God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, February 6, 2025


I drank my morning coffee with a smile on my face today, after reading the morning headlines:


And as soon as my coffee mug was empty, I got dressed and put some color on my face while Holland shook his morning fog cobwebs 😉

'Lt. Brown' Brow Gel; 'Glam Brown' Mascara, 'Born w-It' Lipstick, & 'Coral Ember' liquid blush.
Hard Candy's sparkly eye shadows: (1) Entire eyelid coverage (2) Inner eyelid accent (3) Outer eyelid crease; 'just enough' to brighten up the paleness ;-)

'White Diamonds' perfume; Holland likes the scent - it's the first perfume he bought his new Bride 😊 Light & feminine.
Red rash covering my entire leg - from sole to thigh; very annoying itch with a sting to it. Holland thinks the AZ dust id the culprit … I am convinced it's a combination of AZ dust, and my asthma inhaler steroids.

Shutting laptop down … and making time for today's scavenger hunt 👍 I am allergic to AZ's dust - but I can't be a hostage, stuck in my home.

Holland is really going out of his way to make sure "we see everything there is to see", before we leave AZ … on the surface, Quartzsite doesn't have much to offer besides the free camping desert land, from October to March - and the super vendor sales in January: but Holland always finds something else to check out 👌

Today, we went to take a look at what has been billed, "the largest belt buckle in the world".

It was displayed along Main Street, outside Quartzsite's Main Trading Post establishment.

It was pretty large.

It certainly was different … and impressive, adorned as it was with silver inlay - and chunks of turquoise & coral.

It is as wide as I am tall (I stand about 5' 2").

World's largest Belt Buckle: (#1170 West Main Street, Quartzsite AZ)

After getting a picture of it, I went in search of my husband 😉

I found him in the back alley, placing Pizza & BBQ Chicken Wings orders, at The Outback. We've tried just about every food establishment here - there are only 2 left, and he plans to try them before this month is out:

Outback Pizza; Quartzsite-AZ

Pepperoni Pizza & BBQ Chicken Wings~Outback Pizza; Quartzsite-AZ

Back home, enjoying the pizza and wings ... we saw the wind pick up, felt sidewind gusts rock Independence, and watched pretty large dust devils dance across The Pit Stop's parking area, before it disappeared into the dry wash that runs behind where we are parked.

A little breezy, this afternoon; Quartzsite-AZ~3:05 PM

Holland plans on adventuring this weekend, so, I did a few loads of laundry too.

And I started work on a new design.

I'm always thankful my husband agreed to this indulgence  when we purchased Independence 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Hanging clothes dry very quickly in AZ
Redesigning a vintage pattern stitch, to fit my need.
MOD Daisy St. Graph
Daisy Stitch

I am glad to feel the joy that having color in my life again, gives me.

My heart is gladdened to hear my husband happily planning exciting adventures: he is finally relaxing, and fully embracing retirement ❤️

Today was a fun day.

Today was a good day.


Bondi Confirmed & Freezes Sanctuary City Federal Funds: https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/pam-bondi-ban-sanctuary-cities-funding-b2693020.html

This wonderful bit of News greeted my eyes before I slid into bed, after I posted to my Blog - around 3 A.M. this morning. I wanted to jump and shout the Victory Dance … but Holland was sleeping. So, I merrily high-stepped upstairs, with a huge smile on my beaming face 🤝👊

It is GOOD to have a no-nonsense man WITH BALLS & a MIND OF HIS OWN 😎, in DC: whole-body muscle counts 💪

Rumor has it that the cadaverous, and the hate-America muslim jackal d.e.m.o.n.r.a.t.s., and their m.e.d.i.a.w.h.o.r.e.l.a.p.d.o.g.s. are spreading FAKE NEWS that "Elon has Trump in his pocket and is running the White House!": those moronic twits never could see the light of Day because they do the bidding of their dark prince.

Anyone who has been keeping tabs on Trump (and I have since the late 1970's) KNOWS Donald J. Trump is NOT a weak-spined man - NO ONE {knows} him (not even his closest companion); NO ONE takes what is His. And NO ONE "runs" Mr. President (inside or outside the White House).

The DC loonies are being routed; and if they keep up the street screaming and mic whoring for bad company and loose companionship, they WILL be held in contempt of Court, served with LAWFUL papers for treason, insurrection, violence, and breach of promise.

Trump & Co. learned the DC "Lessons" the first time around - now that he understands the "DC Rules", he's playing for keeps this time. The obamanites had better watch their steps from here on out, because there will no longer be "a normal back-stabbing DC Day" in DC, again.

