God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, July 20, 2024

THE RIGHT THING; Hulk Hogan Speech 2024 RNC

I've never watched Hulk wrestle … blood sports aren't my thing … but, I DO KNOW WHO THIS MAN IS.

I'm glad to see he's left the obamanite darkness and come over to the light to do WHAT IS RIGHT.

I've seen Donald J. Trump many times on TV interviews through the decades, and there IS NO DOUBT that he is a TRUE PATRIOT. He loves America. He loves Americans - and he even embraces TRUE IMMIGRANTS looking for a better Life in America. But like me, he also STANDS ON AMERICAN PRINCIPLES … like LEGAL CITIZENSHIP.

If people in America want the benefits of American principles, then the SHOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM PLEDGING TO THIS GREAT NATION, AND BECOMING A LEGAL CITIZEN. If they can't do that - if they have a problem with our Constitution, our Laws, our God, and our Flag, and our women having equal rights … then they can get the Hell out (or be deported), and good riddance to them.
America should not be the dumping ground for 3rd world criminals, or the 3rd world criminally insane - and it's a crying shame that barak hussein obama has filled DC high seats of power with 3rd world criminals and 3rd world criminally insane. IT'S CRIMINAL what the obamanite demonrats have done - and are doing - to America and true Americans.

I fully support PRESIDENT TRUMP, who ACTUALLY WON A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - and will do so again. Donald J. Trump was not placed in the Oval Office because of his skin color to push a "god damn America!" agenda. Donald J. Trump was not placed in the Oval Office by a gold-digging wife manipulating an empty-headed puppet to make way for another empty headed puppet who will be pushed ahead of the class for no other reason than again, skin color: the obamanite demonrats have an agenda, and that agenda includes a {woman president} even though the obamanites have effectively eradicated womanhood in all it's truth.
It is criminal what has taken place in America since barak hussein obama's 1st coup. It's time TO STOP THE INSANITY.

WATCH: Hulk Hogan speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 4: 


July 19th: Today was Nature Day all day long :-)

I like days like today.

The sun felt so warm on my skin.

The air was filled with wonderful nature scents - my favorites: roses and fir trees.

Holland was busy researching info for our life's new direction, so I started my day by taking a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood to enjoy sunshine in the local City Park (very small 'city' with a small town vibe)

Some of the posted videos look strange because I used my Apple phone - and Microsoft won't upload videos unless I pay $1.00 for each upload; and I'm not going to do that - so, I copied the vids from one phone to the other and uploaded them that way.

Morning roses scented the breeze during my neighborhood stroll.
This is a good idea for evening walks back from the City Park.
Horseshoe Park in old town Woodland-WA
Mural depicting Woodland's beginnings.
Old Town shotgun Main Street; I crossed to the Park, here.
Horseshoe Lake, Woodland-WA
The Park is a short distance to walk to and fro, from.
I-5 freeway traffic in the background …
The walking 'trail' is very short … but I'm counting the neighborhood walk to get here as mileage ;-)

Holland came and fetched me at the end of the walking trail, and off we went in search of Lava Canyon :-)

Parts of this Day's unfolding, piggybacked on my Past experiences here - that couldn't be helped … but I wanted to share it with Holland.

Lava Canyon-WA:


I've been to Ape Cave & Lava Canyon several times (and even wrote/published a children's book about adventures there). But Holland hasn't visited any of this region, so it was all new to him.

We were enjoying the scenery - missed our turn, and had to backtrack from the Eagle Creek General Store; that was okay.

It was a nice drive.

And I finally got to the illusive store I was on the outlook for, a few years back ;-)

We both have a special place in our heart for the PNW's hairy mascot, Sasquatch, and finding his stomping grounds seemed like a fun excursion for the Day. LOL

Cougar humor posted at the Cougar Store-WA ;-)
Holland called my attention to the swallow nests in the store eves …
Pine Creek Ranger Station; Cougar-WA
DAY TO REMEMBER - Amboy, Cougar, Yale Daytrip~PAST Post:
Neither one of us had ever been this way, before; Eagle Creek Park~Cougar-WA
Eagle Creek Store, Cougar-WA from Woodland-WA; 1 hr 7 min (47.5 mi) via Lewis River Rd
Eagle Creek General Store~#NF-90, Cougar, WA 98616
Rock slice pretties from the Mt. St. Helens region …
The blue one with the brown center is the one that caught my eye.
Mt. St. Helens, on our way to Lava Canyon-WA
Thwarted by a road washout. Darn it! The last time I was here, was with my first husband and my little grandson … I wanted Holland to see it this time, but the road was too rough for Betsy.

When we got back to Woodland, we went down to the river for a while.

Mt. St. Helens-WA was visible & Mt. Adams-WA came out to wink in the sunshine … I always get excited to see this mountain, because it is tucked between (and far behind) Mt. St. Helens-WA and Mt. Hood-OR.

Mt. Hood was also visible, but the Oregon haze would have made a murky picture, so I passed on capturing him in frame.

Local water babies were at play … and the osprey young'un's are getting ready to fledge.

It was a wonderful nature day for this young hearted nature girl :-)

Hay bale field towers; Woodland-WA
Mt. St. Helens peeking over the hills between Cougar & Woodland-WA
Mt. Adams - I always get excited to see this mountain because you have to be in the right place at the right time …
Mt. Adams; WA Gorge~2017
4 Ospreys; 2 adults feeding 2 youngsters; Austin Point, Woodland-WA
These youngsters will probably fledge next week; they are already spreading their wings and feeling the breeze in the feathers.