God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, September 29, 2024

HAPPY HEART~Shavua Tov; Ocean Park-WA

I woke up around 3 AM this morning with a rash on my wrist that had me digging at it with my fingernails … so, off my watch came: it has a metal stud used for closure on the watch band - and I am allergic to metal.

I have to be careful with dairy products; but I have to be especially careful with metal contact on my skin. This can make life very dicey. Eyewear has to fit very precisely on the sides of my face, or skin will come off when I remove them for the evening. I can only wear costume jewelry; some metal in the design is okay, if none of it touches my skin. I cannot wear a wedding ring. I have to be careful with clothing that has metal clasps, zippers, or shank closures - this includes footwear. I have to be careful with soaps, shampoos, makeup, perfumes, and adhesive Band-Aids.

Allergic reaction … metal stud closure: I covered the exposed metal with a piece of electricians tape; Holland suggested this, because the tape matches the band color.

Allergic to Metals? 6 Surprising Places They May Lurk: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/are-you-allergic-to-metals-6-surprising-places-they-may-lurk

I don't think the wrist rash would have been so bad if my immune system had not already been fighting allergic reactions from dairy products, and the toxicity of fast foods fare - another reason I want to cook our meals (I can be sure of what goes into my mouth that will affect my body); we ate fast food for 3 months straight while waiting for Independence to be repaired - healthy food is hard to use, when living in a motel for an extended period of time with an outdated microwave and a very small 'fridge.

I am still suffering itching episodes from that - that have the backs of my thighs pretty scratched up due to the infuriating itch that won't go away until the allergy abates (I do lather up with cortisone crème, but it's only a temporary fix that doesn't last). I was hoping to wear shorts when we get to Yuma-AZ, because it will be 110-degrees when we get there … but I can't wear short if my thighs look like a rabid dog attacked the back of my legs.

I recently found out that I am allergic now, to my asthma inhaler.

There is no cure for angina.

There is no cure for asthma.

There is no cure for dairy allergies.

There is no cure for metal allergies.

My body is a mess from the word "go" :-(

If I didn't trust Elohim with my Life, I'd be an anxious basket case of 24/7/365 worry: and that's no way to live. From the time I wake up, to the time I lay my head down at night … I have to trust what Yeshua did on Calvary's hill for me: Elohim has a Plan for my Life. In Him, and His Word, will I trust.

And apologize to my new husband for "being a lemon".

I'm always cautioning Holland against over-protecting me: I can't let other people's (doctor's, husbands, kids, grandkids, friend's) fears and worries trip me up.

Poor Holland; I did warn him about these things - but I don't think he realized how severe they all are. My allergic reactions have severely limited his life enjoyments, also … recipes that call for butter, milk, cream, and eggs taste different when made with substitutes; he is eating them, and not gripping - but I know his tongue misses the richness in flavor that is gone, now. His heart gets a major workout every time I have a severe asthma flareup. He worries about a possible heart attack in motion, when an angina episode kicks up a fuss. He would have liked to have slid a wedding ring onto the third digit of my left hand when we exchanged vows. He gets frustrated because he doesn't think I take these things serious enough.

I do; but I refuse to live in fear.

June 12, 2022 - Shabbat Mt. St. Helens Outing Post:  (https://jeastofeden.blogspot.com/2022/06/bobs-mountain-shabbat-mt-st-helens.html)

Life is for living … and I intend to l.i.v.e., for as long as Elohim grants me Life.

This year really put him through {the test} in more ways, than one, because I am a walking time bomb, in more ways than one.

Thankfully he's still hanging around, and wanting to make a go of this marriage that has been very challenging from every angle.

Tonight I made a mac and cheese supper using a 4Patriots packaged meal; and I added to it, as usual ;-)

I will use these meals up, because they are here and they cost quite a bit of $$$ - but once they are gone, I will start cooking from scratch; knowing exactly what (and how much of what) is going into my mouth that will affect  my body.

We bought these meals because we had planned on boondocking more than we have been, and this seemed a logical and wise decision given the plans we held then: when they arrived, I had repackaged all the 4Patriots meals we bought last year into servings for a couple, rather a family; breaking down the packages to fit our needs. But the meals are bland and basic ingredients … so, I jazz them up a bit with flavor, color, and immune-building-nutritional additives.


Half a packaged 4Patriots Mac & Cheese meal * 1-3/4 c. Water * 1-lb ground Beef * 1/2 Red Bell Pepper, diced * 1/4 Red Onion, sliced * 1 tsp. Cajun Seasoning (recipe at end of directions)

1) In a medium-sized cooking pan, brown the ground beef; remove with slotted spoon to a plate lined with paper towels to wick fatty grease.

2) Wipe the cooking pan clean, and add onion and red pepper pieces; cook just enough to soften … but not to mushy stage; remove with slotted spoon to the plate holding the draining beef.

Beef & veggies.

3) To the cooking pan, add the water - and bring to a boil. Stir mac and cheese mixture into boiling water; reduce heat to medium, and cook for 15 minutes - stirring frequently.

4Patriots Mac & Cheese
Mac & Cheese Sauce cooking.

4) Add seasoning, beef and veggies to the cheesy sauce, and cook another 5 minutes; remove from heat, and let stand for 2-3 minutes.

Seasoning added.
Tasty ;-)

Homemade Cajun Seasoning: 2 Tbsp. Paprika * 2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder * 2 Tbsp. dried Oregano leaves * 1 Tbsp. Salt (I used a salt substitute) * 1 Tbsp. Onion Powder * 2 tsp. freshly grnd. Black Pepper * 2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

Cajun Seasoning blend.

