God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, January 8, 2024

BIG MAN HOUSE SLIPPER SOCKS~MOD Revised Unisex Slipper Socks

Warm, manly, house slippers for Holland ;-)

We were unprepared for this cold front - metro Tucson-AZ is unprepared for this cold snap :-(

Arizona is literally "the sunniest State in America": that's why we are here - to wear shorts, tee tops, and flip flops. We came South to escape the cold winter months; and all we have experienced here since Thanksgiving … is chilly, wet winter days.

But the snow and a hard freeze below the usual elevation marker, is a real shock.

For everyone … travelers, Resort hosts, highway patrols, ect.

We're leaving faucets dripping as nightfall arrives, and the heaters are going full force: RV's are not the warmest of homes, but we weren't concerned about being Road Gypsies "down South" because the sunshine and warmth was supposed to envelop us, practically around the clock. Arizona is the land of cactuses, lizards, and tortoises.

Resort Lawn Décor; Arizona things - coral snake, saguaro cactus, & tortoise.

Currently, we are parked at the Lazydays KOA Resort in Tucson-AZ. It's a very nicely laid out Resort, and we are enjoying ourselves - we could enjoy ourselves more if we weren't freezing in our thin clothing … but we don't argue with Elohim Plan ;-)

LAZYDAYS KOA RESORT~Tucson-AZ Post (forgive my appearance - we had spent s few days boondocking in the desert: water was a precious commodity until we parked here to do laundry, shower, ect.): https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/01/lazydays-koa-rosorttucson-az.html

This snowy mountaintop is what we saw when we woke up this morning - seen up there, felt down here in the lowland metro area. Holland is appreciating his new slippers … and I am basking in my "wifyness" (is that even a real word???)

No matter - I'm feeling {it}, so that in MPO makes it a real thing :-)

Unexpected snow; seen on the hilltops … felt here, in the metro valley area.
My revised slipper pattern for Holland.

The slippers were started last night around 10:30 PM (laid aside around midnight), and finished up this morning, around 10 AM.

These slippers make up very quickly - I would have finished them last night, but I started them late in the evening, and thought it prudent to get some shut-eye around midnight ;-)

This pattern I am posting is a revamped 1976 slipper sock pattern.

I revised it because the sizing does not fit my big man's big feet.

Holland is 6'4": he has feet to match.


MOD BIG MAN HOUSE SLIPPER SOCKS~Revised Unisex Slipper Socks

Materials: Worsted weight yarn - 2 skeins wound together (may be a solid color, or 2 contrasting colors); size #J hook, tapestry needle

Gauge: in sc, with 2 strands together = 5 sts & 5 rows is 2 inches

Terms Used:

sc = single crochet

sl st = slip st

ch = chain

st = stitch

ea = each

rnd = round

rpt = repeat

bk = back

dec = decrease

EO = end off

T = turn

Note: Slipper is worked with 2 strands of yarn, together, throughout.


Rnd 1: Ch 2; work 5 sc into 2nd ch from hook to form a circle. Mark last st of this rnd, then move marker to mark the end of each proceeding row.

Rnd 2: Work 3 sc into ea sc around: you should have 15 sc.

Rnd 3: *2 sc in 1st sc, sc in ea of the next 2 sc, rpt from * around: 20 sc.

Rnd 4: *2 sc in 1st sc, sc in ea of the next 3 sc, rpt from * around: 25 sc.

Rnd 5: Increase  3 sc evenly around: 28 sc.

Start of slipper.

Work even on these 28 sc for a total of 20 rnds. DO NOT EO


Ready to start second half.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in ea of the next 12 ch; sc in each of the toe section sts, and then sc on the opposite 12 sts of the foundation chain. Ch 1-T

You should have a total of 55 sts.

From now on, sc in the bk loops (loops away from you) of ea sc.

Rows 2 thru 12: Sc in bk loops of ea sc across; ch 1-T

Ribbed section.


