God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, June 26, 2023


Holland got a call this morning to go get his teeth aligned for their final fitting - he had to be in Rainier-OR in an hour … and after last night's asthma episode, I went with him.

I didn't have the energy to dress fancy.

The fur-babies were loaded again without their kennels.

I choose to walk in the victory of Calvary.
At some point of my Faith Walk, my 2,023-year-old healing WILL manifest itself 100%: I choose to walk confidently in that healing regardless of what my body is doing in the moment.

On our way back over the bridge spanning both OR and WA, Holland said the prosthodontist lined his upper plate up with is nose … and then he said, "my nose has been broken so many times, I'm not sure that's the best way to line it up; but they look good. It is good work."

Then, he mentioned all the other broken bones he has had …

No wonder Holland's body is throbbing with pain!

Since Holland's teeth won't be ready until July 5th, we also confirmed a 4th of July BBQ with Pam and Frank … then we will be pulling stakes and heading off into the adventures that have been side-lined while business was tended to :-)

Driving through Kelso, Holland asked me how I was feeling, adding - "If you feel up to it, we can go get those books from Chrystal; it's on the way towards home."

I was not going to let my sore throat/chest; or the insane shingles itching/burning keep me from enjoying the Day.

YES! Please :-)

I always enjoy visiting with Chrystal … and I always enjoy reading a good book ;-)

The fur-babies were both as good as gold: no messes, and very little fussing. They are becoming trustworthy at being left alone. It won't be long now before the kennels are history and they are sleeping through the night without causing us concern.

Bag of books from Chrystal.
Sasquatch humor at Chrystal's RV Park …

After that visit, I was pretty much done in. Between the severity of last night's asthma episode - and the shingles outbreak this morning, my body's energy reserve was drained.

Tomorrow can only be better.


I was so exhausted last night that I was in bed before 9 PM (the fur-babies had kept me up most of the night, before); Holland stayed up for a bit with the fur-babies. There was train traffic off-and-on throughout the night and morning hours, but it wasn't disruptive. It was actually kinda soothing ;-)

Because I went to bed so early, I was wide awake by 5 A.M. So, I carefully got up so I wouldn't wake Holland - he needs the sleep.

I drank a couple cups of coffee, spent time with Elohim, ran the pups out two or three times, and surfed the internet while Holland's body rested.

After Holland got up … I went back to bed for a bit.

I think this may become a routine. The pups need to relieve themselves in the early morning hours - and once Holland's up, he's up: he needs more sleep than he's been getting. I don't mind getting up with the pups and letting my husband sleep, and then going back to bed for a hour or so - Holland needs at least 2 hours to fully wake up anyway - and he doesn't like a whole lot of activity or chit-chat while he's clearing the cobwebs. This routine will work for everyone ;-)

When I woke up again and rejoined husband and pups, Holland said, "Why don't we just be lazy today; it's Sunday, and we're retired. Let's take a lazy day break. We'll take the dogs down to the river … how about we leave the kennels at home and let them ride in the back cab?" Then seeing my eyes widen: I was thinking that Sonny is not trustworthy yet; Holland said, "You have to let them grow up, Baby. Trust me - they'll be okay." I finally relented, but I insisted we take two beach towels to spread on the cab floor, {just in case}.

And both pups were very good on the way to the river … and on the way back home :-)

The boys were in the back - kenneless - and they were trustworthy: NO messes.
Sonny will be the easy-going one; Bleu is more cautious and territorial.
4-wheeling at Camelot Shore, along the Cowlitz River.

When we got back home, there were two FB posts for me - I'm going to make time to see these friends before we head South ;-)

Ramona's post.
Chrystal's Post; I'll collect the books & visit tomorrow morning.

And … I cooked my first Supper meal on the RV stove. 'What's the big deal', you may be asking yourself. Well - Holland has been doing most of the cooking since we got married five months ago (1) because he likes to cook (2) he likes to BBQ/grill (3) he likes to spoil me. But tonight, I pulled the Wife Card out and waved it around saying, "Just relax. Be lazy this Sunday, and let me spoil you for a change."

I also filled some reusable coffee filter cups: Holland likes the strong stuff. I like flavored coffees ;-)

We were feeling the unhurried newly married vibe. The whole day was a relaxing, peaceful, advertisement of domesticity :-)

Cooking for the first time on this gas stove … Holland normally BBQ's with the smoker-grill.
We are trying one of the Patriot Food packages to see if they are worth the money spent on them; this meal smells good. It was okay - it will do. Next time we will eat only half a package, and I'll add cooked hamburger bits to it.
Filling the reusable coffee filters for the K-Cup Coffee Maker.
Ready for Holland's morning coffee …

Bedtime shattered the peaceful atmosphere.

I had a severe asthma attack a few minutes ago; I seriously thought Holland would watch me suffocate to death on mucus (this is not a pretty sight to see - an asthma attack gives you a swollen face, uncontrollable tears as your body fights to stay alive, strain marks on face & neck from struggling to inhale, a sore throat from the coughing fit WHILE struggling to breath, and eyes that transmit a realization that you are dying).

Holland knew just what to do: he started praying for me; found an inhaler, and made me a strong cup of coffee. I have not had an attack in a looooong time, and I was surprised at this one showing up.

My bridegroom wants me to keep inhalers at hand at all times, now: he pulled his Husband Card out and gently waved it around, saying, "I am your Husband - you promised, of your own free will - to obey me. Obey me in this. I love you, and as much as you want to go Home … you are not going to die on me." He does not want me to be lazy with my attitude about asthma, anymore. So, I guess besides carrying an inhaler in my purse, there will be one in the bedroom/both bathrooms/livingroom/and truck - I do have enough inhalers to do as he says.

BUT … I still trust Elohim (not an inhaler) to keep me alive until He calls me Home beyond the clouds. An inhaler is worthless when I cannot draw air IN. It is Elohim's compassion towards us that opened my throat and lungs to inhale. Someday it will be time to go Home, and that will not happen; and I need Holland to understand that - and be okay with that. To have overwhelming peace when that day arrives.

I love my husband.

I love being married to my best friend.

I love this Chapter of my New Life.

But my ultimate Goal is to get Home: I'd just rather not know my body is dying. I rather Holland not watch my body die.