God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


I woke up this morning to a flood alert; we are getting some of the CA storm weather fallout :-(

Woke up to a Flood Alert …
La Paz County-AZ
Today's weather forecast thru PM~Quartzsite-AZ

While drinking my morning joy juice, I cruised some of the Handcraft Blogs I visit … and was happy to see that two of them featured 2 of my recent handcrafted items :-)

My recent handcrafted items (Thong Half-Socks & MOD Swiffer Mop Top) was featured on 2 other Blogs ;-)

Blue heard Holland waking up - so he took his 'com'on Dad, hurry up!' stance ;-)

Hark! I hear rustling behind the door; Bleu waiting for Daddy to appear …

When the sleepy cobwebs had cleared, we were both alert enough to communicate that today things might actually get done; so, we did it.

We'll be pulling stakes here, and moving westward Thursday morning - so this morning we were both feeling up to tackling the tasks that needed to be done. Holland has been doing so much around our Home, while my body regained strength these past few days … that after I rearranged the basement, I insisted that he let me heft, lift, and slip into place in Betsy's back bed a half-full 7-gal. propane can (Holland stood by, ready to help if necessary) - I was glad for my weight-lifting exercises; but he held the pour spout in place when again I insisted, hefted, lifted, and poured a full 2.9 gallon DEF liquid exhaust fluid into Beast Betsy. He's not comfortable with me doing these things, but he knows I'm comfortable knowing I can do these things to help ease the burden of what needs to be done for our journey forward Thursday morning.

I'm glad my manly man is relaxing enough now, to let me use my feminine body in beneficial ways; and trusting me enough to know the limitations of my strength - without overstepping male-female roles :-)

That was pretty much all we had to do today: so, we went for a short drive, and finally located the pizza place we have been trying to find. We ordered 2 pizza's to bring home to eat ... and did as much as we could do online before the rain came.

Recent vandalism; about 7 minutes from our current location.
We finally located the pizza place … strange location, and hard to find unless one actually stumbles across it.
Hawaiian & Meat Combo.
The storm arrived around 5 PM

Tomorrow we'll do the final wrap-up of tasks; and Thursday's pull out will be easy peasy :-)


I suppose the {FB 'Team} in alliance with the DHS's political posturing, has labeled me under the demonrats current hateful label "Domestic Violent Extremist" … which basically determines that anyone who disagrees with the obamanite agenda to pass biden off as legit, is therefore a current danger.

They mean it.

They are taking that declaration very seriously.

They actually DO MEAN that ANYONE who DISAGREES with what took place in DC, in America, on January 6th, 2021 … IS A NATIONAL THREAT to the safety of Americans!

I suppose they actually do believe that Americans should fall in line and goose-step to their insane demands to recognize fantasy as reality.

obamanite demonrat squatter admin.
DC's terrorist squad sitting in America's Congress Seats.
obamanite demonrats taking a knee to immortalize a violent druggie.
Angry witch, pelosi.
Mentally-ill richard levine, secretary of health in the obamanite-demonrat biden continual shit show.
fauci - the man who created covid in china lab and held America hostage when it was set loose in America.

However, I am not a Conservative … and I don't know anyone who is. I don't think Conservatives even understand what "being a Conservative" is; the term has been as muddied as any political moniker. It's about as interchangeable as 'democrat', 'republican', 'libertarian', ect. They have ALL lost their true meaning - if they ever had a {true} meaning.

What I AM is an American: born and bred.

What I AM is a Patriot: again, born and bred.

What I AM is someone who will not be blindly led, politically bamboozled, socially bullied, or familially hen pecked.

What I AM is someone who will always - ALWAYS - stand for what is right, as opposed to what is popular.

What I AM is someone who will not be backed into a corner and keep my eyes lowered.

What I AM is someone who will not go silently into the night.

The night may have fallen, but I intend to be heard.

DC does not own me.

And the FB {team} does not own my voice; though they do try by randomly cracking down on me and "warning" me by pulling posts/replies/emoji's/ect.

True Americans are in serious trouble in America.

I always knew this day was coming - I always expected it to come in my lifetime: now, it has arrived.

I am not cowed … I have been expecting it.

Now is not the time for those of us who love America to be silent.

I can't even be truly upset with the poor lost souls who go along with this madness: they are too stupid to realize they have traded ALL of our freedom for their self-centered wants, that are not even necessities in the grand scheme of things. Wants are not necessities; wants are always centered around selfish gains. Needs included inclusion … needs work towards the what is best for everyone.

Needs are necessities - selfishness is put aside to pull together for the betterment of the whole.

THAT has been seriously eroded since 2009.

The only violence/tyranny/domestic terrorism has consistently come from the obamanite minions: no matter how they twist the scenario, video doesn't lie - someone, somewhere has the foresight to keep a copy of what was said/done/applauded/encouraged/pushed forward by the those now holding the reins.

Like all bullies, the DC Bullies only operate in packs.

And eventually packs devour their own … and the reins are dropped.

This {America} that muslim demon, barak hussain obama, and his equally hateful sidekick michael forced on us; is not the America I knew and loved.

This "changing of the landscape" obama birthed is literally Hell on Earth.


