July 10th: Last night after David left for home, Holland finished up with the Back Bumper & Bike Rack revisions: he did a good job :-)
Before David left, he assured us we could "stay as long as you want". But we'll be leaving Wednesday, or Thursday. We don't to wear our welcome out - David is a good friend, and we don't want to spoil that friendship bond.
And Bleu's attitude changed significantly after Sonny was gone: the brattiness disappeared, and he's been on his best behavior ever since. He still jumps on people - and he still draws blood on Holland's arms, and we're trying to find ways to curb him of doing that; he's still a puppy, so hopefully as he grows, the blood-letting will cease. His toenails are long and sharp, and I don't think we can trim them back any further than they already are without nicking into the quick.
Holland finished the Bumper Rack adjustments, & secured the bikes last night; good thing he covered them too, because the ocean mist was very heavy this morning.
Bleu settled down with Sonny gone.
And Holland decided to trust him with night time freedom; we keep blue lights on at night.
This morning Holland called his prosthodontist to make an appointment for a denture refitting - he likes his new set, but they are giving him gum blisters: something needs to be done so they sit comfortably in his mouth - they are too tight, and need a bit of a trimming. My mother and step-father wore dentures, so I understand the procedure.
After the phone call, we decided to drive up and down the Beach area - we started with Seaview, Ilwaco, and Chinook … then turned around and drove through Longbeach, Ocean Park, and Oysterville :-)
On our way back through Ilwaco, we thought we'd check out the KOA Park, just in case we want to be beach bums a little longer … it's been bought out, renamed, and repriced: WOWSERS! Once we were quotes the daily rates (no weekly or monthly rate breaks here), we understood why there were only three or four occupied spaces.
Then we touched down at Chen's Chinese Restaurant, before booking for some driving up and down the beach ;-)
Wet, misty morning in Longbeach-WA
Cape Disappointment Lighthouse & Observatory seen from North Jetty State Park in Ilwaco-WA; this is as close as we'll ever get to it.
We didn't miss anything … this lighthouse is not being maintained (internet pic).
Graceful Sand Cranes.
Thought we'd check out this RV Place - NO WAY! $75 just to park - $85 for full-hook up. Too rich for our blood.
Lunch at Chen's; Longbeach-WA
Holland is teaching me to drive on the beach - he's a good teacher ;-)
Holland is learning to use the video feature on my phone; it's a first for him, but he's got to learn: we're a Team. Longbeach-WA
Honeymoon fun: re-living our younger years in our golden years; LOL. Honeymoons usually lasts from 6 months to 2 years - we've met in the middle, and decided on a 1-year length ;-)
Beach between Ocean Park & Oysterville-WA
What IS it …
Leaving the beach, we saw this weird structure … found a picture on the internet; and still no explanation of WHAT this thing is.
When we got back home, I asked Holland if he'd like to watch a couple movies with me: Jean-Claude Van Damme's 'The Quest' (I watched it last night, but I still have 12 hours left on it - I bought the right to watch it ;-)) … then we watched 'China Cry - The Nora Lam Story', and 'The Inn of Sixth Happiness' movie.
While watching the movies, I'm knitting something for him, and it's driving him crazy that I won't tell him what it is until it's done ;-)
It was a China Day, from beginning to end. I know that China's influence in America, as far as politicians go, is a touchy topic … but self-defense maneuvers, and missionary ventures still rule with me. The martial arts effects held Holland's attention - he struggled to stay focused with the rest. But he was good about it; after all, I did suffer through the John Wick movies (all four of them) ;-)
We are both learning to bend and meet each other in the middle.
The Quest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RCMJKWUsrw
China Cry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kja6nd2-F3c
The Inn of Sixth Happiness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8UR0G7dEEs
We also tried one of the Patriot Food Packets.
We tried the 'Patriot's Spaghetti Packet for Supper; it take longer to prepare than the instructions state; and it tastes like Chef Boyardee … not my favorite - it tastes like toddler baby food. I ate as much as I could; but even the Parmesan Cheese sprinkled liberally on it did not help. We gotta add more flavor, and ingredients, to it.
And tonight is Bleu's second free range nights - we want him to be a guard dog, he can't be locked in a kennel while we sleep. Holland thinks he's old enough, and I'm relaxing on the topic.
Leaving the kennel door open, and weaning him gently; so far, no accidents - and no tearing things up while we sleep. YAY!
I also finally got the Husband Photo's changed out on my phones. Holland has been good about Bob's face being in my hand every day … but I've felt weird about it: I'm a slow learner when it comes to techy stuff - but it's all good, now :-)

Bob's Senior Class Picture/Our Wedding Picture no longer fits my New Life. I finally figured out how to get Holland's pic on my two phones … this took me 7 months to accomplish. They are both big, tall, handsome men - Elohim has blessed me twice: I am highly favored, and greatly blessed :-)