God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I'm an American - my blood runs Red-White-& Blue, through and through.

My Hebrew ancestors were walking all over this piece of dirt before Elohim caused the continents to shift and break apart: long before the term {Pangea} was coined, my people were passing the knowledge down in Oral History - later, in Written History: The Scriptures record the History in the Book of Genesis, chapter 11 & verse19.

My American Indian ancestors were walking all over America before {America} was even a concept in European pea-brain thought process.

The radical black muslim nation of islam embraced and taught by malcom x/louis farrakhan which gave rise to the domestic muslim terrorist group, the black panthers … which was the thrust behind the {first homosexual prez, the black racist barak hussein obama and his same-sex partner, michael robinson-obama} is what is now running American Government from DC: which has completely been converted to the hellish religion of islam and does it's best to run rough-shod over The People.

I am an American - a Christian American, and my ties to this piece of land run deep: long before a demonic vision took root in the rotted mind of a camel herder of saudi arabia who later created the hellish religion of islam.

DC minions may allow themselves to by run by the evil that permiates islam, but true Americans will not; there is a revolt brewing. And it's about to spill over.


The obamanite demonrat agenda for "America's future":

{{“Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby: Get the peoples’ mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding up the latter to ridicule, contempt and obloquy. Always preach true democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. Encourage government extravagance, destroy its credit, and produce fear with rising prices, inflation and general discontent. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a soft and lenient attitude on the part of government towards such disorders. By specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless.” ~Vladimir Lenin 1921.}}

VOTE WISELY - your Country & your LIFE depends on it.



The obamanite demonrat Plan - put into effect 2009; continued forward by a brainwashed DC

The obamanite demonrats given over totally to islam and money lust, will hatefully destroy America and viciously go after Christians to satisfy the devil that drives them.

The current obamanite puppets run by the Puppet Master to carry out his diabolical Plan; 'Brainless  & Cowardly'.



August 23rd: We were hoping all of yesterday for a phone call telling us that Independence was ready for pickup … we went to bed disappointed and thinking there was another unforeseen snafu which would extend our motel rent :-(

However, this morning while sitting at Woodland's 'Austin Point' beachfront, watching a fleet of salmon fishermen's boats rocking with the waves, the call finally came.

So, we hurried back to town to collect a cashier's check :-)

Going after Independence.

The bridge work on I-5 in Woodland is seriously holding traffic up; and we wondered if we'd make it to Vancouver before the repair shop closed - the call came at 1:34 PM, & we finally made the Bank at 2:30 PM … a normal 10 minute drive took nearly a full hour, and that's just in Woodland, itself!

On our way to the traffic circle, Kenny Loggins came over the airwaves - and the song seemed appropriate for the danger zone we were faced with; traffic here is very tricky, there are several wrecks a day.

And, at that particular time, Kenny Loggins came over the airwaves ;-)

BOTH freeway lanes packed - as well as the frontage street to the bank.
Backtracking the frontage street to the traffic circle, on our way to the La Center backroad; back-to-back traffic.
The song fit the mood ;-)
Kenny Loggins - 'Danger Zone' song:

Holland was sweating bullets weaving through the dicey traffic jams, and trying to make Vancouver on time - so, I suggested we take the back road through La Center, and get on the freeway there.

It worked; we made RV Pro before closing … and towed Independence behind us when we left.

Vancouver-WA from Woodland-WA; 19 min (17.5 mi) via I-5 S
Holland checked her out before we hooked up, and pulled out; the new roof looks good.
Hooking up & ready to roll ;-)

Finding a spot to park her though, was  not easy. She is looooong; and most RV Parks are booked for the Labor Day Holiday coming up. Holland tried to tap storage yards - no go, there, either: we did try with RV Storage in Ridgefield, but there was no one at the gate - and the woman on the phone was no help whatsoever. So, we drove back to Woodland, and parked Independence in a spacious parking lot kitty-corner from our motel room. There was nothing else to do. We locked Independence & Betsy up tight, and went to bed hoping they were still there in the morning - and still intact.

