God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

RESURRECTION WEEK 2024~Spousal Date Wednesday

We're taking things slow today: yesterday had Holland concerned when my left arm - shoulder and upper back, and jawline ached; he immediately got me an aspirin and watched me swallow it before he relaxed. I assured him that we didn't need to make a trip to ER … and said, "It's probably angina - but I have been lifting and moving things too, Babe. And I spent all day yesterday working on that little project I got going. I'm sure everything is sore from being my arm being overworked."

The {little project} pattern I have designed, am writing, and working up … is being worked double, for extra warmth: it's heavy - and I did a lot of lifting & turning it, while working it ;-)

I talked with Elohim, "Thank You for this man in my Life. Please help Holland to relax. You brought Holland's decades-old-vision into being; and against my will, You made sure we met - You prepared my heart to agree with his heart. We're still newlyweds … I know You won't call me Home, yet. I love You - thank You for the love You have brought into our lives; help us to live it fully, until the set time."

Poor Holland - I do keep him on his toes.

I am at the heart attack age (67 yo), and Holland is justifiably concerned. But with angina and asthma, it's hard to discern a heart attack because the symptoms are pretty much the same when it comes down to feeling each "attack".

So, I basically just lazed around all day yesterday, studiously avoiding a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. that would include using my left arm. I don’t like to be restricted in my movements … but I don’t like the pain generated by inflamed muscles either. And I don't like my husband being worried.

I played with my Tablet for a while, under Holland's careful watch.

I watched a movie - and longingly glanced at my half-finished crochet project, my fingers itching to get back at it. But I held off. The over-used muscles needed to relax the inflammation; so I could get back at it.

Project in progress; put on hold for a few days ;-(

I made cookies - all I had to do was open the bag, pour the dry ingredients into a bowl; add an egg and a bit of water … and bake the cookies. Easy-peasy, with no hard use of my arm ;-)

I watched Holland research things on the Internet that would make our road gypsy life more enjoyable.

Holland doing research.

And I listened to Holland tell me about a seafood restaurant in Astoria that he wanted to treat me to; he said, "We'll try it out tomorrow, if you're up for it: for myself I don't care, but I know things like this are important to you. You like seafood. I think you'll like this place - it's not fancy, but it's not DQ, either."


It sounds interesting (and I'm glad it's "not fancy'); I'm not a fancy girl ;-)

We enjoyed a good night's rest.

My arm did not hurt this morning when I woke up.

It was raining; but off we went anyway.

First to Warrenton to get a couple things; then, backtracked to Mo's - on the Astoria Wharf.

Rain today, on the PNW Peninsula.
Warrenton-OR from Long Beach-WA; 33 min (21.7 mi) via US-101 S
Mo's Seafood & Chowder Restaurant, Astoria-OR from Warrenton-OR; 13 min (5.6 mi) via US-101 N and W Marine Dr
Mo's on the Wharf ;-)
Internet pictures @ moschowder.com
Mo's Astoria; #101 15th St, Astoria, OR
Mo's front door foyer …
Cozy atmosphere.
I like Aqua Glass Floats; I had a little one, for decades - but it would have gotten broken in Independence, so I no longer have it.
Glass Fishing Floats
(https://echoesoflbi.com/lost-at-sea-glass-fishing-floats/ & https://visitrockawaybeach.org/the-story-behind-glass-floats/)
All the seating was on backless benches.

We both got the Combo Plate - great minds, think alike ;-)
I got a 'Shark Bite' because I was curious; it tasted like coconut, so I was pretty sure they used 'Malibu Rum' instead of regular Rum - Holland had coffee.
And we brought a 'Family Size' Clam Chowder order home with us, for later. The chowder is delish :-)
Long Beach-WA from Mo's in Astoria; 29 min (18.9 mi) via US-101 N

The atmosphere was friendly; the Gift Shop is full of nice things (we just have no where to put any of it, in Independence).

The food was good - and the waitress was observant and attentive; and it was nice to enjoy a "sit down and dine in" environment. I do like to sample local restaurants now and then - and I do like seafood. I appreciate my husband's willingness to try this new thing out, with me; and I am especially thankful that the place was not packed with people (neither one of us like large crowds, no matter how cozy, or how tasty).

But, I don't think we'll be going back: the parking lot is postage stamp size … and Beast Betsy is not; Holland jack-knifed us into a parking slot, but it was tight getting in, and tight backing out. Parking on the street, and hiking a half mile to Mo's front door, is not workable for Holland.

But we did enjoy our "US time", there, and I would recommend it to anyone with a small compact car.

Before we left Astoria, Holland filled Betsy's tank so I can get to Rosburg tomorrow for my Bible Study time with the girls :-)

He knows I've been missing the Study, and the girls: I haven't spent time with either since this time last year.

I'm excited for tomorrow.

Holland is a good husband, and really does righteous by me; Elohim gifted me well.