God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, February 26, 2024

BELLY FAT EXERCISES~My Senior Exercise Plan 2024; #10/Long Beach-WA


It was cold at the beach, today.

I was drinking my coffee, listening to the pounding raindrops - that sounded suspiciously like there was hail involved :-(

And when I looked out the window … I saw snowflakes!

Stormy weather outside - warmth, and coffee, inside.
If I want my aging body to be a supple as those energetic trees, I need to get busy in my she-room ;-)

While watching the snowy rainfall, and seeing the treetops vigorously swaying back and forth; I drank a second cup of warming coffee before turning the heat up in my she-room ;-)

I actually woke up this morning thinking of these exercises …
And spent some time utilizing these things, too ;-)
23 Minute Kettlebell Arms & Core Workout to Strengthen and Sculpt Upper Body and Abs: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIBpmVRm9J4)

*GLUTES EXERCISES~My Senior Exercise Plan 2024; #9/Long Beach-WA https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/02/glutes-exercisesmy-senior-exercise-plan.html


We collected 6 months worth of mail the other day while in town (it was brought out to me in a tote - no joke!) … and I was happy to open this envelope, and see this certification 😁

I have prayed long and hard about this for many decades, but during those years I was raising kids, raising neighborhood kids, and raising grandkids - there was no time: NOW, there IS time.

When Bob was in the local hospital, we both reached out to ease the suffering of others' around us (and Bob, himself was serious ill and dying). When Bob's spirit left his body at OHSU in Oregon, and I came back home to WA … I felt a calling on my Life to get involved with Hospice (before, I never knew where I {fit}, even though I knew Yeshua would use me in some ministry capacity) - there are so many people dying alone, that literally have nobody in their lives, to make passing from this life to the other, a little easier: if Elohim can use me in that regard, I can do that.

I am not doing this for $$$ - Elohim supplies ALL my needs, and wants - if it is beneficial to me, spiritually ❤️

I am showing this so that people will KNOW that I DO have ACTUAL documentation; I am not just blowing smoke or pulling a fast one.

This documentation will help me get into places, to help where I am needed. That is all I want - or need.



The obamanites are destroying America, and America's economy with their uncontrollable hatred for 1 man!

O’Leary ‘very concerned about seizing assets' amid Trump civil fraud verdict: 

On the issue of Trump being a Christian … I don't know - only Elohim knows that, for sure. What I do know, is that he is committed to Israel - and that's a positive thing for his family, and for America/Americans. What I do know, is that he is surrounding himself with people claiming to be Christians - and are not. I, personally, do not support any of them, or their brand of christendom.

I do, however, support President Trump - I think he is good for America, Americans, American lifestyle, and the American economy … and he embraces immigration done the legal route; like I do.

DC's currant atmospheric stink that upholds barak hussain obama's islamic overthrow, does not support anything American: under the obamanite coup knuckle-grip, there is a brazen disregard for our American Constitution, a total snubbing of America's Bill of Rights, a shameless back-turning on America's founding acknowledgement of God and His Word (hence the cry to get rid of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, drafted on and upholding God and His Word), and a bold and hateful outcry against Jews and Christians - no matter the skin color, though "white" is mostly quoted … even though 'white' is not a valid skin color. It's just continual hate-speak coming out of DC, under the obamanite banner of the demonrat party.

The demonrat party hates Donald J. Trump because he does not follow them or their agendas in lock-step goose stepping. He doesn't need their tainted monies. He doesn't agree with their crooked gains programs. He doesn't talk their wicked talk - or push their evil ministrations. So, they hate him with a rabid, mindless, hatred that appears to be demonically inspired and implemented. It's unlike any hatred ever seen before in America. It's decidedly not {democratic}, and it's not {christian} … despite pelosi and biden's unsuccessful sell of it under their catholic guise.

The demonrats are foolishly destroying America's economy with their ridiculously flawed hatred for 1 man … and their mindless push for a One World Government, governed by a One World Religion based on egomania.

House demonrats would not allow President Trump to be President in 2025 if THE PEOPLE VOTE him in!


I know I said I wouldn't post political stuff until November, but this came through my newsfeed yesterday - and it's too important to let slide.

House demonrats would not allow President Trump to be President in 2025 if The People vote him in!

This is outrageous.

Berman also mentioned how legal scholars filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, noting that if the justices don't decide on Trump's eligibility, "it is a certainty" that members of Congress would try to disqualify him on January 6, 2025 - (https://www.foxnews.com/media/house-democrats-could-vote-against-certifying-trump-hes-elected-writes-atlantic)

There was no insurrection, and nobody's life was endangered … that is a lie the demonrats vigorously pandered to the weak-minded hatemongers intent on destroying America, and birthing barak hussain obama's twisted nirvana based on racial division and islamic hatred.

That wicked spawn of Hell, and his demonic minions will not stop until Americans (specifically, "white Christians"), and America no longer exist.

The demonrats - obeying obama's orders - have thrown open the borders and allowed our Country to be infiltrated with terrorists from every country that literally hates America and calls for the destruction of America, Jews, and Christians; they know that if the Constitution and Bill of Rights of America is not eradicated and supplanted with communism - the demonrats will not be able to implement their plan of destruction. America has been flooded with radical muslims that refuse to obey America rules and regulations for a free society - Dearborn, for example - that wicked sector of America is demanding that the obamanites who inhabit DC start using thumb screws on Israeli leadership … and the muslim cry to antisemitism is on the rise in America.

We are hearing from the obamanites in DC that to be a Christian in America equates being an {enemy of the state}, and worthy of death. This is happening in America because barak hussain obama filled every congressional seat, judicial seat, and weak mindset he could: with radical muslim bodies and verbal hate speak.

DC no longer stands with America, or for Americans.

America has been infiltrated, and is being taken over from within, by radicalism and the flooding of America with radicals carrying a destructive mindset with them as they cross our borders from mexico and canada.

America and Americans are in serious trouble; since the 1st obamanite coup in 2009, and with the clueless puppet biden coup - run by barak hussain obama. President Trump's 2nd VOTED IN term would put a serious wrinkle in the obamanite muslim war against Americans, and that is why they are trying their damndest to make sure that VOTED IN-PERSON/w-personal photo ID 2024 ELECTION does not happen.