God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, June 19, 2023


June 18th: Man!

We hardly got any sleep last night; and I noticed this morning when I took trash to the overloaded dumpster (landlady only has it half-emptied every other Thursday), that the college drunks' campsite had been torn down and they were ready to roll. No one looked worse for wear, so I'm thinking other campers called in a complaint about the rowdy noise last night and they were evicted (the fight was between them and the landlord's husband, no doubt). I was thankful. Perhaps now we can have peace again the remainder of our time here.

Holland spent the bulk of the day in Longview, again, where he and Tim continued working on the 4x to get it ready for the road: today's agenda was to wrestle the generator in place, and bolted to the truck bed.

Holland will have help with the generator today; I'm glad, because it's raining. The "summer" weather here in the PNW this year, feels like Fall weather; consistently very cold - and very wet, at the moment. We can't wait to get down South … and enjoy some sunshine.
As he drove away, I thought to myself, "I hope they work in the garage, out of the rain."

Then, Holland drove to Woodland to give his truck tool box to another friend who can use it. I was sorry Holland had to let the tool box go … but we need the generator more than we need the tool box.

While he was gone, I got busy setting up another Blog - this time, the new Blog will be 100% US; since June 7th, I've been locked out of accessing my Just East of Eden Blog … so, if and when I can ever get {on} the other one, I will stop activity there: and redirect to this one.

I've jumped through all the ridiculous {for your safety} hoops required, and the {team} still won't let me log into my own Blog, despite all my "proofs" that {I} AM WHO I claim to be :-(

I'm not going to be a prisoner to some nerdy stranger who feels the need to dominate.

So, I'm moving on. I do not have time to waste on ridiculousness.

The Just East of Eden Blog really doesn't fit my New Life anymore, anyway.

But these "7 Things To Keep In Mind" do … they are the bedrock of my New Life unfolding :-)

DAY TO MYSELF; Cleaning the RV

June 17th: Today I had a day to myself.

What to do?

The house needed a thorough cleaning - there is a man, and two dogs in residence … and Holland was leaving to visit with a friend while they put airbags on the truck, to make the truck ride level under the weight of the 5th Wheel when it's being hauled from here to there.

So, I cleaned the house.

That may not sound wonderful to some … but, for me, it was wonderful ;-)

The boys are not happy …
I'm glad I kept these (I made 3 of them); I designed and worked these wet-jet covers up a couple years ago - they were put to work this afternoon.
The fur-babies act like they never get water. LOL
Holland's Text. 1 more week left: then, no more crazy-lady nonsense. I am not used to landlords; Holland is. I am learning to bend … but I am quickly losing my patience with her bitchy attitude.
Both boys did real well with the shop vac noise.
The windows were opened to let fresh air in while the carpet cleaner dries; the Resolve Cleaner fumes were pretty strong.
Chewing on Pig's Ears helped defuse the boy's boredom … and of course, they got crumbs all over the clean floor.
Invisible bandana's … there were at least 50: now there are none. I hope he remembers where he moved them to ;-)
Holland's text about the drunks next door. Loud and rowdy drunks are not an issue with the landlord, but dogs are; that is totally irrational.
Holland called to say he was on his way home … so, I set the heater set up to help speed the drying process. The carpet dried - was vac'd  and everything was back in place before he walked through the door :-)
First thing Holland said when he opened the door, was, "It smells clean in here - no doggie odor! My Baby has been a busy Lady."
Pam's Text about the 4th of July BBQ. As much as I want out of the PNW … I hope we get to go: it will be enjoyable for Holland too, to engage in some male talk ;-)

I was happy, and felt very {wifey} standing in my tidied, clean-smelling home ;-)

Holland was impressed so much had been accomplished during his absence: floors done, laundry done (fur-babies run in and out all day long between laundry loads), bathrooms cleaned and tidied, countertops/table top cleared and wiped down, bed striped-sheets changed-made up again: a full day's work, and the house looking tidy instead of like a neglected bachelor pad … and I even found time to get my hair washed and dabble in a little makeup ;-)

The fur-babies were sprung - and bolted out of their respective kennels like they had prepped for a Greyhound Race; I felt a little guilty they had been cooped up most of the day :-(

Our farmhouse-design-RV home smells good again; instead of smelling like a testosterone saturated barn yard :-)

But … the morons next door that were drunk at noon, partied loud all night - and got into a fight around 2 AM.

Oh the joys of an RV Park: NOT!


