God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, May 31, 2024


The Trump Trial {verdict} isn't surprising … it was a politically mandated kangaroo court with hand-picked hatemongering lemmings sitting in judgement.

Rational and logical-thinking people on BOTH SIDES of the political arena are speaking out AGAINST the verdict.

LOGICAL minded people understand what has happened: the obamanite demonrats know they have a brainless puppet sitting in the Oval Office fulfilling barak hussain obama's agenda.

RATIONAL people know that this crap-happy obiden {win} is ANYTHING "BUT!"

This {trial} was NOT ABOUT a rich man who was thought to have paid off a hooker (testimony was given that President Trump DID NOT pay out ANY $$$$$$; he wasn't even involved … and the hooker has gone on mic stating she didn't want him prosecuted - she knew this whole charade was a set-up).

This {trial} was forced on The People to keep THIER CHOICE off the voter's ballots. Period. The demonrats know their puppet isn't capable of running a winning campaign against President Trump.

This outcome is no surprise: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS in 3rd world countries lorded over by lawlessness … and the clueless obama mouthpiece in the Oval Office, and the obama planted muslim terrorists in DC's Congress are determined to destroy America, subvert The People, and run political roughshod over anyone they feel may defuse their rampant and insane power games.

Hate erodes rational thinking.

Fear engages in ridiculousness.

Religious cults thrive on both hate and fear … and destroys the mind, body, soul, and country.

KEEP IN MIND: what the hate-fueled obamanite minions have done with ONE MAN THEY HATED AND FEARED, they WILL ALSO DO to YOU, if and when you rub them the wrong way.

Hate devours everyone and everything in it's path: we see this in 3rd world countries run by power-hungry morons … and History Pages (Nero, mohammed, Hitler, pot pol, the chinese people's party, ect.  notations) highlight the dangers of what has been happening in DC & new york with corrupt leadership.

America is on a crash course with destruction.