God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, January 1, 2024

NEW DIGS~La Posa Tyson Wash; Quartzsite-AZ

We pulled stakes at Del Pueblo RV Resort this morning - it's under new management, and we just got tired of the nonsense … yesterday was the limit: I was taking an afternoon siesta and Holland was researching something on the internet when he told me later, "I heard this knocking on the back door, and wondered who was knocking on the door; I opened the door, and this upset guy tells me, 'You're in my space - you have to move'." Holland told him, "I think you're mistaken; we have this spot until tomorrow afternoon." The guy get angry and says, "Well, I paid for this space starting now; I'm going to call the Office." Holland says, "Be my guest. I just talked to the girl the other day and she told me we have this space until January 1st, so you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow to move in." When I woke up and heard that, I wasn't surprised: no one at Del Pueblo knows what is going on 99% of the time since new ownership took possession. They double-booked our space once before, and they tried to bilk us for additional charges. One of the Park monitors stopped by while we were pulling stakes and queried us on our stay … and got an earful. He said, "I'm sorry to hear that, but we are under new management and experiencing some growing pains. I hope you decide to come back next year." We just looked at him - what we experienced at Del Pueblo was not simple growing pains, it was greedy incompetency: we won't rent space from them again, when we come back this way.

We like Yuma, and we'd like to settle there at some point - but we don't want to be engaging in a sword dance.

So we hooked up and headed out, not sure where we would be spending the night, tonight.

My earlier 'Road Gypsies On The Move' Post: https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/01/road-gypsies-on-move2024.html

Semi-planned route.

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - King's Highway: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdqDeBzqlP0)

We ended up in Quartzsite-AZ again; a different area, but a good site to set up.

New Digs …
We are boondocking at Quartzsite-AZ, for the time being.

I like the wide-open spaces.

Bleu likes the freedom.

And Holland is learning to use me in Team Work - he comes from that kind of southern good-'ole-boy environment of rough-n-tough male testosterone, head of the family, protector of womanhood (aka; females are gentle creatures who should not be pressed to do any laborious activities) background. I admit I do like the manly Prince Valiant side of his character …

… but I also admit it can be frustrating at times; it's a different male personality than I am used to. I come from a hippy-dippy gender equality background where pitching in (even in strenuous, blood-sweating situations) is taken for granted, and kinda expected when necessary. Holland has certain ideas of what masculinity is - what's appropriate behavior for a mature, virile, male. He has equally strong opinions about femininity. And it frustrates him when the behaviors get muddled. It frustrates me that he is so behaviorally rigid.

We are both learning to bend - and today, the bending did not generate fireworks.

We had to use the Beast Generator tonight and it had to be shifted and turned -  I said, "I'm not useless; I can help." Holland said, "We need that generator lifted, shifted, and turned - do you really think you can do that?" I said, "Of course - I have super power when it's needed ;-)" And he was amazed while he watched me lift, slide/shift, and turn that Beast in the 4x bed. It did take some Sheerah strength (1 Chronicles 7:24), but it got done.

And I switched it on, too :-)

I'm glad he's utilizing my additional help. It will take some of the pressure off him, if he lets me help when, and where, I can … I need to have my strengths tapped - I'll let him know when an activity is too much for me to do ;-)

A propane heater; bought in Long Beach-WA, months ago: IT'S COLD here!

2024's kickoff is looking good, so far ;-)



Pulling stakes here - tearing the house down now, and ready to lock the door/hook up, and pull out :-)

This morning's sunrise; Yuma-AZ

Miranda Lambert - 'Highway Vagabond' song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtPn03FUeqA)

Not sure where we'll end up tonight … Texas was The Plan … BUT Mother Nature got a wild hair this year, and temperatures "down sunny South" are chiller than "up North" :-(

Tombstone-AZ: 37-degree morning & evening; mid-50's afternoon.

Tucson-AZ: 40-degree morning & evening; 60-degree afternoon.

Phoenix-AZ: mid-40's morning & evening; mid-60's afternoon.

Rachel-NV: 30-degree morning & 50-degree afternoon.

Mesquite-NV: mid-30's morning & mid-60's afternoon.

The morning chill is bitter COLD & the warmer afternoons still carry the chill factor; so, we sunseekers are going to be chasing the sun, hoping for some warmth to ease the bone ache of foolish youth escapades ;-)

We'll slowly be working our way northward, planning to be in WA near the end of February - first week of March at the latest. Holland has a standing medical appt. every 6 months.

All I know right now, is that we will be boondocking for a week or so … internet will be spotty, so I'll update everyone when I can. Love you all ~ hang loose and start your New Year off funtastically :-)

WELCOME 2024 ~ Please Be Better To Us, Than 2023