June 16th: A lot of Christians get confused about The Rapture & the Second Coming - even though Scripture is very clear when describing both occurrences.

This summary will clarify:

QUESTION: What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?

ANSWER: The Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ are often confused. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a scripture verse is referring to the rapture or the second coming. However, in studying end-times Bible prophecy, it is very important to differentiate between the two.

The Rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the Church (all Believers in Christ) from the earth. The Rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and, along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air. This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.

The Second Coming is when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His millennial kingdom. The Second Coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16.

The important differences between the Rapture and Second Coming are as follows:

1) At the Rapture, Believers meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the Second Coming, Believers return with the Lord to the earth (Revelation 19:14).

2) The Second Coming occurs after the great and terrible Tribulation (Revelation chapters 6–19). The Rapture occurs before the tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).

3) The Rapture is the removal of Believers from the earth as an act of deliverance (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 5:9). The Second Coming includes the removal of unbelievers as an act of judgment (Matthew 24:40-41).

4) The Rapture will be secret and instant (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). The Second Coming will be visible to all (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:29-30).

5) The Second Coming of Christ will not occur until after certain other end-times events take place (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6–18). The Rapture is imminent; it could take place at any moment (Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54).

Why is it important to keep the rapture and the second coming distinct?

1) If the Rapture and the Second Coming are the same event, Believers will have to go through the Great Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).

2) If the Rapture and the Second Coming are the same event, the return of Christ is not imminent—there are many things which must occur before He can return (Matthew 24:4-30).

3) In describing the Tribulation period, Revelation chapters 6–19 nowhere mentions the church. During the tribulation—also called “the time of trouble for Jacob” (Jeremiah 30:7)—God will again turn His primary attention to Israel (Romans 11:17-31).

The Rapture and Second Coming are similar but separate events.

Both involve Jesus returning.

Both are end-times events.

However, it is crucially important to recognize the differences.

In summary, the Rapture is the return of Christ in the clouds to remove all Believers from the earth before the time of God’s wrath. The Second Coming is the return of Christ to the earth to bring the Tribulation to an end and to defeat the Antichrist and his evil world empire.

(Revelation 19)


June 15th: A few weeks ago Bleu was feeling alone … and contrite when we saw him in his newspaper-confetti-filled-kennel; we felt he might feel a little less impish if he had a companion to burn of the P & V with, so we put feelers out.

This morning, we found a candidate :-)

Newest addition to the Family.

His markings are pretty close to Bleu's - and that's what we want; so, Holland called the breeder and made arrangements.

This afternoon, we drove to Camas to bring Sonny home ❤️: he's just as handsome as our first furry son 😁.

And he don't take no dominance crap from Bleu either (he had litter mates he fought with, he doesn't back down) 😉

Sonny was not house broken … he was a little savage, running the farm fields; we quickly started team working - and potty training. Hopefully, he will be house-broken soon.

We bought a 2nd kennel, and placed it in backseat area; next to Bleu's kennel.
Camas has grown - this used to be a 2 lane road, not too long ago.
I got may country drive in, too. LOL
Sonny is 2 weeks younger than Bleu - and a lot bigger, too.
Daddy feeding his boys potato chips; 'for peace sake'.
Blessed sleep; peace at last.

Sonny is not a pure bred Blue Heeler, like Blue: Sonny is a {Texas Heeler}; half Australian Shepherd & half Blue Heeler.

He is two weeks younger than Bleu, but he will outsize Bleu in short order; and they will be good for each other once the pecking order is established.


June 14th: My two guys had appointments today: Holland, in Rainier-OR & Bleu in Longview-WA.

Holland's appointment was short and brief.

Bleu's appointment was to get his nails trimmed … a.g.a.i.n. The last place we took him to a month ago, just clipped the hooked points and left the nails long - the long nails are sharp, and they do a good deal of damage to Holland's arms when Bleu jumps on him. The jumping will slow down as Bleu grows up; but for the time being, they've got to be shortened up.

Hopefully, the nail clipping reset will get done properly today.

Thinking about getting another Blue Heeler.

After Bleu was done, we drove across the street to Pietro's to grab a pizza for lunch. We left Bleu in the truck, and were happy to enjoy our Wednesday Date :-)

Pietro's is no longer Pietro's: it's under new ownership and new management.

The changes called for a mental refocus; there are memories for both of us connected to the old Pietro's Pizzeria. But, life doesn't stand still - and the new changes fit with the New Life we are building, together.

