God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, September 5, 2024


September has always been a  pivotal month in my evolving Life.

I fell in love the first time in September 1966.

I began my first newlywed life in September of 1975.

Life took root in me, in September of 1975.

I learned the hard part of love is letting go, in September of 2018.

I relived widow memories every September from 2018 to 2022.

September 2021 was the year Holland & I became friends.

A simple hello …

Thunder - 'Love Walked In' song: 

By September of 2022, Holland was openly flirting; he had been waiting decades for me to show up in his life … Elohim was emboldening him,  and he was making his big move ;-)

When September of 2023 rolled around, Holland & I were newlyweds living a road gypsy life, traveling from coast to coast … and enjoying beautiful desert sunrises & sunsets.

Desert Sunrise; Pumpernickel Valley-NV
Betsy (4x Pickup) & Independence (5th Wheel RV); Moab-UT
There are no words to describe the beauty of an Arizona sunset.

My heart took a serious beating the September of 2018; and Elohim - in His infinite wisdom, placed Holland in my Life in 2021: directly in my footpath. My limping heart was kick-started and life once again, caught spark … and Life has been rolling along at full throttle, ever since ;-)

We are currently in Castle Rock-WA, busily shifting our things from storage (where they've were kept for 3 months while repairs were made) back into Independence (we have her back, and we are getting road-ready).

It's good to have our home back - and to have our things around us, again: coffee & coffee maker; clothes; books; cooking pans & utensils; our bed instead of the lumpy motel bed … ect.

When I put my head on the pillow the first night we got her back, my body sighed a happy simple hello ;-)

MAKEUP! Thank You, Lord ;-) I've been missing color in my life …

The other day we saw honey for sale along an I-5 roadside … so, we pulled over and bought some; we both like honey.

We had intended to only buy 1 quart, but everything on display sounded so yummy - and the fella was friendly; so we bought five different flavors.

A simple hello :-)

5 jars of organic honey.

This afternoon, I was excited to see more treasures being hauled home - and I smiled a simple hello as I put them in Betsy's cab, with me.

YES! Bible Study Tools coming home with me, today ;-)

And Holland treated me to a mexican meal that we brought home to enjoy - he loves his mexican foods ;-)

Rice Milk; I haven't had this in decades - Yummy!
Taco Salads & Beef Nachos ;-)

After Supper, I unpacked more boxes and stashed things in their places. I think one more storage haul should be the end of unpacking.

Then, I got back to work on the tiny preemie sacque gown I am knitting up - I'm glad to have my needles, hooks, pattern books, and totes of yarn in-house again …

And I am thankful that my hands are still capable of using small size needles to whip up these tiny garments for the brave hearts saying a simple hello for their first meeting outside mama's womb :-)

Preemie Sleep Sack; 1/3 done …



AMERICAN FREEDOM~Presidential Election Season 2024

ketanji brown jackson is "concerned the First Amendment is 'hamstringing the government' …

NEWS FLASH FOR THE OBAMANITE JUSTICE: (((That is WHAT the 1st Amendment is FOR!)))

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects several rights, including: 

Freedom of religion: Congress can't make laws that establish a religion or prohibit its practice.

Freedom of speech: The government can't limit free speech. 

Freedom of the press: The press is protected to promote free speech and the public's interest in information. 

Freedom of assembly: People have the right to peacefully assemble. 

Right to petition: People have the right to petition the government to address grievances.

We "The People" have seen over the past 8 years that the obama's & their obamanite DC puppets are intent of doing away with the American Constitution & American Way of Life  … and rhino's like the bush & cheney politicians are supporting a re-write to erase Christianity & strip Christians of any- and all- American Rights as drafted in the original version of the USA Constitution.

DC needs to be purged of Anti-American sentiments - and those that take a knee to anything foreign to the foundation America was founded on.

Texas Voting Laws - wisely and prudently being implemented in several other States.

IF the obamanites do not like the American Flag that was created & hoisted high during our victory over British rule in 1776; the Christian-Judeo value system that America was founded on when ties with Britain was severed; the presiding Faith of American which is Christianity … THEY ARE FREE TO LEAVE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING THEY HATE THAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT.

Elohim GREATER than obama's muslim god, & DC's paganism.
The obama hypocrisy = muslim black panther gaslighting.

But they are not given {freedom} to stage a political coup and demand the "government run the citizens".

The American Constitution - and specifically the 1st Amendment - was drafted TO HAMSTRING THE GOVERNMENT from political over-reach. "The People" run the governing of America - the politicians are our servants … not the other way around.

obmanite puppet, ketanji brown jackson, is finally getting around to WHY she was PLACED on the Supreme Court platform. She is a snake in the grass … and We The People are sick and tired of being shafted - it's time to get the lawn mower out and cut the damned ass-deep obamanite grass in DC, and get rid of the political snakes across this land in every State run by demonrats.