God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, October 11, 2024


This journey to Arizona, will be good for us in several ways (1) we are seriously considering making Yuma our home; where we will begin forging community ties, and strengthening our marriage (2) Independence will still be put up for sale; something smaller will allow us more freedom for travel ease (3) the warming sun rays good for both of us; physically, mentally, and spiritually: this trip south is a good decision for US, all the way around, and we are trusting Elohim to work out the details :-D

Take time to enjoy the honeymoon that was sidelined with the continual Kelso interferences, all of last year.

Make it a point to spread our wings and forge a life for ourselves … for ourselves, so we can fulfil Elohim's purpose for His bringing us together.

Getting out and about to meet new people.

A sharing of common interests.

Focusing on a new start, with a refreshed heart, and a new frame of mind.

Letting Elohim hold the reins as He steers us in the direction that best suits us, our needs, and His intentions for our Life together: this mindset is how we started our Life together … it is our goal to finish with this mindset, together.

We know this accomplishment won't be as easy as sounds (we are both very independent individuals, with different viewpoints) - but we don't have to make it harder than it needs to be, either.

Ringo Starr - 'It Don't Come Easy' lyrics: 

Last evening, we packed up and pulled out of Ocean Park-WA, as the sun began to slide over the horizon … with a song in our heart, and excitement pulling us forward :-D

Bread - 'Hooked On You' Lyrics: 

Evening sky as we left Ocean Park-WA, last evening; 10-10-24

Holland drove all night long: he only stopped along the way, to diesel up.

Holland has driven this stretch of road for years; jetting from job site to job site, so he knows it very well … but it was new to me ;-)

For Independence's sake (and because we are hoping to sell her), we are sticking to freeway routes, this year. Freeway routes are easier on both the man, and the RV.

And I enjoyed Holland's stories of pastimes he spent in this region.

I napped off and on - waking and saying alert only when we passed through unfamiliar terrain.

He did pull over just shy of Williams-CA though, with the thought of grabbing some shut-eye for an hour, before pushing on to Los Angeles-CA; but the rising sun was so bright, and the sun visor to short … that those thoughts quickly dissipated.

So, he hauled the Road Atlas out, and retraced the road route he was considering for our forward momentum while waiting for his second wind to refresh him.

Sunrise coming into Williams-CA
Williams-CA from Ocean Park-WA; 10 hr 50 min (635.3 mi) via I-5 S
Pretty pink sunrise coming into Williams-CA. About 60 mi from Sacramento.
Sutter Buttes in the background; coming into Williams-CA
Sutter Buttes-CA
Glorious sunrise coming into Williams-CA, about 60 mi from Sacramento-CA

His inner battery was refreshed and holding a sufficient sputtering spark, we drove a bit further, keeping our eyes peeled for an RV Park off the I-5 thoroughfare.

TRUMP 2025~We both liked seeing this, as we rolled down  I-5 ;-)  7.40 AM
Sutter Buttes & rough Interstate roadway …

There were huge ravens darting everywhere as we approached 'Crow's Landing' - at first I thought they were immature buzzards, they were so large!

Crows aren't very liked throughout history because they are pretty much scavenger birds … so, I did a little background research when we hunkered down for the evening:

Walnut Farmer Talks Family's Founding of 'Crows Landing'-CA: 

Being the month of October, which kinda centers around crows as well as scarecrows, pumpkins, black cats, and huge yellow moons hanging low in the harvest skies - I was a little disappointed the research wasn't a bit more nefarious ;-)

The crow is often associated with death (with good Historical reason), but they can also be winged harbingers that relate to the end of one life chapter - and the start of another: I choose the chapters interpretations ;-)

History of The Crow: (https://www.thestranger.com/features/2015/09/09/22814640/we-see-death-when-we-see-crows & https://johnrcammidge.com/history-of-crows/)

Ditto for raven symbolism: a raven can represent spiritual growth, transformation, and new opportunities - coming across raven conglomerations may indicate that even if one is going through a challenging phase, there's potential for growth, and new beginnings, ahead.

Plus … crows are favorably mentioned in the Scriptures:

'The Raven' - The Grace of God (https://truthfortoday.org.uk/transcripts/T0823#:~:text=Ravens%20are%20known%20to%20neglect,care%20for%20us%20in%20grace.)

We finally spotted an RV Park Sign, at quarter to eleven AM, and he quickly turned in.

He needed rest.

I was glad he was agreeable to halt the progress forward, until tomorrow morning.

The Santa Nella RV Park is an older park, but it's nicely maintained; the hostess is kind & friendly, and the atmosphere is quiet :-D

Santa Nella RV Park-CA from Williams-CA; 2 hr 50 min (170.8 mi) via I-5 S
Santa Nella RV Park, just off I-5.
Santa Nella RV Park: #13023 CA-33, Gustine, CA
Flowering shrub hedges at the RV Park entrance; Gustine-CA
White blossoming Oleander Privacy Hedge; & Hardy Red blossoming Oleander Privacy Hedge.
Today's weather ;-)
Nice place to hunk down, and I was glad Holland agreed to rest.
We were booked for 2 sites; but were only charged for 1 site. Very generous.
Independence was parked cattacorner in the first 2 spaces …
Hunkered down and relaxing, after our 10.5 hour drive. We left Betsy hooked to Independence, because we're leaving early tomorrow morning for Quartzsite-AZ.
Holland allowing the Sandman to do his thing …
I relaxed in my own way; knitted a preemie hat to match striped sleep sacque.

**Previous Post: SUNSHINE ON THE DOCKET :-); Ocean Park-WA: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/10/sunshine-on-docket-ocean-park-wa.html)