Tucked in for the night; Woodland-WA

August 24th: We woke early, Holland dropped Independence off at Woodland's Les Schwab … then came back to help with the packing & shifting of our things from the motel room into Betsy's cab.

This stays with us, no matter what …

Les Schwab waited until about an hour before closing shop, to get to our RV; the day was half gone, and the only RV Park we could secure a space at, was back in Castle Rock; and it was the most affordable quote we'd heard from anyone - so, that's where we went :-)

Got the brakes readjusted, & a tire replaced before we headed North …
Castle Rock-WA from Woodland-WA; 27 min (28.7 mi) via I-5 N

The Cars - 'Good Times Roll' song: 

We'd been set up here, before. We were fairly certain that this would be our fourth time back. We like it. It's located on the I-5 Corridor, halfway between Seattle-WA to the north, and Portland-OR, to the south.

Had a bit of a wait when we arrived; Holland joined the waiting game at the Office.
I chuckled when I saw our space marker ;-)

We were happy to get set up before sundown began. We were so sore from packing and shifting things out from the motel in Woodland, that by the time we wearily climbed the stairs and dropped our things on our home's floor, we collapsed in exhaustion - and didn't see the light of day again, until around 10 AM Sunday morning ;-)

It felt so good to be in our own home, & in our own bed, again.

However, we are planning on selling Independence … and possibly Betsy, too … and setting course for a new direction of our Road Gypsy Life.

Time will tell how it pans out in the end.

We are game for anything that will weave peace into our union - and this new direction may be just the ticket.

August 25th: We opened our eyes, stretched our aching bodies, and simultaneously declared today a "lazy day." We would rent a U-Haul trailer, come Wednesday, and collect our stuff from the storage shed in Woodland, then.

This entire week had been a crazy-train ride, and emotions on all sides … along with the hasty collection of Independence and relocation, had worn us to a frazzle: all we were setting our minds to do, was relax and recover.

So, that's what we did.

We drove into Longview around 4 PM to grab a couple days' munchies, but that was pretty much the extent of pushing our bodies into action. LOL

While in Longview, we treated ourselves to a bowl apiece of Baskins Robbins Ice Cream; after grocery shopping & before heading home. It had been awhile since Holland had been there … and I'd never been there before today, so it was an enjoyable treat ;-)

After we'd been home about 2 hours, Holland was watching a YouTube video about RVing couples, and he pulled his headphones off and motioned for me to do the same; then he said, "Baby, no matter how annoyed I get at times, you know I do love you, right? So don't take it personal when I'm in pain and get snippy." I grinned, and said, "Yes. I know." Then he said, "I'm watching this video about the couple who are RVing full time, like us; and the man says - "I've been married to this woman for 55 years and she annoys the hell out of me, but I love her anyway." Holland started laughing, his eyes dancing in my direction. Smiling at the happy wonder on his face (it seems he's finally understanding that togetherness includes the good, the bad, and the ugly moments = real love relationship), I said, "That's married life, Hon."

We grinned at each other, then went back to our personal interests.

At least we are laughing about married life, now ;-)

August 26th: We woke up this morning to a text on Holland's phone asking about Independence & Betsy (Holland listed them for sale, last night); hopefully we will have a sale before the week is out - if this guy flakes out, Elohim will send someone else.

Then we drove to Woodland, to grab some things out of storage, there (one of the things was the little electric heater - it's getting nippy!): we are paid up until September 1st.

We need to stay put for a few days while the AD runs on various Sale Sites, so Holland asked for a space rent extension - and was told we can move to Space #161 and stay put until September 4th; so, that's what we did.

New space = #161, until September 4th; Castle Rock-WA
Pretty purple Fall hued leaves.

We have Plans in the works, but all of that depends on how Elohim directs our footsteps ;-)

Norton Hall Band - 'He Leadeth Me' Hymn: 