New Sheriff in DC.

New Rules that embrace the REAL DC Rules.

New posse.

New expectations.

WE - "The People" - are taking our great Nation back, again.


4x Beast Betsy & 5th Wheel Independence = Home Sweet Home; Quartzsite-AZ

February 5th, 2025: While drinking my morning coffee, Holland said he had planned to visit 3 different sites today - we made 2, & the other will need to be rescheduled: I also got to enjoy a walk-thru I have been wanting to do every time we pass through Quartzsite … and thoughts of a taco supper was quickly replaced when another idea formed as we drove main Street. From start to finish, today was a fun adventure ❤️

As soon as I drained m y coffee cup, I pulled clothes from the bedroom - and pulled some makeup from the bathroom cabinet: in 30 minutes, we were out the front door 😁

It felt good to be out of my pj's, and out of the house; soaking up sun rays. My skin is so pale & my hair is really graying up (very little natural color now), I may have to buy some different makeup.

Glittery Heartfelt for browline.
Neutre Enflamme Crème Blush; Blue Mist Mascara; Pink Sand Crème Lipstick
Sparkly Grey for eyelid coverage; Sparkly Navy Blue for accent & eye liners; & Auburn Brow Gel - difficult to apply smoothly with the weird application brush …
Face on; Light & sunny perfume; Walking out the door.

When I came into the livingroom, I said to Holland, "I have a question to ask - and I want an honest answer; don't hold back." He got that look men get when they feel cornered, so I laughed and said, "It's not a trick question, but it is an important question; so I need a brutal answer if you have to lean that way. Here's the question: my hair is really getting gray now, and …" He quickly cut in, saying, "So what? We're Senior Citizens, now." I laughed again, and said, "I don't mind the gray hair; honestly I don't - I waited a long time for it to arrive; but my skin hasn't had time to tan up in the sunniest State of America, so I'm thinking I may need to get different shades of makeup - is what I'm wearing right now, okay? Does it work with my paleness? Is it too much, too little, or enough? I don't want to look like some of those clownish-looking women out there - so be real truthful with me. I don't want to embarrass you by looking like an over-done makeup clown." He breathed easier (poor fella! 😉) He said, "You look good. As long as you don't pack it on with a putty knife … you look good; honestly." But I pressed the point, because it will become important the more I age: "And you'll tell me if I ever start looking ridiculous?" He said, "Yes."

He's a good man 😘

Right off, we headed for the hoosegow; which according to online directions, should have been a slam-dunk as it was along Main Street. In reality motion, it was a trip finding the jail house - the location couldn't be seen street-side (it was located behind a business building); and like everything else in AZ … what is advertised to "come and see!" is like finding a needle in a haystack 😑

GPS did as best she could: but with no business sign highlighting the business building it was located behind, I tapped into my Tablet & got the actual street address - but we still had to backtrack several times (the street addresses do not follow a logical course!) before actually "getting there" 😒

It seems like every time we hunker down here, we find more historical things to explore: history intrigues me, and I'm glad my husband shares that interest 👍

Original Old Quartzsite Jail House.
Hefty, barred, windows.
Openwork metal barred jailhouse door.
Jail House History Plaque; Quartzsite-AZ

Following that historical sight-seeing venture, we tried to follow-up with another historical visitation … and got the same GPS run-around: so, Holland pulled over, I tapped my Tablet, and then I made a phone call. And, as usual, the proprietor was "out" and "will be happy to open up for you tomorrow - or Saturday, or Sunday". Hmmm. It would be interesting, but I don't know what we'll be doing tomorrow - or Saturday, or Sunday. Hell, at our age, with our "ify" bodily malfunctions (both sets of weak lungs, Holland's blood pressure issues, & my faulty heart) … we may not even be alive and kicking by the weekend.

So, with raised eyebrows, Betsy was rolling down Main Street again, towards the third point of interest.

But before we left Main Street for the dusty back street, we checked out the newly finished building behind the Tyson Wells ruins; camels were housed under the roofed 'thing' during the Quartzsite Camelpalooza Parade, that took place in January:

New roof covers the Tyson's Well Stage Station ruins; Quartzsite-AZ
Quartzsite - a.k.a. Tyson’s Wells-AZ
The construction of this 'camel shelter' does not make any logical sense to me … and no one seems to know exactly what it is - or will be. Rumors are that it will be a vendors hub-bub. Or a badly needed truck & RV wash station. I'm hoping for the later 👌

Heading towards the Day's final goal, we passed "T-Rocks", and I asked if we could stop there on our way back home. Holland said we could - and my heart was happily humming: the place looks interesting, and I am a rock hound 😁

