convo's :-)
This was Brenda's childhood home.
Texas Longhorn cattle 
The Meyer Layton Ranch was pretty expansive & Holland loved his time spent here; he talks of this place and his Uncle and cousins with great love.
Sunset tonight; Visalia-CA

*TIES THAT BIND~Hanford-CA & Laton-CA Post: https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/02/ties-that-bindhanford-ca-laton-ca.html