It is not President Trump that is traitor to America or American Patriots: it was the obamanite demonrats that gave bags of $$$$$$$$ to Iran (sworn enemy of America, and our ally Israel); it is the obamanite demonrats that screamed against Trump's Border Wall - opened the floodgates to allows terrorists to stream across our southern borders - & threatens Texas for securing their state's boarder line; it was barak hussain obama that pooh-poohed muslim terrorist murders ON AMERICAN MILITARY BASES, then praised that demon god allah while declaring Elohim and Christians "domestic terrorists": it was the obamanite demonrat congress that openly  "took a knee" to allah in the hall of congress -pledging  "solidarity" with a country that openly calls for the death of Americans and Israelis; it is an obamanite demonrat congress that shuts down American voices - while giving unlimited floor time to ANTI-American voices belonging to obamanite {house representatives} that openly state their allegiance is to muslim, and south american countries (countries that openly hate America and American Patriots); it was NON-VOTED barak hussain obama, the s.e.a.t.e.d. prez with a messiah complex, that hailed fidel castro as  hero (and hillary clinton agreed with him); it is that demented witch pelosi that went after President Trump with a hellish hatred - instigated an ill-fated {'insurrection' impeachment} of President Trump, that only she recognizes … and continues to flap her flytrap with hatred towards him; it is the obamanite puppet joe biden that constantly harps on "the MAGA people" like it's a cursing (what is wrong with 'Make America Great Again!' supporters? What is wrong with being a Patriot of America? This IS America!); it was the obamanite demonrats that shut America down with a political hysteria focused on a china germ - and tried to force a vaccine loaded with that very germ on The People who refuse it (the economy took a nose dive, and has n.e.v.e.r. recovered - regardless of the DC hype claiming otherwise - prices of e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. skyrocketed); it was the obamanite demonrat congress that sided with blm terrorists and antifa henchmen & obamanite demonrat governors that allowed American cities to be ransacked, occupied by violent homegrown terrorist thugs, and openly burned to the ground (while citizens were arrested if they left their homes under the covid house arrest 'Law' passed by a lawless government).

It was President Trump that was actually VOTED INTO Office.

It was President Trump, who demanded the bags of $$$$$$$$ obama sent to Iran be returned, immediately (and got them back); it was President Trump, who immediately started securing America's Southren border with the rising of Trump's Wall; it was President Trump that put homegrown and foreign terrorists on notice; it was President Trump, that brought American Enterprises back to American soil & increased America's financial coffers; it was President Trump that placed Elohim over allah - and stood alongside our staunchest ally Israel, and the only American President to recognize … and declare Jerusalem as Israel's Capitol, placing Embassy there in a Historical power move; it was President Trump that stood tall and strong during the entire 8 years of obamanite demonrat hatred aimed at him, his wife, and his children - letting it all slide off his back, because hateful fearmongering is not truth based in reality; it was President Trump, who denounced blm and antifa terrorism … and it was President Trump, who denounced the covid hysteria and allowed people to get on with their lives.

So, PLEASE EXPLAIN how President Trump is the American hating insurrectionist????

BREAKING NEWS: House Republicans Unveil Resolution To Declare Trump Did Not Engage In Insurrection: 

IT'S ABOUT FREAKING TIME the republicans found their backbone and called the stink in DC bullshit!!!

Rational thinking People KNOW there was NO {insurrection} on January 6th, 2021.

The quote from Charles Krauthammer - April 10, 2014, becomes more relevant today than ever before: "The left is entering a new phase of ideological agitation — no longer trying to win the debate but stopping debate altogether, banishing from public discourse any and all opposition."

The DC obamanites KNOW they cannot keep biden in the Oval Office … and they KNOW they cannot trump President Trump.

STRENGTH~My Senior Exercise Plan 2024; #7/Quartzsite-AZ

We paid for an extra week's stay here at the RV Pit Stop Park, in Quartzsite-AZ: we'll pull stakes and head north, February 8th.

I've been down with allergies - sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, headache, mucus, lethargic (and I'm sure Bleu sneaking up on the bed and sleeping there with me when I napped, didn't help the situation)


I felt like some maniac was tap-dancing on my head in Stiletto heels while dragging me through a knot-hole backwards: so, any type of exercise was out of the question until this morning.

And I kept things light ;-)

Arms & Legs; today's focus.

20 Minute ARM FAT Exercises To Tone Flabby Arms Quickly - With Weights:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq-r_wSHcAQ)

We also had outside stuff to do before the rain arrived - and we both finally felt up to it, so we did it :-)

Holland has been doing so much while my body regained strength these past few days … that I insisted that he let me heft, lift, and slip into place in Betsy's back bed a half-full 7-gal. propane can (and Holland stood by, ready to help if necessary) - I was glad for my weight-lifting exercises; but he held the pour spout in place when again I insisted, hefted, lifted, and poured a full 2.9 gallon DEF liquid exhaust fluid into Beast Betsy. He's not comfortable with me doing these things, but he knows I'm comfortable knowing I can do these things to help ease the burden of what needs to be done for our journey forward Thursday morning.

I'm glad my manly man is relaxing enough now, to let me use my feminine body in beneficial ways; and trusting me enough to know the limitations of my strength - without overstepping male-female roles :-)

HEART WORK~My Senior Exercise Plan 2024; #6/Quartzsite-AZ: https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/01/heart-workmy-senior-exercise-plan-2024.html