The dusty destination "up for sale", was a vehicular boneyard, jam-packed with cast-off cars, trucks, vans, RV's, gutted mobile homes, boats, and airplanes. Mostly - from what I could see - it was all junk; but Holland was excited by all of it, in it's ghostly past and rusted glory … and I too, did see some interesting hunks of metal:

Landlocked Tug; Quartzsite-AZ
A Kit Plane.
Someone's 1954 or 1955 5-window Chevy 'chop job' … but, I like it 😊

Holland waited in Betsy, while I cruised the aisles drooling over the colorful piles of rocks littering the grounds of T-Rocks. And I promised Holland that I would "just look; not buy." I am a retired rock hound now living in a limited-space RV … no more scavenging and hauling rocks (of any size) home.

But, MAN!! I was tempted 😉

A Rock Shop with a variety of metal work, crystals, fossils, geodes and precious mineral rocks from all over the Globe.
T-Rocks#1530 W Main St, Quartzsite, AZ
Metal work dinosaurs.
Beautiful Ruby red rock with a crusted quartzite topper.
Interesting …
I'm glad I as able to walk through the aisles of rocks, today.
Metal work Buffalo.
Beautiful hunk of Quartz rock …
Quartz & Copper; Buttercream yellow center with Slade Gray shards.
Petrified wood chunk.
Another metal work  version of the Southwest's Native Deity,  Kokopelli & Metal work Raptor.
This rocky thing reminds me of owl eyes; LOL
A pretty pebbly lemon-green embedded in gray basalt rock.
The 'leopardskin' pattern is seen on the right-side rock …
Varied green, and lightly textured rock.
The rows of beautiful rocks here, is extensive.
A slab of little crystals.
A 'touch of pink'.
Pretty striped green-lilac-dusty rose-and dark gray, with threaded white …
I thought of Holland's cousin, Brenda, when I saw this mermaid: she collects mermaids.
A pretty etched rock …
Another slab of crystals.
Multicolored Sandstone formation.
Metal work Dinosaur.
Metal work Scorpion.
Metal work  Triceratops.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself looking at the rock piles, touching some of the pretty ones, & interesting ones; looking at the metal sculptures - I'm a long-standing dino freak; and I love examining ancient fossils: and I don't argue scientific timelines - Scripture says that "one day is as a thousand" in Yeshua's Creation years … so MPO is that Christianity, as well as scientific carbon dating, is relatively close (though I stand on the side of Creation as more factual).

According to science, the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old: that is ridiculous, as nothing in science is {approximate}. Broken down … one billion is equal to one thousand million. One million is equal to one thousand thousands. Ten hundreds make a thousand. Ten tens equal one hundred. And ten ones equal a ten.

Therefore Earth is relatively very young, and Yeshua has only stepped off earth for a heartbeat. Arguing timeframes and timelines are silly, because Elohim's concept of time is not comparable to man's concept of time.

I'm just going to enjoy every second of every Day, and live like there's no tomorrow - responsibly and respectfully, of course; but I am not going to be tripped up by stuff and nonsense that means very little in the grand scheme of things ✌️

After I climbed into Betsy and bent Holland's ear on the glories of the dusty rock piles, we headed home. Holland suggested finding a Taco Food Wagon, and I was in agreement.

And, then … we saw the BBQ Food Wagon with a smoker on the back end: in we nipped, and placed 2 orders to take home:

East Mesa BBQ Food Cart = Authentic Pit BBQ Smoking with wood.
A timely message as well as delish food ;-)
ALL these receivers … and STILL we have spotty internet service!

Pulling up to our front door at the Pit Stop, I laughed when I saw the bus parked in front of us. I jokingly ribbed my husband and asked, "How did a drawing of me get on the side of that bus?" We laughed all the way into Independence 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨; and throughout our meal as we watched the couple fiddle with stuff before they drove off.

Martina McBride - 'My Baby Loves Me Just The Way That I Am' Lyrics:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjyaaWmr6z8)

Supper was great 😁; tasty, spicy, and satisfying.

We watched the steady traffic flow while we ate - then I drew up a new design I think I will start tomorrow …

My BBQ Brisket Meal - YUMMY!; Holland's BBQ Meal w-Cheesy Potatoes.
We were still laughing about the 'bus artwork' when it drove away …
Sitting pretty, & watching traffic.
Repurposed buses seems to be the favored mode of travel to pass through this way.
Grafting a new design, I'll start work on tomorrow.

We're liking the easy flow of unified coziness in our humble home, too.

Life, in the moment, is very good ❤️