God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, October 22, 2023


We've met all kinds of people on our road trips; some good, some not so good. The meeting with this man has not been good: I immediately picked up bad vibes and wanted nothing to do with him. Holland immediately took offense to that, and a full-on-spiritual war was engaged.

This entire past week has not been fun.

For anyone; including Bleu.

Bad vibes were seriously ricocheting off our walls.

Holland does not have a discerning spirit, and a bad spirit was trying to attach itself to Holland … and Holland was bringing it into our home after every visit. Because Holland wasn't aware of it, he was innocently giving it free rein; and it was creating impish chaos. We had a major verbal blow-out Monday morning concerning this fella, around 2 A.M.; it was so intense with anger from Holland's end, I wasn't sure we could rebound from it; I wasn't sure I wanted to, after everything that had been said. We didn't speak to each other again, until Friday afternoon, while pulling stakes to move the 5th wheel into town. The healing didn't begin until yesterday afternoon.

And it's still a touchy topic.

The Oak Point spiritual war fiasco last Fall/Winter is still a sore topic (when Holland brings up his {friends} jeannie, dan, dawn, don, grady, ect.; these people were not friendly towards me … and eventually they were not friendly towards Holland): Holland does not have spiritual discernment. This causes issues between us.

I agreed to go with Holland this afternoon to settle an agreement he had made with the man, but I wasn't happy about it: and as soon as I saw the red and black feathers bundled on a stick - and a skull on a stick shoved into the guy's front bumper, my thoughts said, "santeria religion. Now I know why my spirit was picking up bad vibes from him every time he came around; now I understand why Holland has been picking fights with me when I say I'd appreciate it if he didn't hang out with that guy." 

Evidence of santeria religion - voodoo cult.

My mother had trifled with just about every religion on the face of this Earth, so I'm more sensitive to paganism, and fringe religions (like Bethel 'christianity' - another hot topic we can't talk about civilly), than Holland is.

Even though this guy's phone number is in Holland's phone index ("call or text me when you get to where you're going man, I'd like to hear about it"), I really hope we never have anything else to do with that man and his voodoo religion.

And I am really hoping he will also drop the people from Oak Point, so we can stop dragging that bad vibes baggage around.

Holland says I'm unChristian.

Yeshua tells us to "shun evil and those that practice it."

Yeshua tells us to seek the spirit of discernment so that we are not deceived and put our souls in jeopardy.

I'll stand with Yeshua, and pray my 9-month-marriage survives this spiritual onslaught of bad vibes.


There is relationship in everything, and with everything.

Relationships take many forms …

Holland likes to cook - he likes to treat me with tasty dishes; he has a relationship with food … and shows his love for me - and to me - by cooking for me.

Holland preparing chicken to air-fry for lunch.
Holland cooking garlic bread toast (chicken will follow) in the DO-IT-ALL convection, air fryer, toaster & broiler Oven.
SO GOOD! The chicken tastes like it had been deep fried; YUM

While Holland was cooking, I checked with my Blogging friends - and saw that one of my Posts had been featured on one of the Hops :-)

My 'Wednesday WOW!' Post had been 'featured' on a Blog Hop; I've been doing these Blog Hops for decades - we are friends :-)
Aging gracefully was the theme of the Blog Hop
FASHION OVER 50 Post: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2023/10/fashion-over-50-blog-hop.html)

We were supposed to have been on the road this afternoon, but Holland had an appointment, so we stayed another day here.

While we were out and about, I was driving; the 4x needed diesel, so I did that … and I also learned about Def (important information), and where I needed to pour it: short as I am, I did okay ;-) 

When we got back home, I noticed a big, fat, saguaro cactus growing in close proximity to the tree out front of our RV: this cactus is a towering giant!

Until tonight, I hadn't noticed the HUGE saguaro cactus growing up into this tree …
It's a beefy cactus, with beefy 'arms; and it has a good sized  hole in it, where some type of bird is nesting.

There is relationship in everything, and with everything ;-)


I am not including any {news} source with this article because they all are slanted towards a chosen political viewpoint.

I stand on Scripture - Old & New Covenants.

I stand with Elohim' Word.

I stand with Israel.


We are living in the days the Prophets & Apostles longed to see.

We are living in the days where we well may HEAR, 'Come up here, daughter' … 'Come up here, son' (The Rapture): WHY anyone would WANT to ignore that Call is beyond my understanding.

E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. is in place for that occurrence.

We are living in the Days that may well kickstart the Banquet of The Lamb - which will LEAD TO the Second Return of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.

The only thing needed for that is the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem (everything is ready; except the building permit).

We are living is exciting times.

Isn't it ironic that chaotic islamic terrorism will usher in the Jewish King that will destroy islam; and replace hellish evil with peace, love, and joy?


That said … I will add this: I BELIEVE IN THE RAPTURE. I have waited for it all my life: for this time to arrive. IF the CALL comes I intend to answer it. So, to family and friends I say: "I love you. If you are saved, sanctified, and sealed - I will see you at The Banquet. If you STILL have not come to your senses … I hope you soon WILL; I want to see you in that Celestial City."

Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam, Sh’hecheyanu, V’Kiyemanu, V’Higianu LaZman HaZeh.

Translation: Praised are You, the Eternal One our God, Ruler of the Cosmos, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this moment.