God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Fox & Friends First 7/25/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP July 25, 2024: 

obiden still doesn't "see clearly": his term in the Oval Office IS A TOTAL DISASTER … and yet he, and the deadheads in his {administration} continue the cricket chatter, and spin nonsense no one believes but them. biden didn't "decide" to "step aside": he was forced out of the lead by evil power-hungry DC sharks, who smelling blood, began moving in for the kill.

The obamanites - of which biden is a proud obamanite card holder - is not about "saving" anything in America; the obamanites have done thier level best these 15 years of barak hussein obama and big mike politcal coup years, to destroy America and subjugate American Patriots: now, as brown-nosing-biden says in this video, they are going after the Supreme Court to try destroy that bastion of American Life. barak hussein obama and his demented lemmings have no shame whatsoever ... and they don't seem swift enough mentally to understand that they are on th elosing end of the DC whipping stick.

What biden is doing by holding onto the Oval Office with a death grip, is illegal - like everything else he has done since his illegal prez grab. He cannot legally stay in Office and conduct official business if he has been forced out because he is incapable of doing official business. He is legally bound to leave the White House so that laughing hyenna pretending to be a female (remember: the obamanites have officially erased true femininity - harris can no longer carry the "sexist and homophobic title of {female}" - the obamanite rule of law) can be the legal unsexed prez until our lawful President - President Donald J. Trump, The People's Choice winning by a landslide kicks her sorry ass to the curb in November and clears the White House, The House, and The Senate of the foul smell of obama's 3rd coup. If Harris continues to run a Presidential Campaign, she can no longer hold the legal title of VP - who then is current VP?

Capitol Hill in DC is a royal mess right now with the obamanite elitists holding court and indulging in fantasy gorging egomania ... and completely ignoring the legal citizenry at large.

Listening to this ridiculous self-centered video speech, it is clear that biden is out of touch with realtiy.

Of course biden's family members were teary-eyes: the gravy train no longer flows in thier direction. Hunter is losing his pardon and will have to serve time like the peons the biden cartel dispise; gold-digger partner in crime jill, will no longer get a personal band announcement when she minces forward to dih heaping platters of lies to the adoring obamanite masses; and angry dementia joe will no longer be able to shake hius scrawy fist and shout damnation on Americans who do not do homage to him or the obamanite agenda. I'm sure "this is a painful moment" to the biden cartelas thuer reign of tyranny is finally - thank the Lord! - coming to an end; belated as it is.

And harris sounds stupid when she opens her pie hole: that awful nasal whine, the cackling hyenna laugh, and the way she talks down to the crowds she attempts to address ... is just about as appealing as her brainless motions and her clueless activities: these are a 100% no-go, and that's why she was a washout in her 1st bid for prez, 3-1/2 years ago. The biden-harris debacle would be a laughable keystone cop episode, if it wasn't so tragically real. Do the obamanites really believe that communism and socialism will "save our democracy" when it has failed in every corner of the globe that it's wicked and poisonous roots have spread? Do the black-hearted obamanites in the Oval Office, and USA's Congress, truly believe that snubbing Israel and backing the murderous terrorists hamas is beneifical to anyone with a rational thinking brain, and a love for freedom?

When the middle class is eliminated (as in taxed out of existence, and homes are conviscated), all that is left is the ultra rich (aka, politicians) and the poverty stricken (those who depended on the middle class income trickle downs that have been erased by the political elite). Communism and socialism does not work; that is why people from those countries come to America: they come in drovees to escape communism and socialsim! People fleeing communist and socialist countries to not hail hitler, stalin, lennin, mao, khamenei, castro, or barak hussein obama … as saviors: they see them as evil dictators sucking life out of the souls that inhabit the lands they have claimed in their rush to be crowned global gods :-(

Add to the FACT that HARRIS LIED TO THE WORLD ABOUT BIDEN'S MENTAL AND PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES - she has already lost the race. Her past behavior of always jumping to premature conclusions based on personal opinions, and posting on social media her biases and hyperboyle ranting; and she is shown to be untrustworthy on every level. But in her recent staunch claims that biden "is in the best of health", she has pesonally put the world in danger with her continual lies. No one wants a dishonest leader, no one wants a hysterical maniac running the country ... except 3rd world tyrants power-grabbing 3rd world countries - and America will never be a 3rd world country dispite the obamanite claim that "America is an experiement": America was never an experiment, and Americans are setting about routing the obamanite rats, and cleaning house come January 2025.

The demonrats are scrambling as thier ship continues to sink like the doomed Titanic. They are doomed because they refuse to acknowledge that America is a FEDERALIST NATION. America is not and NEVER WAS "a democracy". Every democracy that has been put in place around the Earth is a failure in practice. E.v.e.r.y.p.l.a.c.e. democracy has been embraced: it failed in ancient days ... and despite the tyrants that foist it on the populace, it will fail in real time, today.

We, The People, have watched over the past 15 years as high-ranking Pentagon officials; high-ranking FBI offcials; and obamanite groomed political judges ... have openly stated that they will not carry through with order from our duly elected Commander & Cheif, President Trump: either during his first Presidential Term, or his second one that is coming down the perverbial Pike. Those statements are treasonous, and those officials should have been demoted and tried for treason, instead of being hailed as heroes. They were not - and are not  - "heroes": they have spitefully undermined out Nation's foundation, and they are openly engaging in actions that demean the strength of America. They are traitors and should face the full penalty of thier treasonous behavior. A speaker for the FBI is now stating that "the FBI does not believe Trump was shot". This is a rididuclous statement, and an outright lie - a bullet stream was captured in the video clip that showed the assassination attempt on President Trump. I am going to go so far as to state publically that the White House, Congress, the pentagon, and the FBI are somehow enatangled in the assassination attempt: these people suffering a rabid TDS, and these instituions operating under obamanite influences; have dogedly gone after President Trump, his wife, and his children for 8 long years - and constantly came up short.

The only way they can erase President Trump permanently is by killing him. I am going to state publically that the White House, Congress, the pentagon, and the FBI are somehow enatangled in the assassination attempt.

harris, like biden is a weak obama puppet. biden is clearly not dealing with a full deck ... and harris bounces onto the stage like a tipsy 1950's suburban housewife nervously boosting up her floundering male presence.

America - and the world at large - is in trouble with the  obamanites at the helm.

We need a real American Leader, and a strong Global Leader: President Trump is that type of Leader - he has shown himself to be a true Leader at home, as well as around the globe; and rational thinking world leaders understand that, and state that publically. Nobody wants harris, except the political game players. Real people do not care about skin color or gender - real people, in real time, care about Who can get the job done. harris is not presidential material.

There's no way the idiot puppet, harris, can compete with President Trump - and that's a good thing for The People :-)