God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


We made it back to Long Beach-WA, April 15th … and it has been raining steadily here ever since.

We only spent 2 weeks on David's beach lot because we have to hookup and drive into town to dump the black tanks periodically; and Betsy & Independence are too heavy to keep running back and forth over his grass without cutting with the wet soil with deep grooves coming and going.

While we have gone to various beach approaches to watch the ocean waves between rain showers - and that activity has been fun; the rain never stops. Ever.

The steady sound of rainfall is annoying …
How is this even possible??? A new snafu to be mentioned during Independence's inspection.

This is the wettest spring I can ever remember in WA State.

In fact, the entire year of traveling has been strange regarding weather - our first month spent at Quartzsite-AZ, in the Sonoran Desert, was the only time there was any serious sun-warmth (hellish as it was in the 3-diget range); the rest of the time we spent dodging high winds, thunderstorms, steady rainfall and snowfall in unexpected places down south, was not enjoyable: we couldn't get outdoors much, due to the dust ups & wet weather … and I came back to WA State as pale-skinned as when we left 13 months & 1 day ago.

It has been fun visiting the other States - and Holland did righteous by me in planning and getting me to places I had on my Bucket List; notably the Devil's Tower in Wyoming, the Little A'Le'Inn campground in Rachel, Nevada, and his hometown Santa Cruz in California.

But it has been wear-and-tear on his body, and the rotten weather has been wear-and-tear on our relationship … it is no fun to pull down, hook up, or set up in cold, wet, or "ify" weather: and most of that activity falls on Holland's shoulders; I help when he lets me - but he has a routine and a rhythm that he likes to stick to.

Poor Independence has been shaken to pieces traveling Colorado and California roadways (hence the inspection on Thursday); and if the terrible roads are bad on Independence, I know they are just as bed - or worse for Holland's damaged back. I have suggested that maybe it's time to apartment hunt, or settle in a mobile home park, to relieve some of the physical pain and mental stress.

Holland is "thinking on it"; but isn't ready yet to give a "yes" or "no" answer.

There are pros and cons to either situation: an apartment or mobile home park would give stability without acute pain (other than financial ;-)) … but those situations would also mean neighbors we could not easily escape from if living around them became intolerable (as it was for me at Heron Point before Holland entered my Life). And while being a Road Gypsy tickles my fancy and is fun for me … it's not that exciting for Holland (reasons given above), who has lived 95% of his life to date on the road.

So, I am doing what I always do when faced with {the valley of indecision} circumstances: I'm giving the issue over to Elohim and can truthfully state: I honestly do not know what we will be doing after Independence's inspection Thursday.