Pietro's is under new management; 614 Commerce Ave, Longview, WA
Salad Bar is gone.
Black ceiling has colorful glitter highlights - nice!
BIG, colorful, lamp shade hides the kitchen fan …
X-Lrg. Cheesy Garlic Chicken & Combination Pizza; YUMMY!
Outdoor eating area … spacious and clean.

After our date lunch, we drove across the bridge and enjoyed some more downtime at Rainier Beach :-)

The tide was high.

Incoming tide; Rainier Beach-OR.

I let Bleu off leash and walked with him  about a mile down the beach, while Holland slowly followed in the 4x. When his little legs got tired, I put him in the truck and we drove down the beach.

Enjoying the sunshine.

Enjoying being together.

Enjoying the fun in life :-)

Playing in the river. LOL

Right now, we are enjoying local activities; but hopefully by the end of the month, a restart will be enacted when we pull stakes and move on to new experiences and making new memories :-)

Back home, I changed Bleu's leash neck collar for a leash harness … he isn't too wild about it, but he'll get used to the readjustment: it's going to be a permanent fixture.

Bleu is not happy with me right now; a new halter-style halter.
A back strap I can grab him with. I like these things … and Bleu will too, eventually.


June 12th: I had an eye exam this afternoon, so Holland was in charge of Bleu most of the day.

It was pretty hot, so I dressed light - and got my face in place (light makeup - I don't wear liquid foundation or powder) ;-)

'Polite' for brow, & glittery 'Illusion' for eyelid.
Sparkly 'Baby Blue' eye accent & lower eye liner; 'Navy Blue' for upper eye liner. 'Auburn Eyebrow Gel' & 'Cobalt Blue' Mascara.
'Coral Ember' Crème Blush; 'Nude Intrigue' Lipstick & 'Coral Crave' Lipgloss.
Ready to 'Slay' …

I was pretty nervous about parking The Beast in Dr. Tack's Park area - it's tight; most parking slots are not wide enough, or long enough for a super-sized 4x. Before I left, I told Holland that if it looked too "iffy" (like I might back into a car in a parking slot behind the truck), I would circle around and park down the street in the Strip Mall, hiking back to Dr. Tack's Office. Holland assured me that I would be fine, "You can do it Baby, I have faith in you."

And I answered Pam's earlier text, saying I'd drop by for a cup of coffee if the exam didn't take too long.

Then I kissed Holland and Bleu goodbye, before walking out the door.

Holland said, "Take your time visiting with Pam, Baby. Bleu and I will be just fine."

The drive over the Lewis and Clark Bridge between Oregon and Washington was uneventful (Thank You, Lord!); and so was the eye exam :-)

I surprised myself when I parked 'The Beast' perfectly in Dr. Tack's Parking Lot; downtown Longview-WA
Foyer - I like the wall colors.
Digital Screening Room - TESTS PASSED; Eye Examination Room - STAYING STABLE; I do not need new eyewear. YAY!!
I got to keep ALL my eyeglasses.

I nipped into Safeway's for a quick Pit Stop before driving to Pam's; and was gratified to realize that driving The Beast is not the ordeal I thought it would be ;-)

I also like that the cherry red color is easy to spot among all the other vehicles in the parking lots ;-)

Another perfect parking; Safeway's Parking Lot. Now, off to Pam's …

I enjoyed my afternoon visit with Pam, Frank and Sean. Pam and Frank are my oldest friends … and just about the only friends I can visit anymore - the 4x is too large and long for my other friends' pocket driveways :-(

We talked about a variety of things: the changes in their lives since we last visited, Holland and my trip across States to buy our 5th Wheel - and Bleu's addition to our family.

A lot of changes for all of us.

Pam told me that a huge landslide took out a huge span of roadway around Mt. St. Helen's and washed out a bridge, cutting off access to the Johnston Ridge Observatory. I don't have TV, so I hadn't heard any of this until she told me about it. I researched it when I got back home: 

12 people and a dog rescued from landslide near Mt. St. Helens | FOX 13 Seattle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e44GPui_tc)

The washout area is the circled & starred area, between Coldwater Lake & Johnston Ridge Observatory.

It was a good visit.

The drive back home was easy; and I was glad to be back home with my guys :-)

I don't think Bleu was too thrilled to the center of attention though, when I snapped a pic of him to jet off to Pam ;-)

Picture of Bleu to Pam; his eyes were saying, 'Mooommm!' and he was looking like a put-upon-tweenager. LOL