God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, June 24, 2023


We are still waiting on Holland's teeth.

And today is moving day; we spent a month at RV outdoors & Cabins RV Park in Clatskanie … and won't be going back. The location was nice, the park hosts were not - they want the $$$$, but they clearly do not want the people or pets that come along with the moolah. If we had known this, we would not have paid for a month's stay, in advance: but hindsight is clearer that foresight.

And I really can't complain too much because living in Clatskanie for a month was actually an answer to prayer … I like Clatskanie, and at one pointed wanted to live there (Bob did not); Elohim answered that prayer of mine, so long ago, by putting Holland and this RV in my life - and arranging for me to live in Clatskanie for a month.

I am thankful for the opportunity Elohim gave me - and for the experience of enjoying the farm atmosphere, even if the Park hosts soured the experience with their self-centered nonsense. Perhaps they will loosen up and allow people in the future to actually enjoy their piece of property, but I know we will not be going back.


Today we moved from Clatskanie-Oregon to Castle Rock-WA. We had booked a week's stay (beginning with our arrival this afternoon), Wednesday afternoon. We were looking forward to the new location :-)

We set the alarm for an early morning hour, and got busy.

I gave the fur-babies breakfast - then, I jumped into the shower for a quick refreshing; afterwards, I started tearing the house down by moving everything down off countertops and into a safe place, while we would be in motion. The moving prep did not look pretty, but a house beautiful atmosphere was not the point - effectiveness, was ;-)

Finally, the kennels were placed in the truck back seat area, and we were ready to roll.

Peaceful breakfast.
Tearing my bathroom down, after my shower: it looks messy, but everything will be safe this way; Spider Plant secured in the sink basin, where it won't get upended.
Yesterday afternoon, Holland hung this Cargo Net to keep the things stored in the upper bunk of the Bunk Room in place; the net is camo color, of course ;-)
I stuffed the Loft area - and stacked it so nothing would fall onto the floor. When the puppies grow up and do not need constant attention, things up there will be tidied.
A place for everything & everything in it's place (TV pulled down and cushioned inside sleeping bag; nothing in the way of the pull-in.
While I was in the shower, Holland tore the kitchen down - he is a real blessing. He had even pulled things off the counter spaces, and placed them on the floor  out of the way of the kitchen & Livingroom pull-in's.
He had prepped his bathroom … and everything that would roll while in motion, was placed on the shower stall floor.
Sonny gets car-sick … but we made it to Castle Rock (and to Longview, later) without any vomit cleanup; THANK YOU, LORD!
Moving Day conversation; it was revealed that Holland & I had crossed paths many times in the decades, between meeting face-to-face.
Holland had been looking for me all those decades ago … and now, he has me. LOL
Holland weighed the 4x & RV at the CAT Scales; between Clatskanie-OR & Alston-Megler-OR. MAX wt., is 26,000/he was relieved to know we are not overweight … and now I can store more stuff in the 'basement' ;-)
The Peper 49r is still closed after the February kitchen fire.
We pulled over at Gateway Shell in Castle Rock, and got a burger for lunch.

The drive to our new locale was fun, and easy.

The dogs slept the entire trip; I read to Holland ways to keep canine car sickness at bay - he kept fresh air moving through the truck, and Sonny did not get dizzy or vomit in his kennel :-)

We liked what we saw when we arrived at our destination :-)

Toutle River RV Resort.
Check-in Office-Store-Info Center.
Train traffic - not too loud; but it is right directly behind the backend of the RV Park.
Our spot - tight, but we did fit.
Nestled among the pines, firs, and various other evergreens.

It's a very nice RV Park - and I love the pine-scented breezes that gently blew through while we were setting up.

After Holland got everything hooked up outside/our Home leveled; and I put everything inside back in place … we ran into Longview to get a few things.

Such "a guy" - no neatness, at all; LOL
We drove to Longview over Delameter Road. My guy knows me well; he grabbed me an ice-cold bottled Cola, at 4-Corners in Castle Rock. I love this handsome guy; he had a real workout today.

After we got back, I out things away - then took the boys out for a stroll to scope out the Park layout. It was h.o.t., so I strapped the paw booties on their paws, and they were okay with that ;-)

Walking the boys on hot asphalt - booties were in order. Holland ordered them weeks ago.

While we were walking about, Holland ordered a bike trailer to tuck the boys into when we go biking - they can trot alongside us until they get tired, then into the baby trailer they go while we finish out our exploring. Holland is always teasing me that I treat the dogs like babies … but he is the one that spoils them rotten :-)

We also went over the Park Papers that were handed to us when we checked in at the Office, earlier.

RV Park Sheets

Everyone was tuckered out, and in bed by 9 PM.

Worn out and ready for bed at 9 PM.

Tomorrow is going to be another 'on-the-go' day.