Row 1: Sc in ea of the next 26 sc, dec over the next 2 sts as follows - draw up a loop in ea of the next 2 sts (3 loops on hook, YO, and pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook) - twice, continue with sc in ea of the next 26 sc; ch1-T

Row 2: Sc in ea of the next 25 sc, dec twice - as before, continue with sc in ea of the next 25 sc; ch1-T

Row 3: Sc in ea of the next 24 sc, dec twice - as before, continue with sc in ea of the next 24 sc; ch1-T

Finishing: Fold back section in half, carefully matching sts. Sl st inside loops of sides together. EO and weave in loose ends.

Sl st closed back seam.
Nice back seam. Finished slipper; nice and warm.
Unexpected & unusual COLD weather ahead … the sunny days carry a bitterly cold wind. BRRR!


I was up early this morning, so I finished up Holland's slippers :-)

I finished Holland's slippers this morning.

And he slipped his feet into them as he drank his morning coffee … and groused about the snowy hilltops.

And they are keeping his feet toasty warm ;-)
BIG MAN HOUSE SLIPPER SOCKS~MOD Revised Unisex Slipper Socks: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/01/big-man-house-slipper-socksmod-revised.html)
There was visual snowfall in the hills surrounding Tucson's metro area; seen from our front door, this morning: Lazydays KOA Resort, Tucson-AZ
Poor Holland - BOTH times he's been in AZ … it has snowed!

We'll be leaving Tucson on Thursday, and Holland's been good about getting Bleu and I out of the house most afternoons; I think he understands now that we all do better when we are out and about for a little bit - it doesn't have to be a spectacular event … just a short drive, will do :-D

We went for another exploratory drive this afternoon, and saw snow-dusted mountain tops along the way …
We enjoyed a retro-style 'In & Out' Burger and fries for lunch - definitely a repeat!
Bright spot of color on a cold Monday afternoon; Tucson-AZ
Roadside art sculpture near home; Tucson-AZ

We really like Arizona, and if we ever decide to sink roots in one place … it will be in Arizona :-)


Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening.

Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.

And the month is already over.

And the year is almost over.

And already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.

And we realize that we lost our parents, friends.

And we realize it's too late to go back – everything passed us by while we were waiting for the ‘right time’ to get started.

So: let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time.

Let's keep looking for activities that we like.

Let's put some color in our grey.

Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.

And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left.

Let's try to eliminate the “after’s”.

I'll do it after...

I'll say it after...

I'll think about it after...

We leave everything for later like {after} is ours.

Because what we don't understand is that:

Afterwards, the coffee gets cold.

Afterwards, priorities change.

Afterwards, the charm is broken.

Afterwards, health passes.

Afterwards, the kids grow up.

Afterwards parents get old.

Afterwards, promises are forgotten.

Afterwards, the day becomes the night.

Afterwards life ends.

And then it's often too late.

So; let's leave nothing for later.

Because waiting, we can lose the best moments; the best experiences.

Best friends,

The best family.

The day is today.

The moment is now.

We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone what needs to be done right away.

Live your life.

Don’t wait for the right time.

It doesn’t exist.



Rabid liberal elites want us to care about January 6: and they are making it a sticking point in the 2024 Election Cycle.

But they flippantly don't care when our cities burn, businesses are blatantly ransacked by belligerent thieves, and jobs are lost due to the politically supported destruction that was applauded by the demonrat-obamanite party over the spring and summer months of 2020, where the ASS Party politicians and talking heads gleefully took to the mic and gave verbal support to the violent blm terrorists that held neighborhoods hostage as thousands of businesses were looted, damaged, or totally destroyed.

These elites don't seem to think much concering all the lives, and livlihoods, lost to fallout; they aren't concerned at all concerning the estimated $2 billion in damage after the DC sanctioned riots across America, egged on by dimwitted politicans and brainwashed {higher-educated} minions. America cannot continue as a properly functioning democracy if our great cities are self-destructing. It should be the top concern of every elected official.

