God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, July 20, 2024


July 19th: Today was Nature Day all day long :-)

I like days like today.

The sun felt so warm on my skin.

The air was filled with wonderful nature scents - my favorites: roses and fir trees.

Holland was busy researching info for our life's new direction, so I started my day by taking a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood to enjoy sunshine in the local City Park (very small 'city' with a small town vibe)

Some of the posted videos look strange because I used my Apple phone - and Microsoft won't upload videos unless I pay $1.00 for each upload; and I'm not going to do that - so, I copied the vids from one phone to the other and uploaded them that way.

Morning roses scented the breeze during my neighborhood stroll.
This is a good idea for evening walks back from the City Park.
Horseshoe Park in old town Woodland-WA
Mural depicting Woodland's beginnings.
Old Town shotgun Main Street; I crossed to the Park, here.
Horseshoe Lake, Woodland-WA
The Park is a short distance to walk to and fro, from.
I-5 freeway traffic in the background …
The walking 'trail' is very short … but I'm counting the neighborhood walk to get here as mileage ;-)

Holland came and fetched me at the end of the walking trail, and off we went in search of Lava Canyon :-)

Parts of this Day's unfolding, piggybacked on my Past experiences here - that couldn't be helped … but I wanted to share it with Holland.

Lava Canyon-WA:


I've been to Ape Cave & Lava Canyon several times (and even wrote/published a children's book about adventures there). But Holland hasn't visited any of this region, so it was all new to him.

We were enjoying the scenery - missed our turn, and had to backtrack from the Eagle Creek General Store; that was okay.

It was a nice drive.

And I finally got to the illusive store I was on the outlook for, a few years back ;-)

We both have a special place in our heart for the PNW's hairy mascot, Sasquatch, and finding his stomping grounds seemed like a fun excursion for the Day. LOL

Cougar humor posted at the Cougar Store-WA ;-)
Holland called my attention to the swallow nests in the store eves …
Pine Creek Ranger Station; Cougar-WA
DAY TO REMEMBER - Amboy, Cougar, Yale Daytrip~PAST Post:
Neither one of us had ever been this way, before; Eagle Creek Park~Cougar-WA
Eagle Creek Store, Cougar-WA from Woodland-WA; 1 hr 7 min (47.5 mi) via Lewis River Rd
Eagle Creek General Store~#NF-90, Cougar, WA 98616
Rock slice pretties from the Mt. St. Helens region …
The blue one with the brown center is the one that caught my eye.
Mt. St. Helens, on our way to Lava Canyon-WA
Thwarted by a road washout. Darn it! The last time I was here, was with my first husband and my little grandson … I wanted Holland to see it this time, but the road was too rough for Betsy.

When we got back to Woodland, we went down to the river for a while.

Mt. St. Helens-WA was visible & Mt. Adams-WA came out to wink in the sunshine … I always get excited to see this mountain, because it is tucked between (and far behind) Mt. St. Helens-WA and Mt. Hood-OR.

Mt. Hood was also visible, but the Oregon haze would have made a murky picture, so I passed on capturing him in frame.

Local water babies were at play … and the osprey young'un's are getting ready to fledge.

It was a wonderful nature day for this young hearted nature girl :-)

Hay bale field towers; Woodland-WA
Mt. St. Helens peeking over the hills between Cougar & Woodland-WA
Mt. Adams - I always get excited to see this mountain because you have to be in the right place at the right time …
Mt. Adams; WA Gorge~2017
4 Ospreys; 2 adults feeding 2 youngsters; Austin Point, Woodland-WA
These youngsters will probably fledge next week; they are already spreading their wings and feeling the breeze in the feathers.

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