God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, February 3, 2025


Carole King - 'Where You Lead' song: 

For the next few months, Holland is setting the paces - and making plans for the places we'll be traveling to: he has some ideas, and they are good ones.

This morning, we left the Fortuna Foothills this morning - and set up at The Pit Stop in Quartzsite-AZ, again 👍

Packing up in Fortuna-AZ, on the move to Quartzsite-AZ; it will feel very "freeing" to be able to take a breath that will not hurt. Thank You, Lord 😘
A welcome surprise! While packing Holland's laptop, I saw in the case pouch … what we have been turning the house inside out to find: we have been so miserable with allergies, lung burn, and headaches; that we cold barely think straight. The entire month of January passed in a brain freeze fog …
Moving is never easy 😬 No matter how many times you do it. Holland & I both said, at the same time, while packing up … "Just remember that no matter what is said or done today: I love you" ❤️ Thank God, today really was an "easy" day 👏

Independence is set up again; with everything where it needs to be for comfy living in the moment 👏

There is always a place for us, here. It does get dusty, here, too … but nothing like the Fortuna dustups 😲 I like it here; so it's no hardship to sit here a month 😁; The Pit Stop~Quartzsite-AZ
Another reason we like The Pit Stop ;-) & Noon temps … it was still 68-degrees at 11 PM.
When we got here, Holland said, "Let's have Chinese for Supper - you like it, and you deserve it. No cooking for you, tonight ❤️" … I love it when he takes control. In a good way 😘Chicken Chow Mein; Quartzsite-AZ
I was people-watching while eating: I saw this from the livingroom window … a throwback from the Mad max Era 😉

Now, I'm gonna throw caution to the wind and enjoy the wonderful feeling of "freedom!" as the sun lowers itself over today's horizon.

OH! The wonderful feeling of liberating freedom 😁
Bread - 'Freedom' song
Sundown; Quartzsite-AZ

SAY {WHAT}!; Fortuna-AZ

February 2nd, 2025: Tomorrow, we will pull stakes in Fortuna-AZ & set up in Quartzsite-AZ, again, for a couple weeks before aiming Betsy's nose towards Kingman-AZ; where we'll Park Independence for another couple weeks, before hitting the road for the PNW.

We probably won't be coming back to AZ - and Holland wants to do everything - and see everything, we can, before we leave AZ. When we get to Kingman, he's already making plans to pencil in several road trips, as well as quality time spent with Aunt Gaye.

Today, we went adventuring to see if we could find a Dam, that at one time had fed diverted Colorado River water from AZ to CA via mexico … into the Salton Sea. mexico eventually turned the tap off on their side, altogether. It interested Holland, and he thought it would be a nice historical tidbit for me to include in a Blog Post.

It was the first time I'd been out of the house in a few weeks - the dust has been so bad, I didn't want to risk lung inflammation that would hamper our anticipated move on Monday. But, today was a calm day, and I thought it might be a safe day to escape the 4 walls: so, while Holland tended to tidying things up outside (to make moving day tomorrow, easier), I quickly washed and blow-dried my hair, and put a little color on my face 👍

We drove around for 2 hours trying to find a vintage Dam from the beginning of the 1900's; we asked GPS for help - no help was forthcoming from that blond bimbo. She kept leading us to Old Town Yuma: we knew that wasn't right.

The Road Atlas was equally clueless 🤔

I asked my phone for information on a vintage Dam built in the Yuma-AZ/CA area … google directed us to the Laguna Dam, near the Imperial Dam: waaay off the direction being inquired about.

It was a bummer that we never did find what we went looking for, but it was a nice Sunday drive 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨, anyway - and we did drive to the Laguna Dam, just for fun; looping around the backside of the Yuma Proving Grounds, an back to where Independence sat in the Fortuna Foothills-AZ 😊

Along the route, we saw a border wall stretching along into the distance, and I asked Holland where we were (I knew we were no where near the border wall we are familiar with - it was in the opposite direction)he said, "That's CA's border wall". He said it so calmly. I was speechless for a heartbeat, before asking in a heat, "Are you kidding me? CA has a freaking border wall?" He said, "Yes, that is CA's border wall." I saw red, "Those hypocrites! Of all the nerve!" I saw red because CA bitches nonstop about Trump's Border Wall in Yuma-AZand here I was seeing Calexico-CA's double barrier BORDER WALL near Winterhaven-AZ.

Holland said there is also a CA Border Wall in San Diego-CA.

No  wonder CA is on fire - it's a State resting sanctimoniously proud in their lies.

CA's Tortilla Border Wall! HYPOCRITES!!The Tortilla Wall is a 14-mile section of the border fence between San Diego and Tijuana. It was completed in the early 1990s, and runs about a mile and a half into the ocean.

Leaving the Calexico/Andrade-CA Wall view behind us, and passing through Winterhaven, I saw the old jalopy "museum" I had driven past last year. I pointed to it, and said, "There is the place I have been telling you about; when I passed by it last year I thought to myself, 'that is something that would interest Holland.'" He pulled over to get a closer look at it … but not wanting to risk a lung inflammation, we just did a drive by looksee:

Cloud Museum; #1398 York Rd, Winterhaven, CA
We didn't walk the grounds, though; too risky with the dust.

It's c.o.l.d., and possibly snowing a little in Kingman-AZ, so, after chowing down on left-over fried chicken when we got back home … I finished up the pair of foot warming slippers for my big man:

The Tall Men - Vocal by Jane Russell: 

While posting the pattern to a Blogging Blog Hop, I saw that my crochet plant pot cover had been showcased on my Israeli friend's Page 😁

https://www.creativejewishmom.com/ –  Craft Schooling Sunday
MOD RUFFLED PLANT POT COVER; Fortuna-AZ:  (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2025/01/mod-ruffled-plant-pot-cover-fortuna-az.html)


SHOUT OUT to the men raised in a house with females in it:

Clothes don't fit? "I have some cash … go shopping if it will make things better for you" 👍

Her hair won't cooperate: "No problem Baby - take your time"; and he pours himself another cup of coffee 😘

The House is a wreck = he pitches in and helps tidy it up 🥰

Hungry - and no clue what will "fix it" … he grabs the keys, and comes back with tacos AND a crunch wrap 😍



Regarding politics and other "obligations"  - I'm taking a hiatus.

I'm not even going to engage with Holland when it comes to politics and self-destructive people (family or friends, both sides of our "tree"): if he wants to moan about politics … or just feels the need to blow some steam off by aimless bitching - he can call his SIL Lana; she's always up for moaning and bitching.

I've already explained this frame of mind to my husband: I'm not upset. I'm not angry. I'm just not going to spin my wheels engaging in a bitching contest over things that are out of my control; things that really don't amount to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things. I want peace and love and joy back in my life.

I've already put my family on notice that I can't be baited; and I'm clamping down on my itching fingers when it comes to media posts regarding politics. There was a new change of guard, thank the Lord - now, it's time to relax, and enjoy the peaceful vibes that piggy-back on the quick-paced law and order being set in place.

I am exhausted on all levels … emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually: staying alive is draining.

I am in no position to take on other people’s issues.

That is what Elohim is for: they need to go to Him.

Does that make me a selfish bitch?


I don’t know.

All I do know is that I’m going through my own life struggles - and I need a break from the constant shake-ups.

My hard and fast obligations are to Elohim, Yeshua, myself, and my husband. Regarding everything and everyone else … I'm taking a hiatus.