God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, June 28, 2024


It would be a wondrous MIRACLE if Repubs WON ALL OF DC come January 2025.

Thanks God Americans are waking up and finding their cojones, backbone, and voice - it's about time!

Trump campaign reacts to Biden's 'catastrophic' debate performance: 'Incomprehensible': 

But shameless jill biden doesn't want to withdraw into the shadows; she has the final say (and can insist he husband be replaced), and she's hanging on with an iron fist.

Her performance following the debate debacle, was shameful - she praised his clueless performance as a mother would praise a toddler who just tied their shoestrings for the very first time … then she went on to act like a game shoe host whipping up the audience. With over-the-top lying lips.

TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) was in full swing last night: these people have lost their minds, as well as their souls, to barak hussein obama - who is the master of lies and deception - a shameless spawn of Hell, itself.

'The Five' reacts to Biden's disaster facing off with Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48IR8DfR1U8

Larry Kudlow: Biden imploded before our eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FpA1NtmqNM

Rumor has it that either kamala harris or gavin newsm will replace biden on the campaign trail going forward: both are additional disasters.

kamala is as bad as biden when it comes to speaking nonsense - and her "record of action" is nonexistent; she is a failure. She failed in her presidential run four years ago; and was only placed as VP because of her skin color … gender no longer matters to the obamanites, so running as a 'black woman' is questionable and dishonest: obamanites can't define what a woman is.

And they refuse to acknowledge that their obama puppet needs to pulled off the world stage … even though the world clearly acknowledges biden needs to be pulled.

Conway goes off on Kamala Harris: She is just ‘job security’ for Biden’s ‘wax figure’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym-50_BPqLA

Democrat explains why 'it's almost impossible' to take Biden off the ballot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFvrlO9jy7Y

The world reacts to US presidential debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4ED_hyw32o

You know the devil never sleeps - and the obamanites are going to pull more sneaky moves between now and November to keep a firm grip on DC power.

Remember biden did not {beat} President Trump the first time (biden was placed, not "voted" into Office) - biden's campaign was filmed from his basement … and his greedy wife jill, spoke for him when he was forced to be "before The People"; demonrat staffers cheated at the voting stations by shutting window blinds so ballot counting was not witnessed - and thousands of voter ballots were thrown out instead of counted. biden was placed: placed is not a win, and it certainly is not a "beating".

obmanites are snakes; and DC has become a snake pit.

Ramaswamy predicts Dems resorting to a ‘very different plan’ for 2024 election: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOvwaOiW2kI


Holland has shingles, too, now: stress is going to have to be eradicated from our life - as much as possible: it's now time for Holland to get rid of the Peter Pan Syndrome and start maturing.

Trying to out-maneuver Elohim's Plans for your Life will always cause stress in your Life - cutting and running when things don't go your way is not the best way to deal with upsets or frustrations.

I've had several flareups since we married, due to Holland's continual demands for self gratifications; for decades I had deliberately culled stressful situations and people from my life, and cultivated a life of peace (as much as possible).

Holland, trying to force peace through chaos (aka forcing his own will, even when wrong) has brought much stress into our 1-1/2 year marriage. Now, karma has given him a dose of what he has brought into my life: this outbreak of shingles is causing him to take notice, and start changing the way he has been doing things - he's learning to balance his wants with marital needs that will serve both of us and forge a stronger union ;-)

And while stress may not directly cause or trigger shingles, there is a link between the two. Large amounts of stress can wear away at the body's immune system, lowering its ability to defend against all sorts of viruses—shingles included.

There's no cure for shingles.

Shingles typically resolves within 2 to 4 weeks.

This afternoon we drove into Kelso, where I had a dentist appointment for a filling.

Twin City Dental-WA from Lewis River RV Park; 27 min (24.2 mi) via I-5 N
Supper Salad.

Afterwards, we took a short scenic drive before coming back to our Woodland motel room to eat a supper salad, and watch the first Presidential Debate of 2024: President Trump was strong, honest, and straightforward in his replies … obama's puppet, dementia boy biden, was a disaster in full display. It's sad. And his stupid, lying, greedy wife jill, needs to be arrested for elder abuse - biden is a frail old man who appears startled and confused when listening or answering, and he should not be paraded on the global stage by barak hussein obama; or jill biden who openly lies about her husband's "good health!" The man is deteriorating before the world's eyes!!

Facts the {panel} refuse to acknowledge: (1) biden was never {elected}; a coup is not a legal election (2) there was no {insurrection} on January 6th (3) there were no {crimes} proven in the kangaroo courts the obamanites have dragged President Trump through. What the DC obamanites have done in, and to, America since 2009 is scandalous. It's time to end the insanity and restore balance.

WATCH LIVE: Biden And Trump Participate In First Debate: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KVTDBjWB8Y)

1st 2024 Presidential Debate was a disaster for the demonrats; thank the Lord.

Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency - Post-Debate Show: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Nqbo2oUgI)

I don't care what the demonrat controlled media talking heads think … or say; but I was curious as to what Bill & Geraldo had to say. It was gratifying to hear the openly obamanite Geraldo, agreeing with stark reality for a change ;-)

'Jaw-dropping': Bill O'Reilly, Geraldo Rivera react to Biden-Trump debate: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thOnmFNoXU8)

Americans are fed up with the disastrous barak hussein obama agenda; the congressional liars in DC, and obamanite kangaroo courts - people are finally shaking off the woke hypnotism that led to blm mobs and antifa thugs roaming American streets like savages to destroy, loot, and burn entire city blocks for no coherent reason/boastful islamic racism on our streets and in our education systems/the systematic eradication of Christianity IN this Christian-founded Nation/the open destruction of heterosexual families/the shameless perversions forced on our children from kindergarten forward … and the rush to erase America in any and every way possible - especially in the way biden has thrown open our Nation's borders and flooded our Nation with muslim terrorists, and the dregs of communist and socialist countries that have emptied their prisons and mental facilities to send them marching to America where they rain chaos and murder on our people: all of this is obama's legacy of wickedness foisted onto America and American Patriots (a person who loves his or her country, and supports its authority and interests).

california this year, has made it {lawful} for ANTI-Americans to head up a {policing force} … what an ironic joke! It's yet another slap in the face to Americans: california, along with other obamanite states did away with their police force (citing racism towards "people of color") during the blm woke lunacy - and are now creating a "police" nucleus of illegals to rein in illegal activities! The demonrat insanity continues, always appearing to be more foolish (and more dangerous) than the previous crazy-train activity.

Thank the Lord not all "people of color" have been hoodwinked, as the next video highlights:

'I Came Here To Get Something Started!'~Mark Robinson Goes Scorched Earth On Dems, Promotes Trump: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfhCL_uiNt4)

We need Donald Trump in the White House again, to gain balance - and bring control again to America; American seats of power, American streets, American homes, American schools, and American lifestyle.

We need healing in America.

We've had enough of the toxic obamanite rule and DC deadheads.