God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, September 8, 2024


We are still in the process of settling back into Independence: yesterday afternoon, we collected everything out of storage - and all of our belongings are once again surrounding us in our living quarters. A bit still litters the floor in the bunk room, but that will be sorted and stashed later today ;-)

And Independence is still for sale: we want something smaller - and if our plans dovetail with Elohim's Plan, a sell will happen: if not here, then elsewhere.

In the meanwhile …

Yesterday we also visited Scott, Lana, and Bleu in Kelso, for half an hour before we came back to Castle Rock; Scott is rebuilding the back porch of their home. Lana underwent another chemo treatment for the leukemia. And Bleu was in the dog house - he hasn't been getting much attention lately with all the busy activity, and like any youngster craving attention - he went about collecting the wrong kind of attention; but 99% of the time, he is a spoiled little dog. And he really does have a very good life with them.

After we got back home, Holland asked, "How about we unload the boxes - and then I take you for a drive? How does Winlock, sound to you? We can also drive through Vader, and maybe out Ryderwood way, too." I said, "Yes! And thank you; Winlock sounds fine - I like Winlock. And the last time I was through any of those little towns, was two years ago."

The leaves are beginning to turn, and I knew there would be several patches of Fall color showing, along the backroad route :-)

As we were leaving the Park here, I spotted a boulder along the wayside that looked like it had a mossy pumpkin patch silhouetted on it:

I laughed when I saw this - I love Yeshua's humor ;-)
Toutle River RV Resort: #150 Happy Trails Rd, Castle Rock, WA

And a bit further up the backroad towards our destination, Holland actually stopped in the middle of the road so I could get a picture of the red round barn: Holland does not do things like this - this was a real concession, on his part.

The RV Park has discount rates for military families.

I, on the other hand, if I see something I want to capture in a frame … will put on my hazard flashers (so oncoming cars will see me and not run into me) and take the picture - though I have never done that with Holland, because he always lectured me about it. So, his bending in this regard was a near miracle. And I loved him for it :-)

The Laughlin Round Barn; Castle Rock-WA
Laughlin Round Barn
It has a rectangular addition on the back side, which I never noticed until today.

This morning, while re-reading past blog postings for today (I like to review how far I've come and how much I've grown over the years), I smiled when I read the September 8th posting for 2021:


{{I know Elohim's Plan will be perfect for my life. I know that when that time manifests itself, I will be wholly ready for the changes; and those changes will not seem a hard thing to accept.}}

Patrick Hernandez - 'Born To Be Alive' lyrics:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqXUvsRKsiM)

I have always liked spending time in the forests - especially in the beautiful PNW mountain areas; I preferred Mt. Rainier, but in a pinch I'd settle for Mt. St. Helens ;-)

Holland likes being around water; he prefers the ocean, but the rivers will suit when he feels the need for a relaxing lap of waves against the shoreline.

Both of us were, at this point in time, separately knowing we were born to be alive - and seeking Elohim's guidance on how to accomplish that in the seemingly aimless, and life-sucking-void, our lives were circulating in … then.

2021 was a turning point in both of our lives.

Different circumstances.

Different situations.

Different requests.

The same need - the need to feel alive; the need to have a purposeful direction in Life.

And Elohim was preparing both of us for change.

Holland was more than ready: he had been waiting three decades for an answer to a divine promise, that would lead his life to a specific purpose.

I was still evolving, learning how to restructure a New Life; leaning harder on- and into- Elohim's perfect Will for my life. When the time came a year later, I almost missed it because I was still looking backward - missing the life I knew, and not wanting to cut it loose. But Elohim is faithful. He had made a promise He intended to keep; and when that promise made so long ago fully manifested itself to me in 2023, I was wholly ready for the changes. And those changes were not a hard thing to accept ;-)

Newlyweds; Longview-WA, 2023
Donna Summer - 'I Love You' w-lyrics song:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmtVsenPmxk)
Husband & furry son; Arizona, 2023

While I finish my coffee hour this morning, I'm going to get back to finishing up the little preemie gown I started working up the other day - it's coming along nicely … and is a nice deterrent from the mess in the bunk room nagging at my conscience to tidy it up ;-)

Preemie babies are babies born to be alive - their lives just start sooner than expected. My youngest brother was a preemie baby; and his daughter was a preemie baby. Both grew up to be very healthy, robust people.

Preemie (for a 2-4 lb. size baby) sacque body completed; I'll make a hem drawstring for it, later.
Starting on a sleeve …