God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, April 26, 2024

RESURRECTION WEEK~Shabbat 2024, Long Beach-WA

I'm still taking things easy, resting my left arm: I'm hoping to get back to my crochet project sometime next week.

This morning, we had to make a run to the Pioneer Market, and planned to do some wave watching before coming back home.

Holland needs time to fully wake in the morning; so, I had time to polish my nails … and switch out my purse, before we walked out the door ;-)

My nails are finally 'polish length' again. LOL
My first Road Gypsy purchase; bought at a Love's Truck Stop in Utah, last May; my full-size Bible fits ;-)
Yesterday, Holland found the time to get Shay's 'Go Pro' Gift on Betsy's dash … we're trying it out, today.
Watching the waves on Cranberry Rd, Long Beach-WA; the one beach in WA, where you can drive right up to the water:  (https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/washington/drive-up-to-the-water-long-beach-wa/)
Fishing off shore! I've never seen this here, before.
Watching this 'surf fishing' was making me increasingly uncomfortable - Long Beach waves are dangerously unpredictable.
Long Beach-WA is a NO SWIM Beach:
 (https://www.visitlongbeachpeninsula.com/tips-tools/beach-safety-driving/ & https://seatemperature.info/united-states/washington/long-beach-waves-forecast.html)
3 fishermen; waves coming in fast, closer, and higher with each turn. I didn't want to watch, anymore.

We didn't stay long at the Cranberry Road beach - I was getting antsier and antsier watching the waves roll in and rock those fishermen; I finally asked Holland if we could go to another place to watch the waves.

I said, "Don't those men understand that the waves here are the most dangerous waves in the world? They may not look treacherous, but the rip tides are always present. These are killer waves; Long Beach is a "no swim" beach because the water is deadly." Holland was surprised, "Is that so?" I said, "Yes. There are signs up and down this beach warning about the waves - there are no lifeguards here. Those men are up to their thighs in greedy waves - I don't want to watch one of them die, Holland." And then, I choked up with a memory, and said, "You see beauty - I see danger. You've never watched a wave roll in and suck a person out to sea … I have: I watched a wave sneak up the beach, grab ahold of my granddaughter Alyna's little rubber boot (she was 3 years old, at the time), yank her off her feet and very speedily drag her into the surf: Tyson was barking madly at the wave, I was running after her as fast as my little legs could pump - screaming for Bob and hoping he heard my panicked voice on the wind. Scared to death to take my eyes off her little puffed coat and flailing legs. I was crying, feeling my lungs gasping for air, slowing me down - pleading with God to give me enough strength to keep after her. I finally saw a blurred Bob rushing past me on his long legs, and then he was bending down, and reaching out his long monkey arm to grab her puffed up coat. He yanked her out of that greedy wave in the nick of time. But, Holland! I'll never forget that awful sight. Or that feeling of hopelessness. I can't stay here, and watch those foolish men playing with their lives. And I can't imagine what kind of fish would make them want to risk their lives."

So, we left.

Water makes me nervous, in general. The Toutle River, in 1966, nearly claimed my life when I was swimming with my cousin Timmy; he noticed I was in trouble, and saved me before I drowned. The ocean at Beard's Hollow, Ilwaco-WA, almost claimed my life in 1971 during a family picnic on the beach … and my new stepfather saved my life, that day. Water and I are not friends.

And both of my husbands (Bob was & Holland is) water babies who can't get enough 'water time'. Go figure. I tried - and do try, for their sakes; but water really makes me nervous. I can swim - I choose not to. Water and I are not friends.

Holland knows this about me; we've talked about this, many times.

So, we left: and aimed for the Ocean Park Access, on Bay Avenue. I want Holland to be able to enjoy his wave time - he goes out of his way to make time for things I enjoy. Holland physically relaxes (I can literally see the change come over him) when he is near water: a creek, a river, the ocean. Spending time around any of them, relaxes him.

Driving along towards Ocean Park, we saw a beach access sign we hadn't noticed before … and Holland make a backtracking U-turn to check it out:

Holland did a U-turn, and we tried a different beach watching approach …
Klipsan Beach Access Road - something new for both of us ;-)
Klipsan Beach-WA
James Gang - 'Funk 49'

While Holland watched waves, I checked my phone - and saw an interesting article come up on the newsfeed …

New deep-sea species found: 

When we got back home, Holland went back to Internet researching; and I watched a movie that fit this week's purpose :-)

The Life of Jesus | English | Official Full HD Movie:    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mgUPt2KI08)

It's a pretty good movie - and stays true to Scripture: but, the acting was poor. The main character was quoting script by rote … and lacked soul depth; there was no emotional connection by any of the actors in trying to reach the audience, to be quite frank.

But the message is good, and accurate.

And the main thrust fits this holy week ;-)

L'Chiam! = "To Life!"; I added some red wine to my water - wine in the Scriptures symbolizes life, vitality, joy, blessing, and prosperity. In the New Testament, wine represents the blood of Jesus Christ.