God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Enemies Within the Church – Pastor Carey Gordon


Checking "desert life" off my bucket list, and enjoying a lazy weekend :-)

White is cooler in 100-degree weather.
Driving to Parker-AZ
Parker-AZ from Quartzsite-AR; 36 min (35.7 mi) via AZ-95 N

Build Back Better: Turning Humans Into Gods – Dr. J.B. Hixson


The day dawned beautifully; warm and peaceful.

We basked in the soothing morning temperature as we drank our morning coffees, looked over an informative brochure, and talked about driving into Blythe-CA to grocery shop later, when the sun's rays weren't so intense.

Around noon, we drove the length and width of Quartzsite to get the feel of our new surroundings.

Town Mascot - camels are e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.
Camels Are Part of Arizona History:

As we drove northside, I saw what looked like a trading post, and asked Holland to "please pull over, so I can check it out."

WOW - the prices were staggering: lowest pricing was $40 … highest was $1,000.00: and this was not a Neiman Marcus setting. This was also not a trading post environment even though the storefront proclaimed such; it was a financial fleecing :-(

I love turquoise, and was hoping to buy a bit.

The jewelry was beautiful - most was chunky and heavy with silver adornment (not my taste at all), but there were some simple pieces too. Sadly, all of the eye candy was seriously out of monetary reach for the working class folk. So, I exited the luring establishment with nothing more than pictures.

Very SPENDY trinket Shop; about $100 just to walk thru the door!
HUGE hunk of raw turquoise.
Pretty … it's simplicity appealed to me, but rich or poor I couldn't mentally justify the price tag.
Payday Wednesday Date treat; something to look forward to …

We were driving the La Posa LTVA site towards our new digs (https://www.blm.gov/visit/midland-long-term-visitor-area#:~:text=LTVA%20permits%20are%20required%20from,days%20from%20date%20of%20purchase.), when I got a text from my granddaughter. I miss my grandchildren - it's complicated, so I always enjoy hearing from them when I do; and it's balm to my heart knowing at least one of them is "keeping tabs" on my whereabouts :-)

Granddaughter text ;-)

We waited until 7 P.M. to drive across the AZ-CA border to grocery shop; the sun was setting, and the evening was cooler … not that much cooler, but there was a nice warm breeze on the cooler side of the day's temperatures blowing across the desert region. I had not been to Blythe before, but Holland and his relative have. It was a nice drive, and another peek into my new husband's lifescape.

When we got back home, the males in my small family circle relaxed by watching TV (so typically male ;-)); and I settled in to enjoy a relaxing Shabbat.

7:30 PM; Street music at Albertson's in Blythe-CA
Bleu watching TV with Daddy. LOL
The Lord Bless You And Keep You - Aaronic Blessing: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-eHCxMM3PI)

Today was a good day in every way :-)