God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, October 14, 2023


My rubber thongs are seriously worn down, but we've been on the road and I haven't been able to find the time to get new ones made up: I had bought four new pair, along with a spool of crochet thread, months ago - and this afternoon, I was finally able to get to them :-)

This is my own design: I first did this in 2017 … and first posted this 'on-the-fly' pattern to the Blog I had, in July of 2018.

I crocheted around the toe post of the new thongs with lightweight merchandized cotton thread to keep my inner toe skin from getting blistered. It didn’t need it to be fancy … just comfortable :-D

There is no pattern; I just got busy ;-)

But if you want to do something similar to your thongs, all you need is Size #10 Mercerized Cotton Thread, & a very small headed crochet hook. Gently pull the toe post out of the thong base. Make a chain to go around the thong post – join to encircle post and work in rounds to the upper straps, then crochet a chain long enough to reach around the strap, join to the beginning strap chain and sl st across the front of the post to the other strap and repeat. End off and weave thread in neatly. Gently push thong toe post back into place.

Begin the thread covering.
Weave in the loose thread.

Repeat for second thong.

That’s it!

Easy peasy ;-)


We've been here, in the Sonoran Desert for 11 days.

The first nine days were very hot - so the majority of our time was spent finding ways to stay comfortable: mornings we tended to household tasks; afternoons were siesta hours; and evenings were busy doing what didn't get done between morning tasks and afternoon siesta's ;-)

We have been enjoying ourselves.

We have been enjoying the sunrises and sunsets.

We have enjoyed watching Bleu enjoy his unleased freedom.

And we have been talking about getting to know "the neighbors". Holland has met two of them, & I have met one in the past 48 hours.

This morning while Holland dumped the trash and chased water, he made time to make time to meet and greet neighbors along the route.

Holland making time to take time to meet and greet the neighbors.

He also drive into town to grab some 2-cycle oil for the generators. I suggested he stop by 'Silly Al's', and get a pizza, too, while he was that way: he watches YouTube Channels, and one of the fellas he watches mentioned this Arizona Pizzeria; and Holland has been itching to try it.

While he was gone, I also got busy doing things I haven't had time to do.

I set out solar lights around the patio, while he was gone.
And taped down the foam lining the bed platform; the foam keeps us from skinning our knees and shins on the coarse wooden platform: Bleu keeps pulling it off when he jumps up and down - hopefully the duct tape will keep it in place.
Holland came home with a 22-inch diameter pizza!
I replaced my old, worn out thongs, with new ones; they worked up fast; this is my own design:

After Supper, we sat out on the patio enjoying the warm weather - and watching Bleu chase after his little rubber ball.

I was glad when the solar lights came on: they have been bouncing around in the RV basement for months, and even though I set them out … I wasn't 100% sure they would actually work.

Holland saw the first one come to life, and pointed it out to me: he also mentioned that he saw either a coyote or a fix race across the desert grit a few feet ahead. I missed that bit of excitement because my eyes were on the solar light flaring to life.

The other two lights were slow to catch life - but they eventually flared to life with a steady shine as the sunset lit the horizon ;-)

1 by 1 the solar lights came on; winkin', blinkin', and nod ;-)
We sat outside and watched the sunset for a while; 81-degrees.