God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, August 30, 2024


It's Friday, my Island of Rest - and right on cue, Holland started in on me :-(

The augment this morning was about Sturgis; I was unpacking a wardrobe box, when I pulled out his leather jacket … he immediately went into a spiel about how he got it from a guy, "a christian guy" who was at Sturgis". Now, he knows these are fighting words (to mix christianity with the worldly bullshit that goes on at Sturgis gatherings); but he kept flapping his yap, treating me like I'm a stupid woman who doesn't understand anything at all about Sturgis. His words snapped at me before he left this morning was, "It's not what you think: people go there to buy or trade motorcycles - there is no nudity, there."

Surely he jests … and I was not born yesterday.

I was sensing a LOT of bill clinton attitude in his remark.

Sturgis is a hedonistic gathering, under the guise of "motorcycle dealership": while it is true that it is a motorcycle gathering … with that comes the wild drinking, prostitution, and drug dealing, that comes with motorcycle gangs that gather there to share their motorcycle "knowledge", their gang activity, their women - and to drink themselves stupid while making drug deals. THAT IS what Sturgis is ALL ABOUT.

Boobie Flasher at Sturgis; August 1983  - during the period Holland was there. Flashing a boob IS NUDITY.
1960's Boobie paint job at Sturgis; August 1983 - during the period Holland was there. Having nipples painted, is STILL NUDITY.

And Holland's uncles and cousins never took their wives with them on their week long Sturgis orgies: there is a reason for that. Men wanting to act like bachelor's at a week-long-kegger and drug infused orgy, do not want wives tagging along.

He treats me like I am a stupid Christian woman, who has been sheltered all my life, and don't know what I am talking about when I say"Christians and Sturgis do NOT mix - and Christians have no business going there: they can buy a motorcycle at reputable local motorcycle shops, IF that is their claim to being at Sturgis - which, I am sure is NOT the real reason they are there, at Sturgis. Witnessing for Christ? Are you serious? WHAT kind of witness do you suppose is shown when a married man claiming to be a christian drinks himself stupid and begins acting like a fool with naked 20-year old's (thinking Elohim is blind, when he's away from home), while his 40-year old wife sits at home with his children - possibly a daughter the same age as the one he's got his arm draped around at Sturgis? I can guarantee that the only witness he is showing is not one of righteous behavior; and no one is fooled - not even himself. He bites his wife's head off, back at home, because he is consumed with guilt for what he has done. And you are biting my head off now, because you know what I'm saying is truth."

1960's boobie paint jobs at Sturgis;  August 7, 2001
Booty Flashers at Sturgis;  August 7, 2001
Topless massage at Sturgis;  August 7, 2001 - NUDITY.
Stripper Bar Tenders at Sturgis;  August 09, 2021 - Ass flashing is STILL NUDITY.
Boobie Flashers at Sturgis; August 10, 2001
Topless woman riding a mechanical bull at Sturgis; August 11, 2001 - activated NUDITY.

There is not a man alive that can withstand looking at boobs and booty when it's smack dab in the face; is he seriously trying to convince me that nudity was not present - and that the Redmill men, who consistently step out of line when it comes to the call of the flesh … "did not see, or look"???

Matthew 5:27-28: Yeshua said: [27] "You have heard that it was said, `You shall not commit adultery. ' [28] But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

The phrase "lust of the eyes" appears in the New Testament in 1 John 2:15-17, which reads … Yeshua said: "[15] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for Elohim is not in them. [16] For everything in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - comes not from the Father but from the world. [17] The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of Elohim lives forever."

I have mentioned many times before over the years on my Blogs, on my FB Page, and to Holland, that my first husband and I had a biker friend that lived with us for 2 years. Dave had been in a serious motorcycle wreck in Idaho, where he had surgery to place a steel plate over the top of his skull, and surgery to repair his left tibia area so gangrene didn't set in: he needed someplace to heal, so we welcomed him into our home. He had ridden with the Hell's Angels, the Gypsy Jokers, ect.; he had spent summers at Sturgis gatherings (and Holland and his family members probably at some point, crossed paths with Dave). Dave had spent time in prisons, and had the tat's to prove it. While he lived with us, he became a fast friend; respecting our Faith, and our home environment. He became a lifelong friend to us, and I trusted him 100% with our children while they were growing up, and granddaughter too, when she came along. My first husband Bob, knew a few Gypsy Joker riders in the later 1960's and mid-1970's. My own background is filled with motorcycles - I rode them, and drove them, until our daughter came into the picture. I am not ignorant of motorcycles or motorcycling life. When Dave died in 2014, he died a Christian - he said the time he spent with us in our home living the Christian Lifestyle, changed his outlook and turned his life around - he had started attending a church in Longbeach-WA, when he moved there in the late 1980's. He never rode his Harley again to Sturgis.

Holland and his family members think Sturgis is mecca (he was at his brother's house yesterday - and this is August; I'm sure Sturgis was discussed), and they don't feel that a person claiming Christianity has to change their life around - that is why Holland scraps with me every chance he gets; the devil he entertains rises up in him and he can't help himself from nitpicking me about my Faith (100% sold-out Christianity: real Christianity, not the Redmill brand) - which leads to arguing; and I'm getting better at not raising to the bait. I know he's being mean-spirited, and I also know that Elohim is dealing with him about things he doesn't want to acknowledge, or change yet.

So, while he was gone, cooling his temper down … I put on some happy Shabbat music, and continue to wait on Elohim to bring forth His Plan for our Life together.

Joshua Aaron | Return of Hope concert: 

I saw an instrument in this video that I'd never seen before, so I researched it, and found that it is called a hurdy-gurdy … I remember Donovan, a 1960's musician singing about a hurdy-gurdy man :-)

Hurdy-Gurdy Stringed Instrument

The hurdy-gurdy is a stringed instrument that produces sound by a crank-turned, rosined wheel rubbing against the strings. The wheel functions much like a violin bow, and single notes played on the instrument sound similar to those of a violin.

Lucifer did try to drive a wedge between us this morning … but Elohim won the skirmish; and I am focusing on His blessings :-D

Our home has been alcohol and drug free 2-1/2 months: (((THANK YOU, YESHUA!)))

The heart-change will take longer, but I'm sure it will happen. I'm holding on, in Faith: (((THANK YOU, YESHUA!)))

L'Chiam Mishcopah!
[ mish-pookh-uh, -paw-khuh ] noun. an entire family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage; clan.