Instead, all they are concerned about is their own self-importance and grandstanding in front of cameras glorifying what amounted to a day-long temper tantrum: one marred by crime and violence.

The demonrat-obama sector of society has done their damndest to turn America into a 3rd world country, WHILE trying to demonize an actual President and 99% of AMERICANS who love this country and want to see it remain FREE AND PROSPEROUS.

The obamanite-demonrat narcissism is staggering. But it goes much deeper than that. Pitting groups against each other and stoking fear and anger is how our elites … our politicians and journalists among them … keep themselves in power, while average Americans are left with the tragic aftermath.

Remember THAT TRUTH while chewing over who to vote for.

PENCIL IN TRUMP'S NAME ON 2024 VOTING BALLLOTS, and vote for America, and Americans.


Maren Morris - 'Detour' lyrics: 

This little woman loves her big guy - meeting Holland was a wonderful "detour" that will reap life-long blessings 😘

January 8th, 2023 Post: We got married Saturday morning, and beat feet to stay ahead of the incoming winter japanese typhoon storm that dumped more snow in the Sierra Mountain range, and stirred up angry waves in the Pacific Ocean.

And 'just like that' … we went from best friend status to lifetime friends as Husband & Wife 😍 I am SO blessed 🥰

We had a lot of fun enroute, and enjoyed the scenic routes both ways. Holland went out of the way to make sure my eyes had memories to enjoy … but he was careful to stay out of the pictures, saying, "I don't like my picture taken; the camera and I are not friends."

But I cajoled a picture out of him shortly after we got back from Reno … and slowly, over the months, he got comfortable with me snapping pictures of him :-)

I'm glad I can capture his presence, and his infectious laughter now; anytime I want to ;-)

My handsome Bridegroom; January 2023
Holland; January 7th, 2024~Tucson-AZ


January 7th, 2024: It is cold here. The wind gusts are brutal.

Hard Freeze coming our way …

Holland has been taking care of us very well - he prides himself on making sure the house is secure; and we are cozily safe within it's walls.

Elohim has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband :-)

Keith Urban - 'God Whispered Your Name' song:

Holland does not like the cold weather; he's chomping at the bit to cut his hair … but right now, he needs the length to keep his neck warm.

I like the way his curls kick in when his hair reaches a certain length …

I like Holland's curls - but, he's going to cut them off as soon as the weather warms up; Tucson-AZ
Holland - February 5th, 2023; Kalama-WA

Around noon, Bleu was getting himself into mischief … and Holland was thinking about a short exploratory drive around the local neighborhood.

Bleu and I were game :-)

Debate about the necessity of a half hour drive.

We didn't go far: just a looping mile or two.

Resort Lawn Décor; Arizona things that may present themselves at some point - a coral snake, a saguaro cactus, & a tortoise. So far, we've only seen the cactuses.
This week's outlook doesn't look promising, temperature wise …
Pretty chill ;-(
These store doorway fans aren't currently needed.

But it was fun for all of us - and Holland and I laughed about how stormy weather has haunted us our entire marriage to date; a winter storm chased us from Reno and through calimexarabia, on our Wedding Day, across Oregon and kept us close to home, in Washington, the early weeks of our married life.

Seriously dangerous Spring storms chased us all the way back home from West Virginia, when we drove the distance to purchase our new home.

The bending and blending of two independent and self-sufficient lives, added 10 months of emotional and spiritual tempests that at times seemed to rival mother nature's spectacular events: thank the Lord we came through those stormy moments, too (a bit shaken, but otherwise unscathed - a little scared, but wiser for the experience) ;-)

Stormy Weather marriage; LOL

When we got back home, and inside our home, domesticity comfortably wraps itself around us as we basked in loving familial cohesiveness while the rain tap-danced across Independence's rooftop :-)

Final ABB finished; box of 6 is ready to send off …
I got busy on some comfy-warm, manly, house slippers for Holland; they would have been made up months ago if we had known about the (((SUPRISE!!))) weather ;-)