God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

BOOTY BUSTER EXERCISES~My Senior Exercise Plan; #13/Long Beach-WA

I'm feeling kinda punk this morning - the rain barely lets up, and running in and out between home and truck, has led to a cold with a migraine headache.


I stuck to my exercise regime: {{get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week. Or get at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. You also can get an equal combination of moderate and vigorous activity. Aim to exercise most days of the week.}}

150 minutes a week averages out to about half an hour a day.

Lower Body Workout, today …
Workout {tools} …
My 'resting' oxygen & heart rates … it comforts Holland that I use this thing, due to my arrhythmia and asthma.

35 minutes of exercise today = equal combo.

My aging body is feeling the strain of dragging my generous booty around; it's time to get back onto the action of getting it under control again ;-)

My morning attire ;-)

Of course I am 67 y.o. - my booty will never look as cheeky as it used to; but I'm still in relatively good condition, and my backside is feeling the effects of my  new husband's delicious meals:

Holland shows his heart by cooking; he prefers to cook calorie-laden foods … and I like to eat what he so lovingly prepares.

So, today, my focus was on the toning below the waist - and I set my temp by backbeat music that fit the action :-)

The Very Best Of Soul 70s, 80s,90s: 

Slightly elevated; but in the 'doing good' zone ;-)
Weighted down to keep it from bunny-hopping ahead; pedaling feels like a 10-speed changing gears.
After 20 minutes of pedaling, I was a little winded, but oxygen & heart rates barely moved.

Then, I went back to bed, feeling accomplished, comfortably sore, & praying to feel better tomorrow.

*EASY CYCLING~My Senior Exercise Plan; #12/Long Beach-WA https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/03/easy-cyclingmy-senior-exercise-plan.html


In a recent segment on MSNBC, Heidi Przybyla from Politico made a striking assertion: if you believe that your rights and inherent value come from God rather than from government, you might be labeled as a Christian nationalist or extremist.


I guess I will always be considered dangerous under the new american standards forced on Americans by that muslim devil, barak hussain obama: and his equally evil demonrat minions.

QUOTE: HEIDI PRZYBYLA - February 23, 2024: {{"I talked with a lot of experts on this and I have seen it with my reporting, Michael, which is that the base of the Republican Party has shifted. Remember when Trump ran in 2016, a lot of the mainline evangelicals wanted nothing to do with the divorced real estate mogul who cheated on his wife with a porn star, and all of that.

So what happened was that he was surrounded by this more extremist element. We are going to hear words like Christian nationalism, like the "new apostolic reformation." These are groups that you should get very schooled on because they have a lot of power in Trump's circle. And the one thing that unites all of them because there's many different groups orbiting Trump.

But the thing that unites them as Christian nationalists, not Christians because Christian nationalists are very different, is that they believe that our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any Earthly authority. They don't come from Congress, from the Supreme Court, they come from God. The problem with that is that they are determining, men, are determining what God is telling them. In the past, that so-called "natural law," it is a pillar of catholicism for instance, it has been used for good in social justice campaigns. Martin Luther King evoked it in talking about civil rights.

But now you have an extremist element of conservative Christians, who say that this applies specifically to issues including abortion, gay marriage, and it is going much further than that as you see, for instance, with the ruling in Alabama, this week that judges connected to the dominionist faction, and talking about a lot of other issues including surrogacy, IVF, sex education in schools, there's a lot in addition."}}

Heidi Przybyla: Extremist Conservative Christian Nationalists quotes -  (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/02/23/heidi_przybyla_extremist_conservative_christian_nationalists_believe_your_rights_come_from_god_not_government.html)

These media {voices} fevered by donkey pox, are laughable.

They are political hypocrites, holding rocks and waiting to stone people - and totally ignoring the beam in their own eye.

They are delusional lemmings, dancing to the warped obamanite tune that has DC in it's death grip.

I am not an adherent of NAR (the new apostolic reformation = vineyard/bethel ministries); those people are religious nuts.

I AM a Christian … a Messianic Christian; I follow the lifestyle and teaching of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus, the Messiah). My value does come Elohim (according to the government, I have no value whatsoever); HIS WAYS do supersede government authorities - and my Home is not here, on Earth; however, as long as I live on this planet, Yeshua teaches that I am to obey the governing laws AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT REMOVE ELOHIM (God) FROM THE EQUATION. Obeying Elohim must always come first for Christians.

I am not a religious person - nor am I a political lapdog (no political party owns me) - I am an American, plain and simple; my body, my thoughts, my Faith, and my opinions belongs solely to me (not some religious affiliation, or political party). I have freewill, granted to me by the grace of Elohim - whether the obamanite demonrats acknowledge these facts,  or not.

obamanite DC is doing their damndest to take those God-given Rights from me, while labeling me as a domestic terrorist if I do not goose-step to their agenda mandates.

The obamanite {governing laws} coming out of DC is not wholesome; they are not productive - destruction is all they embrace, and reap. The wicked {governing laws} being forced on Americans … the racism directed at {white = no such skin color} people (Jews and Caucasians) is muslim based (and our Congress has been infiltrated with muslims), the insane fixation with homosexuality, gender tomfoolery, perverted {sex education} in schools … and "a lot in addition" is off the charts in this "new america" run by barak hussain obama and the black panther religion!