Blend well; place in a spice jar.

After Supper, I went online and found a video of the Messianic fellowship I used to attend - I miss this fellowship; but Holland would never consent to going with me, so I haven't been there since November 2023; before we were married. Winter travel is dicey, and Holland flat-out refused to go, in any season.

Rehoboth Messianic Congregation~Ted Pearce Concert:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFGxo1oJcHM)

Hezbollah confirms its leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike: 

But recently, Holland has said he would attend a Messianic fellowship in Yuma-AZ, when we get there: that makes my heart happy :-)

After the video concert ended, I glanced up … and saw a lovely sunset :-)

Lovely sunset; Ocean Bay Mobile & RV Pak, Ocean Park-WA
Elohim's promise ;-)

I have been blessed with a happy heart all week, long.

**Yesterday's Post: 'PEACE IN THE HOME; Ocean Park-WA': (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/09/peace-in-home-ocean-park-wa.html)**


September 27th: My Swan Man is vigilant about getting us back to Arizona for the winter months, in a couple days; this morning, he got the oil in Betsy changed - but he had to drive to Longview to accomplish that … I opted to stay behind and clean house.

Independence's interior straightening & cleaning needed tended to; there hasn't been time to tend to all the nooks and crannies since we collected her from the repair shop in Vancouver, 2 weeks ago.

I claimed some 'me time'; and encouraged Holland to do the same.

Holland needed alone time to listen to his music, touch base with people he he misses, and just generally have space. He has a lot on his mind (travel concerns, as well as concern for me). I've not been feeling very well for the past week … he needs alone time space.

Longview-WA from Ocean Park-WA; 1 hr 47 min (79.4 mi) via US-30 E

It was still inky black when he left the peninsula for the city.

While he was gone - I got Supper rockin'-n-rollin' (a Bean Soup), spent 3 hours taking care of business with Independence, gave ear to my recent favorite weirdo's on their podcast (there's good info being spoken, that gives me insight into my new husband), and worked on the preemie sleep sack I'm currently designing: we both had full days.

Supper, tonight ;-)I added veggies to the basic bean recipe on the package.
Everyone views 'fighting' differently …

Worth Fighting For? l The Side Piece S2 E18:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZZ3P27O7uI)

While the soup cooked, and I listened to Chris and Peaches … I tidied the rooms, organized stuff (and found the crocheted Christmas Gift Bags Garland & the Mezuzah I thought had been lost ;-)), and worked on the little preemie sacque I'm knitting; and I also thought on how we are both working together on our future together.

(((YES!!))) I was happy to find this box!
MOD striped preemie sleep sack.
MOD Striped Preemie Sleep Sack; ready for the sleeves …
There was a lot coming from that podcast, to digest and consider.

Holland is literally an answer to prayer: he completes my life as it is now, to the end of my life. He truly is a "God-send".

September 27th, 2022 'ANTICIPATION' Post: 

February 19th, 2022 'REFLECTION ~ Redeeming the Time' Post: 

My Swan Man allows me to relax - he considers my physical limitations, and pitches in to shoulder the bulk of tasks if necessary.

He gives me space - more than I need, actually.

These things were difficult for me to get used to in our first year of married life, because I wasn't used to either - my life before was kept very busy; but with new lines drawn concerning gender roles, I'm learning to relax - and enjoy alone time space (that doesn't involve widowing growth). In this marriage, I really don't have much to do, but simple domestic things like supper (I insist now, on doing the cooking), laundry, and easy house cleaning … Holland takes care of everything else (his gender lines are very specific about this).

I like being pampered and spoiled wife - but, I also like being a productive wife ;-)

September 6th, 2024 'MEET ME HALFWAY; Castle Rock-WA' Post: 

Throughout the eras, the swan metaphor was originally used as a compliment, meaning “one of a kind". Swans are a beautiful symbol of love and romance, the connection of two soulmates: mated swans remain faithful - even after the death of their mate; they are eternally connected.

In ancient paintings, the swan is associated with the autumn season and is one of five types of men: https://psycho-tests.com/blog/swan-description

In present-day England, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, the verb "swan” means "to travel", "move or behave in a relaxed way for pleasure" … generally without caring that others may feel annoyed. Swans symbolize self-esteem and security, a powerful energy to bring to mated partnerships.

Their deep connection to water reminds us to go with the flow in life and in our relationships.

In every way … and according to swan meanings … Holland fits the description of being a Swan Man: and I'm glad he is mine.

I'm glad Elohim was faithful, and that Holland finally found me ;-)

The Moody Blues - 'I Know You're Out There Somewhere' lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zix9FC_GopE

And in sharing with each other (another major happenstance with Holland), Holland is learning how to relax about his Past, so it doesn't handicap his present, or future. I let go of past hurts decades ago - but Holland's past hurts are still raw because Redmill people on that branch of his familial tree continue to spin out outrageous, and slanderous lies; and sibling deaths are still fairly recent (Tami, around 2-3 years ago).

Add to that - the pressure (out of the blue musing) of feeling he was competing with a ghost.

There were a lot of emotional stuff happening our first year of married life & gypsy life travels.

But, we've worked through the hard stuff now, and pray we both stay healthy enough to get us from WA to AZ without any more delays.

**This Week's Posts, posted September 27th:

WINDS OF CHANGE~Indian Summer 2024; Ocean Park-WA: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/09/winds-of-changeindian-summer-2024-ocean.html)

FOGGY WANDERINGS; Long Beach Peninsula-WA: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/09/foggy-wanderings-long-beach-peninsula-wa.html)

RAINY DAY LOOP DRIVE: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/09/rainy-day-loop-drive.html)**